SmokeyMcFly's - Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry - Highbrix - LED - Grow

Wow Smokey! Lots of goodness to see.
Did the leaf tips burn on the Panama after Cat drenches?
Thanks all and grats on your recent harvest too Ziggs looks awesome! Have you picked a fave ace strain yet?

The Panama started having issues before the CD, thats why I waited so long to give it to them, was trying to get her back on track in the bigger pot first. I think if I would of up-potted a couple weeks sooner she would be doing a lot better. Live and learn :)

Have a great day all! :passitleft:
smokey, my favorite ACE strain..ALL! :rofl:

I have had barely dried, not cured Js from the Panama, Golden Tiger and Zamaldelica.

They are ALL awesome in their own right. I am smoking the Panama now..:thumb:

They are frosty, flavorful, and strong. I have not had any that caused anxiety or paranoia. clear thoughts..very creative, sitting to type this is a struggle..:) I want to DO..since I'm already BEING...then next is HAVE..

for those that will try these strains or their offspring :) , you will enjoy!! Extra Special weed for sure..:)
I wonder what my Z'ACE--Ziggy/ ACE breeds will be like...i have 5 female Panama(+) and 2 female Zamaldelica(+) blooming...
It just occurred to me DrZ ... is it just you and CareStaker and me that have smoked Ace Panama so far ... ?

We all agree that there's something unusual and special about it - hard to pin down, but special. :blunt: :cheesygrinsmiley:
smokey, my favorite ACE strain..ALL! :rofl:

I have had barely dried, not cured Js from the Panama, Golden Tiger and Zamaldelica.

They are ALL awesome in their own right. I am smoking the Panama now..:thumb:

They are frosty, flavorful, and strong. I have not had any that caused anxiety or paranoia. clear thoughts..very creative, sitting to type this is a struggle..:) I want to DO..since I'm already BEING...then next is HAVE..

for those that will try these strains or their offspring :) , you will enjoy!! Extra Special weed for sure..:)
I wonder what my Z'ACE--Ziggy/ ACE breeds will be like...i have 5 female Panama(+) and 2 female Zamaldelica(+) blooming...

It just occurred to me DrZ ... is it just you and CareStaker and me that have smoked Ace Panama so far ... ?

We all agree that there's something unusual and special about it - hard to pin down, but special. :blunt: :cheesygrinsmiley:

Did you guys ever figure out what pheno(s) you have?

I am thinking I got the green/purple one first listed here some of my sugar leaves are starting to turn purple and the smell fits better. The breeder pack descriptions has the best breakdown.

Here are the diff panamas
Green/purple F10 Panama elite: It's the best Panama mother we keep in our mother room, found in our last selections with this strain. It's a very vigorous, strong and branched pheno, with very high resin production, dense compact flowers and refined lemony incensey aromas of american sativa. The effect is very powerful, clean, psychedelic, and stimulant. Flowering time is around 11-12 weeks, producing a high yield.

Green F8 Panama: Older green pheno that is closer to the first green expressions of this hybrid that had the cleaner and more energetic effects. This mother is a great example of this green pheno, showing huge vigour and yield. Its colas are huge, although not so dense or resinous like F10 elite mother. The aromas are woody, spicy and incensey. Flowering time of 12-13 weeks.

Panama red F6 S1: S1 of an excellent F6 Panama red parental plant that we have widely used in the first stages of the breeding of this strain. We selected a S1 coming from this F6 red line to stabilize this spectacular colorful pheno that shows beautiful reddish and pinkish pistils (especially outdoors). This S1 has a more moderate vigour and yield. The effect is denser, more narcotic and physical. Flowering time of 11 weeks.

Panama red F8: Outstanding pinkish/reddish mother that produces very high resin content, compact rounded flowers and darker incensey aromas. The effect is very powerful, dense, narcotic and physical. Flowering time of 11 weeks.

I'm getting excited :passitleft:
Mine pretty much has to be the green/purple. :laughtwo:

So you're getting a purple hue on the undersides? :slide:
Mine pretty much has to be the green/purple. :laughtwo:

So you're getting a purple hue on the undersides? :slide:

Not sure if its the underside. This is the picture where I noticed it, its hard to see looks like they are just starting to change, on the other hand it might just be the color getting distorted trying to make it out of all those trics :rofl:

I have no clue which phenotype I have. :)plus with the soil, I get Forest Gump Phenos :)

Who knew Forest Gump would be so good at growing bud :rofl: I'm excited to see what kinda crazyness you come pull out of those crosses should be very interesting stuff :passitleft:
I have and I really like it. Has a light grape flavor, probably would of been better if the power didn't go out and kill the humidifier right before I left for a few days but the bovida packs brought it back nicely. Its much easier to break up and smoke than the hurkle (I guess hurks name fits her) and it seems to be almost as good if not as good at pain relief as the hurkle is. The high is not that strong on it though and my last hurkle that was a reveg is killer strong for some reason, much stronger than any of the previous ones I have grown so I have been smoking it pretty heavily the last week or so.

Anyone know if plants get more potent the older they are cause it sure as hell seems like this one did :high-five:

Some new pics

Bubba Kush looks ready to be chopped this weekend :yummy:

I see some amber in there :thumb:

Malawi x PCK


Next round getting ready, some Zamadeleca, SLH, and the little-ens hiding in the cups are Tikals, Im guessing the extra tall Zamal is a dood.

Hope everyone's been doing :passitleft: Been nuts at work last couple weeks now to get a project out and its finally done :party:

Also got my 4x4 tent sitting here to upgrade the veg area so hopefully I can get that done this weekend as well, gonna need more room soon :)
Anyone know whats going on with my Panama and Malawi? Im really not sure if they're over or under fed at this point. I know the real mistake was keeping them in the 3g pots for so long but Im trying to help them finish as good as I can. I feel like the malawi got a little burnt during and after CD and her leaves are kinda brittle now. The Panama I am thinking is having the opposite problem and needs fed more. Bubba is doing good but could use some more GE based on the looks of the pic I think so I will probably feed her tonight to get ready for this weekend.

I have given the Malawi and Panama some epsom salt top dress a few times also but bubba never seemed to really need it.

Thanks all!
Awesome looking smokey....hey let us know on that Malawi x pck.....I acquired some of those and some zamadelica beans........:high-five:

Will do for sure, I can't wait to try these Ace strains! Glad to see you picked some up as well :high-five:
Yeah also acquired 5 golden tiger regs........ Yeah that bubba looks very green still......she seemed like a very easy lady to grow.....

Hey I about got my new room done and need to cover a 3x6 area for bloom and something g that will cover my veg tent 3x3t......the 2 mars 900 would do the bloom but man there are a bunch out there that pull a lot less power.....I was thinking a p900 for the bloom and maybe 2 p300 for the veg?

I was also thinking of 2 p450 for bloom?

I also have been looking at the advanced and really wanna see what docs got for the bloom room......

Any thoughts smokey? :passitleft:
Yeah also acquired 5 golden tiger regs........ Yeah that bubba looks very green still......she seemed like a very easy lady to grow.....

Hey I about got my new room done and need to cover a 3x6 area for bloom and something g that will cover my veg tent 3x3t......the 2 mars 900 would do the bloom but man there are a bunch out there that pull a lot less power.....I was thinking a p900 for the bloom and maybe 2 p300 for the veg?

I was also thinking of 2 p450 for bloom?

I also have been looking at the advanced and really wanna see what docs got for the bloom room......

Any thoughts smokey? :passitleft:

She was super easy, easiest happiest plant I have had yet. You can see on some of the middle leaves the olive green color, they start to do that on some when they are ready for some more go juice :)

Unless you have heat problems I would run your mars lights until you have issues with them. I have not seen a big enough difference in the end product to justify the cost of replacing those for no real reason.

If your going to buy platinums I would go with the wider models, the middle ones in the small range or the small one in the big range are barely wide enough to cover one plant from side to side the way I like them to be covered so I have too keep all three of my lights in a bunch so they over lap some. If I have good luck with SOG growing this shouldn't be an issue anymore.

Edit I thought I had the 900 but I only have the 600 so maybe the 900 could cover the 3' sides but I would be worried more about the 6' ends. 4 of the 300s or 3 of the 450s would probably give you much better coverage.

I'm not sure how well the 900 would cover that area esp at the edges. I find that mine at least seem to the eye to fall off pretty fast once you get outside of the foot print of the light itself.

I would get something cheap and low power like top led reflector series for veg (I love mine) and run your two mars lights for bloom until you have a problem with one and then look at upgrading. There is always new and better tech coming out so by then there will probably be something new out you want more anyway. Remember financial savings from elec only are achieved if you keep the light long enough to get your return back :rofl: Esp now that you already have perfectly good LEDs :thumb:
Good advise.....thanks smokey, I'll probably spend the money on upgrading my fan filter combo......I'm thinking of exhausting both the veg tent and bloom side separately out of the room.....anyway glad to see your back bud, don't let work kill ya:blunt:

Edit I have thought about buying like 4-6 p300 and just have all kinds of flexabiltly......but ya I'm gonna wait till there is something wrong with the mars...
It's all good most of the time I work when I feel like it which isn't much :rofl: but I am kind of a pressure worker so I let things build up till its scramble time and then just go all at it till its done. I worked on code for 20 hours straight last thursday night, was lots of :passitleft: to help keep me sane but I was kind of delirious at the end :thumb:

Sounds like a good plan, I would do a bunch of the smaller lights for sure, just don't go with too many the premium you pay per unit starts to add up. 3 or 4 properly sized lights would rock a 3x6 room :high-five:
Will do for sure, I can't wait to try these Ace strains! Glad to see you picked some up as well :high-five:

Yes, that makes a few of us cuz i just got my order today from ace ,Now have three Zamal Hash soaking and three Malowi X PCK for next time . big a pot is that PCK in anyhow? I should prolly know that.
Cheers eh!
Yes, that makes a few of us cuz i just got my order today from ace ,Now have three Zamal Hash soaking and three Malowi X PCK for next time . big a pot is that PCK in anyhow? I should prolly know that.
Cheers eh!


Were gonna be some ace growing fools :rofl:

They are all three in 10gals BUT only bubba went in the 10gal before flip. The sativas were started in 3gal till after stretch and then up-potted in an attempt at keeping them small. I should of up-potted sooner or before flip and I think that is whats ailing them but once stretch started I was like i better wait till there done with that to mess with them :rofl: I believe based on nates JH and what I am seeing with these but will know for sure soon that once they are done stretching root growth slows way down so most of the other 7gal isn't getting used like it should be.

Any thoughts on what I should do or not do to help the panama and malawi the rest of the way duggan? You got a lot more experience with the sativas than I :)
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