SmokeyMcFly's - Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry - Highbrix - LED - Grow

Thanks Shrike / Neiko I will give that a try. It did seem like the longer we used it the better it would hit so i think I wasn't getting it hot enough.

I grew two blue dreams, one was very haze dom and the other was very blueberry dom. The haze one turned out ok but it should of gone longer but I didn't keep it feed good enough, wasn't planning on it wanting to go for 14 weeks lol. It has a good daytime want to do things and talk alot buzz and a good hazy flavor though. The blueberry one finished a lot faster is very stoney and potent and has an amazing berry smell and taste. I was breaking some up for a J the other night while the wife was up stairs and she yelled down wanting to know wtf I was doing because of the smell from it. I was like I didn't even light it yet :rofl: Both of mine were in kind of small pots for the plant size the second one vegged at least 4 months maybe closer to 6 and they still turned out great :)

Plant looks great Nate, should be good to go from now on with weekly GE and some Trans from time to time with the normal foliars imo. Getting nice and frosty already I see. The CD is some good stuff eh :)
Thanks Smokey,
I got a small plant from a friend... Transplanted to hb week and a half ago. This is my first grow ever and I didn't kill it yet lol. It seems to be growing pretty nice but what to I know. I don't have time for a journal but if I post pics here along the way would you help guide my fumbling hands? I've been bending and lst already to keep it short. How tall were yours do you remember? I follow so many grows I don't remember if it was in your journal or not.
How tall was which one when :rofl:

Lets see some pics of her, we will keep you on the right track :high-five:

Are you using docs kit? Edit I assume so since you were asking how it does in the kit... :passitleft:
So my fingers are always a ridiculous mess after breaking up the SLH. Tonight I decided to try and roll it into a ball instead of just rubbing it off over the broken up bud to see how much it really was.

Not to shabby for a J's worth of nug :rofl: I dropped it into my vaporizer that showed up today and the wife and I got silly :volcano-smiley:


These are about the worst papers ever btw. I thought they were easy widers when I got them :bravo:

That is freaking awesome smokey.....I hope to have little hash balls like that from simply rolling a joint......:thumb:
Alright guys just snaps some pics before bedtime........notice the taco leaves.....smokey and I have been discussing these and I have given 2 tbls of Epsom with 5ml GE and 1/2 ml tea.....they have not gotten any worse I the last 4days or so but it is kinda early to be having them? This is the start of week 4.....just got done with the CD's and back on normal drench schedule.....well as normal as can be with a big plant in a tiny Well here she is, suggestion appreciated.......

This one shows some frost.........

Hey doc bout how long did your JH go.....they say 9weeks.......:passitleft:

Nice!!! :) :thumb:
Yup, Docs Kit. Both phenos of blue dream for the height. My tent is only 5' which means I gotta keep it low and bushy if I can. I'll post a pic or two later.

Ahh I see. Here is the beginning of the journal for the haze pheno.
SmokeyMcFly's - Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry - Highbrix - LED - Grow

And the begining of the BB pheno. She was huge I had chopped the entire top off her multiple times and then pruned almost half off her when I decided to flower her.
SmokeyMcFly's - Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry - Highbrix - LED - Grow

I couldn't really tell them apart in veg TBH. I did need to supercrop all the tops on the haze pheno to keep it from getting to tall it wanted to just grow for ever :rofl:
Alright guys just snaps some pics before bedtime........notice the taco leaves.....smokey and I have been discussing these and I have given 2 tbls of Epsom with 5ml GE and 1/2 ml tea.....they have not gotten any worse I the last 4days or so but it is kinda early to be having them? This is the start of week 4.....just got done with the CD's and back on normal drench schedule.....well as normal as can be with a big plant in a tiny Well here she is, suggestion appreciated.......

This one shows some frost.........

Hey doc bout how long did your JH go.....they say 9weeks.......:passitleft:

Plant is too big for the container. Next time prune it up a bit.

You're doing the right thing on the tacos....but remember we want to flirt with a mag deficiency the entire time. Just a mild taco....a taquito.
Hey Smokey....Nate,that girl looks alot like the Mazar was. Almost impossible to keep up with the pruning.If she was in a bigger pot ....lookout! Very nice looking with a fantastic future eh.:high-five:

I defiently had that same thought......and I did prune her twice in the first two weeks of flower.....but yes she is so thick it's hard to see through her canopy.......can you trim up this late? I also didn't wanna take any leaves if she was gonna start eating them already, but if more defoil can be done with out to much stress I will do. She gets her brix spray tomorrow morning.....thanks again guys:thanks::passitleft:
a. 4 weeks after flip or after budset?

b. How long expected finish?

if a. is "flip" and/or b. is "anything longer than a 7-9 week hydro/og style strain"; then you probably have time to do some pruning. If it is so thick you can't see through it, there should be spots to find that are significantly underdeveloped compared to the big colas. Down low, clogging up the middle, what have you. Getting rid of those "suckers" we sometimes call them (they can be anywhere in the canopy, depending on how you pruned before) will open up areas of air and light to flow into the plant. Also nearby mains that you do not prune, will happily fill the space with their fat fucking asses.

I often identify these "suckers" through most of the lifespan of the plan until the end as having a sort of uniform 1mm thickness. Different strains will pop them differntly. Depending on what you do, any of these that are not completely eliminated end up as: best case scenario: dense popcorn nugs or lesser good: larfy hash materiel. I don't say worst case because worst case is you let your canopy get so thick that it created a microclimate healthy for things like PM in particular.

You obviously have some challenges there, it would be hard to cut out any of that beauty!


*probably ignore everything you already know it, etc, just decompressing in front of my tube after a long day....
Also as you get leaves that are to far gone to contribute remove them so the lower ones can get the light instead, you have plenty to go round :rofl:

My grinder and whip showed up today for the vape and its working much much better now that the bud is ground up so fine. Also with the little glass bubble that sits on it for the whip I can see whats going on and realized I was hitting it way to fast/hard. Now i'm getting huge great tasting hits and the spent bowls actually look like they got vaped instead of looking like they did when they went in :) The bubbler gets here tomorrow just in time for the weekend :party:
I got a small 4 piece santa cruz shredder. Thanks to you and shrike for the tips, seems like the green light is a little on the optimistic side in the beginning you can feel the heat difference in the case from when it first says its ready till its really ready :volcano-smiley:

Penny got second CD tonight and the other plants got 10ml GE and 5ml Trans and some tea split between them all. They also got a brix spray last night. Everyone seems to be nice and happy :high-five:

Pretty Penny






PurpM, I have been bending her top two branches for days now. Decided to tie them over tonight for a bit to let the others catch up.


Have a good night all :circle-of-love:
morning guys. lookin' real nice smokey!

speaking of pruning, I gotta take some off of my plants in a bit as well. can't wait for my kit so I can get this soil cookin!!
Thanks all :high-five:

Duggan I just saw your plant of the month entry for this month, Simply beautiful, has to be one of the nicest indoor plants I have seen :thumb:

How much did she yield and what size pot did you grow her in if you don't mind me asking.

GL my friend :passitleft:
Thanks all :high-five:

Duggan I just saw your plant of the month entry for this month, Simply beautiful, has to be one of the nicest indoor plants I have seen :thumb:

How much did she yield and what size pot did you grow her in if you don't mind me asking.

GL my friend :passitleft:

Hey Smokey...thanks for the nice words brotha....She gave me back 10zips and was grown in one of my 26gal.(made special to that size)Rootbuilder pots.When I LST'd her along the way ,I purposely let the "main" leader get ahead of the rest ....just a little though, for a nice final shape.I am very happy with ,not only the yield but she's tasting better every day. She is pretty ...I must say....thanks again eh. Have a great day pal....tonight after hockey I may post some more pics of the Desfran showing just how effective supercropping and LST'ing can be at taming these big lanky Sativas! Cheers.
Very nice Duggan! I haven't seen to many plants ever that had that many fat colas all over and probably none that looked that healthy at the same time, very impressive :high-five:

About a days worth of use on the grinder and I already have a nice little treat building up in the bottom. I like this thing :) Gonna have to try some kief hits in the vape later tonight after the bubbler gets here :party:

Now to try and keep my self from grinding up all my bud just to get to the golden goodness :rofl:

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