SmokeyMcFly's - Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry - Highbrix - LED - Grow

Not sure if there is anything beyond second run, thats what I use on my recycles. I don't remember exactly what all I bought anymore but I think it was two full kits with an extra second run amendment bag and now I get the bulk bottles when I run out of something like GE or transplant. I am currently almost of out CD and tea so I will need to put in a new order for some resupplies soon :)
Hope everyone had a great holiday!

Some new pics.

Looks like the hurkle has a week or a little more left and she will be done. I have been bending on the tops of the sativas a couple times a day so they look a lil twisted up atm but it seems to be slowing the mains down at least some. They are starting too hook up now and I expect them to take off soon. The panama that went in the 2gal pot has much tighter internodes than the ones in the 5s.

Everything got a bit of drench last night and penny got a bit of epsom salt topdress. Tonight there all gonna get some stress spray, I have been slacking on the stress lately.

Malawi x PCK, she looks like she is gonna be nice and stay compact.



Purple malawi nut shot...

Group shot, hurkle on left penny on right


Hurkle close up

Penny close up

Have a good night all :passitleft:
You get the "Most resin infestation" plaque. Just stick it to the wall, self adhesive.

I had it for a while, but now it's yours. :adore:

Thanks Doc, I wouldn't have plants like this if it wasn't for you... :high-five:

Smokey...lookin very delicious...Hurkle.Gonna give her another week....what ya think she'l give ya back ? Nice freekin job brotha...hats off.It's all about the resin , aint it! Have a nice night ...cheers.:bravo:

She should ripen up a bit more and the trics will probably swell a bit more. She just started week 8. I have cut them by this point already and let one go till I think 9 full weeks. The one I let go longer is a bit stronger and has a better flavor than the other ones :thumb:

I will probably harvest her this weekend. I don't like doing it during the week and we have friends coming in town so we will be busy next week and the following weekend.
Thanks all, I forgot I switched to 11/13 a few weeks back so thats probably why she is finishing sooner.

She is fantastic for spinal pain. Another friend of ours with a messed up back came over and tried some and was pain free for the first time in weeks. :high-five: I had a couple different strains rolled up and didn't tell him what was what but that I had a medical strain that would make him feel better. I gave him the SLH first and he got good and stoned but said he was still hurting, I passed him the hurkle next and within minutes he was pain free. :cheer:
Thanks Guys! :love:

I am excited to try the penny too, she looks mostly sativa but hopefully has some CBD goodness in her. I have discovered that vaping the hurkle has a great high along with the pain relief but the high doesn't last that long from the vape unless I smoke a J right after which is normally what I do anyway :passitleft:

I am pretty sure I have 1 possibly 2 panama males along with the purple malawi male. I am going back and forth but I think im gonna kill the purpleM before I end up with pollen from one end of my house to the other. I think for now if i'm going to make a cross it's going to be panama based since it has the shorter flowering time and since its not a cross like the purpleM. I'm just having a hard time bringing myself to do the deed, its the first pure sativa I have grown and its sexy as hell even if she is a he... :rofl:

For some reason crossing my female bubba kush x hashplant with a panama sounds like a good time to me. I might have to name it the delorean...

Have a good night all! :passitleft:
Well shit! I completely missed this journal. Looks like I will be watching you cross the Hurkle finish line at least. Better late than never!
Welcome Major! It happens to me all the time too, our crew is growing :high-five: so many journals to keep up with :rofl:

I like the back to the future movies too (esp #2 I have it on my DVR right now lol) but not as much as you might think based off my screen name :) I wanted to start it with smokey and mcFly just kinda popped into my head for some reason. Then I ended up finding and using Docs kit and it became even more :rofl:

I really only want to make a cross so I can name it that at this point :rofl:
Welcome Major! It happens to me all the time too, our crew is growing :high-five: so many journals to keep up with :rofl:

I like the back to the future movies too (esp #2 I have it on my DVR right now lol) but not as much as you might think based off my screen name :) I wanted to start it with smokey and mcFly just kinda popped into my head for some reason. Then I ended up finding and using Docs kit and it became even more :rofl:

I really only want to make a cross so I can name it that at this point :rofl:

What will this "SmokeyMcfly" strain be from Sativa 100%....Indica100% mix of both???:high-five:
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