SmokeyMcFly's - Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry - Highbrix - LED - Grow

Man Smokey, how old is Penny?? It seems like you've had that 6 months lol. I think mine came down at around day 65. I know you don't want to let them go to long if you want CBD. Mine had amber on the sugar leaves but not on the buds. I didn't get it tested but I think they have a good amount of CBD because it really handles inflammation like a champ. Looking very good bud.
Penny is 9 weeks since flip today. She is ready for chopping and I am planning on doing it saturday if im not to tore up from the John Butler Trio concert tomorrow night :party:

Thanks GC!

Some new pics. All the ace plants are going to be getting CD this weekend which will be the start of week 5 for the sativas and week 4 for bubba.







Hurkle Mom, needs pruned and root pruned / repotted


Have a good one all :passitleft:
Mighty fine Smokey, one and all!
Thanks Major

Not yet Nate, the dispensaries are supposed to be opening soon so I think the state is flooded with applications. Its cool though gonna be a couple more months to grow this next batch out before I really need her extra limit :)
Hope everyone had a great weekend. I'm finally getting around to chopping penny, had a bit of a rough day yesterday. What I remember of the John Butler Trio concert was fantastic but we don't remember much... There was probably only 300 or so people there and we were right up front in a tiny little club, doesn't get any better than that. I emptied a few ciggs out and filled them up with blue dream and SLH for the occasion :passitleft: I blacked out right after the wife made us leave early because she was too wasted, thank god she did because I barely made it back as it was she said I had to crawl the last 20' or so and I was trying to open our room door with the costco card and cash and when they wouldnt work I would just throw it on the floor and move on to the next thing in my wallet until I fell over from laughing to much and couldn't get back up :rofl:

Since we don't really remember much other than it was the best concert we have ever been too we got tickets for the show this Wednesday in Tempe AZ and are going to take a mini vacation. If any of you live in that area you should totally go and meet up with us :passitleft: You can get tickets on his site for only 30bucks plus the 10 in fees or w/e it is so in the off chance anyone does go don't buy them off a normal scam ticket site :thumb:

Couple pics of penny before I take the snips to her, im not gonna reveg her she is in kinda bad shape and I have to many plants to deal with already, ohhh and I planted two Tikal Giggles today too :party:

Standing upright wasn't really her thing...
She is all through here just look for the pics labeled bubba :). Also look at the Kali China on their site. I haven't grown it yet but they say it smokes like a saliva but grows like an indica :thumb:
I know she got the huge stems....I was just curious for an update.......:cheesygrinsmiley:

I'm out of town for the second JBT show which was absolutely fantastic by the way front row right in front of him FTW. I'll get some new pics when I get home but from what I have seen so far she has top notch genetics, very very nice plant and couldn't be happier than she is in docs soil :thumb:
Hey Nate...i watched that too last night....always liked those movies! cheers bud!

Haha we had it on for a few min also :rofl:

Penny got a touch dry while we were gone, had a huge storm the night we left and the power went out and my humidifier never turned back on. Still has a hint of the good flavor reminds me of the plushberry. This will be a good test to see just how good of a job the bovida packs can do :thumb:

Cat drenched all three ace plants on tuesday night.
Here are some new shots.

Malawi x PCK


Great to see your Panama! It has the characteristic pompom buds all up the stems. :thumb:

Wait'll you see what happens when it's done digesting the cat drench, heheh.

With your skills, this one is gonna be remarkable, I think. :bravo:
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