SmokeyMcFly's - Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry - Highbrix - LED - Grow

Ya the root growth...keeps building all thru bloom. That's why plants flowered in larger containers can support more ,larger buds....much larger main stalk. more developed root mass to feed from.
With your Sativas...about all i could add ,other than follow kit directions....would be to go lighter on the drenches. As soon as they get stressed too much in bloom , growing in smallish pots, growers would be tempted to always be giving them something . Your PCK seems to have a nice lighter green colour correct? Lighter than the others, especially the BK. Any burnt tips yet...Mg. issues? Has nice chunky bud formation! Well, gettin tired...have a great night Smokey.
Ya the root growth...keeps building all thru bloom. That's why plants flowered in larger containers can support more ,larger buds....much larger main stalk. more developed root mass to feed from.
With your Sativas...about all i could add ,other than follow kit directions....would be to go lighter on the drenches. As soon as they get stressed too much in bloom , growing in smallish pots, growers would be tempted to always be giving them something . Your PCK seems to have a nice lighter green colour correct? Lighter than the others, especially the BK. Any burnt tips yet...Mg. issues? Has nice chunky bud formation! Well, gettin tired...have a great night Smokey.

Thanks Duggs!

The sugar leaves are dying off on the panama and all the fans are crispy on the malawi. I have gone really light on the drench on these and the panama started showing signs of eating herself right before up-potting and it has not seemed to go away in the sugar leaves but the fans stopped fading. I think the malawi just got too strong of CD and follow up GE after it so nothing but water and some epsom for her I thinks. My RH might just not be high enough to keep some of these tropical sativas happy, im lucky if I can keep it above 40% at lights on not really sure what is ailing her but the buds do look good on both :passitleft:

Wow.....20 hours.....reminds me of my younger party, though it must be nice to be able to work from home.........hey can you explain the solo cup it to control the watering part of it? Do you dry then dunk the solo cups?:bigtoke:

I just start my seeds and clones in the solo cups with slits cut and twisted along the bottom rim. I usually keep a 5 gal bucket with some water in it by my veg tent and when they are dry I can just set them in it for about 15 min then drain them and put back in the tent. Sometimes they just get top watered instead depending on how lazy I am that night and whats going on :)

They're good till around 5-6 nodes and don't take up much room. :thumb:
Your report on the pennywise is spot on. As it cures it gets even better. It is nice to have a strain that doesn't wreck you but still takes care of your ailments. Try a 50/50 mix with your blue dream. For some reason the penny mixed makes both strains better.
I rolled up a fatty of it last night to give it a fresh test since we were talking bout it (like I really needed an excuse :rofl:). I must say I was ripped at the end but it only lasted about 30 min. Maybe the CBD takes a bit longer to kick in?
Your report on the pennywise is spot on. As it cures it gets even better. It is nice to have a strain that doesn't wreck you but still takes care of your ailments. Try a 50/50 mix with your blue dream. For some reason the penny mixed makes both strains better.

I never get as buzzed off my fun weed when I mix the CBD strains in so I try and smoke them separately since figuring that out. In absence of a real test just get really high on normal bud then smoke a bunch of CBD bud. If it doesn't bring you down a good amount it probably doesn't have a very high % of CBD. :thumb:
smokey, ACE site has some suggested feeding/nute routines on many of their seeds . With the kit, it is different of course...
i may try not using the CD on 1 or few of the Z'ACE(+) strains. :)

Yeah Panama is like the only plant I have noticed they have listed as a heavy feeder. I didn't really pay attention to that and was treating the panama and the malawi basically the same.

I saw your newest harvest pics today, that purple haze looks out of this world cant wait to hear how you like that one :high-five:
Yeah Panama is like the only plant I have noticed they have listed as a heavy feeder. I didn't really pay attention to that and was treating the panama and the malawi basically the same.

I saw your newest harvest pics today, that purple haze looks out of this world cant wait to hear how you like that one :high-five:

neither did I. :)

I had a taste of fresh PH today. I have never had PH before today. I can see why people yearn PH :)
what about after being cured???? :rofl: i can't wait...:)
neither did I. :)

I had a taste of fresh PH today. I have never had PH before today. I can see why people yearn PH :)
what about after being cured???? :rofl: i can't wait...:)

You can't tell us stuff like that and then not tell us what it's like.. :rofl:

Here is some close ups of the leaves on panama and malawi.

Malawi, this is the one i'm most worried about she seems to have really slowed down on her water uptake. I think she got burnt but not sure.


Panama, no idea what this ones deal is other than a subpar root ball from the small pot during stretch :)

When you guys "top dress" epsom salt do you mix it in your water or just sprinkle it on top like it was recharge and water it in? I have been just sprinkling it on top when I give it to them but it feels wrong every time I do it :rofl:

Any thoughts?

Thanks all!
You can dissolve Epsoms in warm water and pour it in, which will work faster. :cheesygrinsmiley: The Malawi does look a little taco'y.

I see doses from a teaspoon to a tablespoon per plant ... ?
FWIW: to dissolve without heating up water: get an all plastic health drink shaker (they make em with metal pieces on the inside for the shakey ball, but you want to get the ones with the plastic ball. I've used mason jars before but they get rusty (like the metal ball shaker thing would). The trick is to be patient. It takes me at least 3 shakes a couple minutes apart to dissolve this stuff, but it will happen. Typically I will do a shakerfull per 5gallon bucket of feed with whatever you need in there ~1-4tbps whatever. Just start it first and do it as you putz around other duties. Usually it gets itself done with filling buckets, deciding whats going into said buckets, and taking the time to smoke to facilitate said duties....

Fricken wall plug water kettles are cool as fuck though not gonna lie :D
Re: look at the big brain on GT!

no plumbing in the shed!


LOL, well that 'splains it. :laughtwo:

Yeah, seems no point in having a kettle just for dissolving Epsoms ... but it would add a slight touch of civilisation, wot? :volcano-smiley:

[Edit] although the shaker thing sounds pretty civilised, too . :thumb:
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