SmokeyMcFly's - Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry - Highbrix - LED - Grow

Couple SLH pics, I really gotta get a macro lens one of these days.


If you have pain issues try the CBD strain. It helps our nerve / joint pain quite a bit :thumb:
Good advice SmokeyMcfly all my grows will be for the purpose of helping with my partners joint pain and epilepsy, she sometimes really struggles with pain and although epilepsy is under control I am trying to find a way to hopefully eradicate the last occasional seizures she has, so I was pleased when I found the CBD Critical Cure, the blue dream is more for me because it sounds great to grow and hopefully even better to smoke :thumb:
Hey smokey and the guys, I feed her the trans and tea in the amount we talked bout on Saturday morning......and feed her the GE and tea we talked bout this morning......just wanna confirm the cat drench on the next watering probaly gonna b we'd or she ready.....

There is a lot of resin already forming on the bad my camera sucks and doesn't show it.....

Note: wed. will be exactly three weeks since flip.....thanks guys...:passitleft:
She looks ready to me. I'm gonna be hitting penny probably tomorrow night with her first. I'll get some updated pics before :)

That would b awesome, so 4ml of CD for the first one and then again the next much tea with that? I will say that she has taken everything I've thrown at her....actually in the last week she got 10ml GE and 1ml tea.....then 20ml of trans with 4ml of tea.....and then 10ml more GE with an ml of tea.......
Hey of the day to ya brotha....i gotta jump in here . Don't forget Doc's instructions .You've really bin giving her the stuff lately,like you said....i really would wait on the CD and just give her a nice drink of water....nothing in it.Then give her the CD if you want.Just my 2 pal. With Doc's gear we can really push things but there is a limit to what they'le take before you start to notice tips burning ,then big rust spots ,then whole leaves going crusty.....all from too much jazz. Have a great night Nemo....cheers.:high-five:
Hey of the day to ya brotha....i gotta jump in here . Don't forget Doc's instructions .You've really bin giving her the stuff lately,like you said....i really would wait on the CD and just give her a nice drink of water....nothing in it.Then give her the CD if you want.Just my 2 pal. With Doc's gear we can really push things but there is a limit to what they'le take before you start to notice tips burning ,then big rust spots ,then whole leaves going crusty.....all from too much jazz. Have a great night Nemo....cheers.:high-five:

Hey duggs, thanks for the 2cents.......this is actually a converted HB that was only in doc's soil for a week or two before I flipped her, on top of that she has been in the ground since jan. 22, and didn't up can big enough....with all that said she seems to be eating up the soil pretty quick, I notice good growth when I feed her......definently keep your thoughts in mind....:thumb:
A couple pics.

Purple Malawi, Her tips are turned down I probably gave her to much transplant or maybe GE but I don't remember giving her any GE. This does not mean it didn't happen though :passitleft: Gonna have to take it easy on these I think, i'm used to juicing the crap out of my other plants or is this caused by something else?

Penny, a few days away from start of week 4. Gonna give her the first CD tomorrow.

Hurkle doing her thang.
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