SmokeyMcFly's - Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry - Highbrix - LED - Grow

Thanks Neiko, unfortunately I don't have anywhere to test them here in NV. I can tell a significant difference between smoking my hurkle and any of the other strains I have grown in both felt effect and pain relief so I will at least know if this one has enough CBD to be effective for med use, if not it will probably be the last time I grow it, it was my last seed :thumb:
Beautiful smokey...hey what temps and RH do you keep your room? Your penny is much farther along than my JH for flipping at the same time....I know they are different but my RH was running way down to 40 with lights on and doc was saying that can be stressful and to spray regularly with stress, am doing. Anyway just a thought, it's running about 45rh in day and 50 at night now.
Beautiful smokey...hey what temps and RH do you keep your room? Your penny is much farther along than my JH for flipping at the same time....I know they are different but my RH was running way down to 40 with lights on and doc was saying that can be stressful and to spray regularly with stress, am doing. Anyway just a thought, it's running about 45rh in day and 50 at night now.

Those are good number, NN. You'll have really nice product with that amount of moisture in the air.

JH=Jack Herer? Or was is Jock Horror, I can't remember. But if it's the former, I've grown it quite a bit and JH comes on strong very late. It's critical to WAIT. Especially in HB. Be patient...keep the soil energy up and you'll be stoked.
I can't keep my daytime RH above the low 40% range no matter what I do my temps usually hover around 80-82 with lights on and slowly drops to about 69 before turning back on.
I can't keep my daytime RH above the low 40% range no matter what I do my temps usually hover around 80-82 with lights on and slowly drops to about 69 before turning back on.

Just be glad you aren't fighting RH spikes.

I'll take 40% rh all day over the alternative.

No PM or bud rot will ever happen in that room.

I'm still a beginner grower, but I've yet to see/hear of any big problems with a dry climate. If the plants aren't wilting and your temps are on point, I suspect only good things.
Yeah High RH isn't really an issue here :) It does go up to the low 50% range in tent during lights off because I leave the humidifier running full blast around the clock in the room the tents are in. It has an emergency shut off that I think is set at 60% in tent just incase but it kicks off so infrequently I get all confused when it happens and it takes me a bit to figure out why its not running :rofl:

Some CO2 and a mini split would be nice for sure. If we end up making it through the next year at our current company and think we're going to stick around I will be putting one in :high-five: Adding a small fan in the door way helped get fresh air in there and I could see an improvement in my plants but it ain't no sealed room with CO2 and dedicated cooling :)
So my fingers are always a ridiculous mess after breaking up the SLH. Tonight I decided to try and roll it into a ball instead of just rubbing it off over the broken up bud to see how much it really was.

Not to shabby for a J's worth of nug :rofl: I dropped it into my vaporizer that showed up today and the wife and I got silly :volcano-smiley:


These are about the worst papers ever btw. I thought they were easy widers when I got them :bravo:
Those are good number, NN. You'll have really nice product with that amount of moisture in the air.

JH=Jack Herer? Or was is Jock Horror, I can't remember. But if it's the former, I've grown it quite a bit and JH comes on strong very late. It's critical to WAIT. Especially in HB. Be patient...keep the soil energy up and you'll be stoked.

Thanks for the input all. And yep it's a jack herer.......I will get a pic up to show progress soon.
Mornin Smokey....So glad to see you wait and give your Penny (in my opinion) the CD at the perfect time brotha. I see so many don't seem to have the patience to wait .I've found that giving the two CD's. a little past instruction times helps achieve larger buds.And yes..they are just as resinous as when given the CD much earlier.Like to give it at 3-4 weeks in after the buds show a lot of structure .Cheers Smokey and have an awesome day! OH ya BTW... your GR looks really awesome .:thumb:
Mornin Smokey....So glad to see you wait and give your Penny (in my opinion) the CD at the perfect time brotha. I see so many don't seem to have the patience to wait .I've found that giving the two CD's. a little past instruction times helps achieve larger buds.And yes..they are just as resinous as when given the CD much earlier.Like to give it at 3-4 weeks in after the buds show a lot of structure .Cheers Smokey and have an awesome day! OH ya BTW... your GR looks really awesome .:thumb:

Thanks Duggs! I finally found and got subbed to your journal last night. I have been meaning to for at least a week now then I :passitleft: and forget :rofl: I love those monster pots you are rocking can't wait to see how your grow goes looks like its going to be epic :high-five:

So Smokey what are your thoughts on the vaporizer?

I only have the vape so far the whip and bubbler are still on the way so we can only hit it with the stupid glass mouth piece it comes with for now.

The bowl with the hashball in it worked pretty good but when I try and vape flowers im not having the best luck yet. I can taste it around 11:00 setting but dont see any visible vapor (not even sure if you should tbh) Around 1:00 it starts to taste funny but I start to see visible vapor on exhale. Anything above that seeems like it getting to hot. I am certainly not getting the clouds I see on videos but not sure if thats because I don't have water pipe attachment yet or if im doing something wrong or if they were all using concentrate to get clouds like that.

Now for the positive. I didn't cough not one single time hitting it although it did start to burn my throat a bit when I turned it up and hit it a lot but I know this will go away once the bubbler gets here.

Do you have any tricks? Does the bud need to be drier than normal for it to work good or am I missing something? I tried bowls packed all different ways with similar results.

Also I am breaking it up as fine as I can but I don't have a grinder yet, its on the way with the other stuff. Think this is part of the problem?

When I turned it on really high and hit it a bunch the bud came out nice and light brown like something actually happened to it if I keep it below 1:00 when I empty it out it looks like nothing much really happened.

Thanks dood.
Also I only had a couple hits that tasted like the bud would taste through a waterpipe, the rest all had a funny flavor that tasted like a vaporizer at least thats the only way I know how to describe it. Tasted like the goofy flavor I got out of the cheap vaps I have tried in the past. Are you able to get your to taste like the bud should or does it usually have that funny taste? I assume im just doing something wrong so far since I was able to get at least a few hits to taste right somehow :rofl:
I don't get a lot of vapor either but it is there. I turn it on at the 3:00 position and once it heats up turn it down to where you like it then wait until it turns green the put your bowl in and hit it. Don't fill the bowl more than 1/2 way. A grinder will help. When you vape at low temps you can re-vape at a higher temp. When it is spent it starts to taste like burnt popcorn. The flavors are good at low temps and change the longer the vape session lasts. The 1st few hits taste the best. I didn't notice much difference with the water attachment.
Thanks dood. Just for a starting point for me what do you turn it down to once you turn it down? It did seem like it took a bit to get going even though it was green for what ever I had it set at. Also do you drop the bowl in and start right away or let it sit for an amount of time first?

Thanks man I don't want to burn my throat out anymore than necessary trying to figure it out. We did get high as shit last night off the hash ball bowl. Was deff more of a high from the SLH than normal it usually makes you very stoned along with being retarded. At first I didnt think it did anything and then I was trying to tell my wife something and it hit me and I couldn't even finish a thought :rofl:
Yeah, is best to always turn the EVO up to 3 o'clock until it turns green then back down to where you want to start vaping from. The ceramic in there needs time to gain thermal stability. As neiko said, fool around with different settings to see what works best for you.

After almost 3 years of using a Cloud, what worked for me was starting it at 1 on the dial, getting some great, flavorful hits with not much in the way of Clouds, then moving to 2 on the dial, different tastes and more clouds, and then I move it finally to about 2:45 on the dial. This would continuously whitewall my water tool and help me finish off the bowl.

When I put the EBT in the Cloud, I usually wait 5-10 seconds to take my hit, then remove the EBT between hits. Some leave it in, but I find the material lasts longer if you take it out between hits...unless you're passing it around to a few friends of course...
Alright guys just snaps some pics before bedtime........notice the taco leaves.....smokey and I have been discussing these and I have given 2 tbls of Epsom with 5ml GE and 1/2 ml tea.....they have not gotten any worse I the last 4days or so but it is kinda early to be having them? This is the start of week 4.....just got done with the CD's and back on normal drench schedule.....well as normal as can be with a big plant in a tiny Well here she is, suggestion appreciated.......

This one shows some frost.........

Hey doc bout how long did your JH go.....they say 9weeks.......:passitleft:
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