SmokeyMcFly's - Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry - Highbrix - LED - Grow

Thanks for all the love all!

The hurkles as well as any other TGA strain I have tried always do great in the HB soil :thumb:

Little more info on the Ace plants.

I am doing crazy stuff to these I normally wouldn't do in an attempt to keep them small. They only went in 5 gal pots except for one of the panama is only in a 2gal to see the diff in growth between the two. I am expecting the plants in the 5gals to outgrow the one in the 2gal by a lot and depending on how they turn out I might be using the intermediate pot even though the plant will need to be transplanted during flower but it all depends on how they turn out. I will have more room in a month as the two big ones get harvested so if they need bigger pots to finish I will gently transplant them into 10s. I also topped them pretty hardcore the day I put them in the flower tent and I am keeping with the wet/dry watering and veg feeding until they start to at least show pre-flowers.

Purple Malawi is looking like its gonna be a male. I noticed little bumps starting to form last night. Kinda sucks its the only one I have going but I am more than happy to grow it out and collect the pollen since they don't normally sell the purple malawi reg seeds and only sent me some out of their breeding stock since my order got messed up in the beginning :high-five: I am going to leave it in the flower tent and then move it to my closet once he is closer to releasing pollen to finish up and collect it. Anyone know how long from now that typically is and what is the best way to store it once its collected, the freezer?

I noticed the plants that got up-potted a week or so earlier than the rest really took off and outgrew the ones in the party cups by a significant amount. When I grow 100% sativas from seed in the future I will keep them in the party cups as long as possible to try and keep them as small as possible for they hit maturity :thumb:

Have a great day all :passitleft:
Hey smokey check this out.......2 7gallon airpots wrapped around a 16in pizza pan....the ones with's about 11.5 gallons, it's all I had around the bad I didn't have an 18in, that would make it and I can bottom feed.

You think it would b worth trying to up pot into this? It would b bout 5 more gallons of soil, I plan on just carefully cutting that other crappy pot apart, I believe I could do it with out harming the roots.....your thoughts.......
I personally would do it. 5gal more doesn't sound like that much but if your current pot is only holding 6-7 thats a big increase. I think any transplant shock will be more than made up for by giving it more soil / room for the rest of the grow but I have not transplanted a plant during flower yet. As long as the roots aren't so root bound already that you have to hack them up it shouldn't slow it down much and if they are that root bound already then an up-can is even more important anyway :)

If anyone here thinks this is a bad idea please speak up. I don't want to tell him to do something that is going to jack his plant up :passitleft:
Yeah I will take everyone's advise in to account.......I mean if I leave it in the pot she's in I'm just feeding her a lot.....will need to hit doc up again for another set of, I probably won't do it till sat, when I have time, and I might try to get an 18in pan, to get the whole 15gallons.

Thanks smokey, I really don't care about the beauty contest with this one anyway, just trying to get hat hb smoke, I'm sure it will please either way.:passitleft:
Thanks for all the love all!

The hurkles as well as any other TGA strain I have tried always do great in the HB soil :thumb:

Little more info on the Ace plants.

I am doing crazy stuff to these I normally wouldn't do in an attempt to keep them small. They only went in 5 gal pots except for one of the panama is only in a 2gal to see the diff in growth between the two. I am expecting the plants in the 5gals to outgrow the one in the 2gal by a lot and depending on how they turn out I might be using the intermediate pot even though the plant will need to be transplanted during flower but it all depends on how they turn out. I will have more room in a month as the two big ones get harvested so if they need bigger pots to finish I will gently transplant them into 10s. I also topped them pretty hardcore the day I put them in the flower tent and I am keeping with the wet/dry watering and veg feeding until they start to at least show pre-flowers.

Purple Malawi is looking like its gonna be a male. I noticed little bumps starting to form last night. Kinda sucks its the only one I have going but I am more than happy to grow it out and collect the pollen since they don't normally sell the purple malawi reg seeds and only sent me some out of their breeding stock since my order got messed up in the beginning :high-five: I am going to leave it in the flower tent and then move it to my closet once he is closer to releasing pollen to finish up and collect it. Anyone know how long from now that typically is and what is the best way to store it once its collected, the freezer?

I noticed the plants that got up-potted a week or so earlier than the rest really took off and outgrew the ones in the party cups by a significant amount. When I grow 100% sativas from seed in the future I will keep them in the party cups as long as possible to try and keep them as small as possible for they hit maturity :thumb:

Have a great day all :passitleft:

Smokey, if you don't want to end up with a Ziggystein type tent :) , you may want to clean your tent completely and dilute bleach wash it after.
Smokey, if you don't want to end up with a Ziggystein type tent :) , you may want to clean your tent completely and dilute bleach wash it after.

Thanks Zigg I actually want a franken-tent just not quite yet.. :) My plan was to try and grow any males from this crop in the closet away from everything else and collect the pollen to use on the next batch. I would like to get a nice ace harvest sans seeds first before I knock-em all up :) I have 18 more purple malawi seeds left so I could easily recycle him but I only have a couple panama seeds left so if I get a male panama I will probably grow it out at least. Or I could just make life easy on myself and get a bigger veg tent and keep moms of the plants I like and be done with it but that doesn't sound as fun as a big tent orgy and a bag full of random crosses of amazing strains :) My laziness often wins the battle of will though so who knows what i'll end up doing :rofl:

Hey smokey, what should I water this JH with when I up pot it......the wife wasn't to happy with my pizza pan, I guess that was a nice one, a wedding gift, Anyway I was able to scrounge up something that gets me a 12 gallon air pot that I can bottom feed:)

:rofl: That sounds like something I would do. :rofl:

I would hit it with the roots and about 4 ml of transplant when you up-pot and then go back to the small feedings each time you water which should already be a little less frequently because of the bigger pot for like a week. As it gets established in the new soil you should be able to cut back the feedings some. Also don't forget the stress spray :thumb:

How many weeks according to the advertising are you supposed to have left on her?

If possible take a picture of the roots when you get the pot off I would like to see whats going on down there :)
Some of my plants get amber trics but most don't and when they do it's mostly on the sugar leaves. It usually takes an extra week or so longer than advertised for them to turn though. Let them go as long as you think you need to and then give it another week or two and it will be perfect :)

I'm glad your up-canning her. I would count on closer to 11-13 weeks before she needs chopped so it will be well worth it in the long run.
Up until I put the purple malawi in I was running 12/12 now i'm running 11/13 to help with the sativas.

I have never grown a jack but the majority of the strains I have grown in HB can easily go a week or two longer than advertised and those extra weeks really add a lot to your final product.

I had a haze dom bluedream that went for 11 or 12 weeks and it should of went 2 or 3 more. When I revegged the hurkle I got to see the left over buds go all the way through dying off and I realized I was chopping too soon when they just kept looking better and better for ~two weeks after I harvested. My bud is noticeably more potent now that I give them that extra time at the end. The SLH I just harvested is listed as a 70 day strain and I let it go for 82 days and it turned out great.

Sorry I just like excuses to show that one off :rofl:
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