SmokeyMcFly's - Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry - Highbrix - LED - Grow

O-man I forgot to tell you guys our laws changed last year and I never knew. Our new limits are 12 plants in any stage of growth and up to 2.5oz ready to smoke and we now have two permits so double that :passitleft: :party:

Sure beats 3 flower plants 4 veg and 1oz :high-five:
Not 24 flowering plants for sure :rofl: I already have more than enough bud with 2 or 3. Its nice to have options now though I can have a bunch of mom plants to choose from or run a SOG with a bunch of tiny plants, take a bunch of clones instead of just a couple and praying one works etc. The ready to smoke part was the real killer,1oz isnt much I think my first BD produced about 8oz on its own :rofl: I can easily keep it under 5oz esp now that I can grow more smaller plants and have more frequent smaller harvests if needed. :passitleft:

As you can see im quite excited at all of my new possibilities :)
Thanks Zigg!

They are still in my veg tent with 18/6. My flower tent is 12/12 but i'll switch it when these go in to 11/13. I have a p600 coming tomorrow so I will have some more usable room in my veg tent :party:

I think these got planted around the first week of april some time and the purple malawi might be about a week older.

Its hard to tell how big each plant is in your jungle, do you think they would be ok in a 5gal softie per plant when flipped so young for the panama and the purple malawi? The malawi X pck and bubba kush X hp i'm gonna let veg longer and flower in 10s.

Thanks bud! :high-five:

my ACE plants are 5-6 ft tall min. There are now 8 I believe plants left. Males/most of hermie are gone. i might be harvesting the 1-2 Panamas(strong cherry berry smell upon rubbing the plant :)) in week+ or so.
Canopy is full..the 2x P450s are almost touching some tops. I have 5 inches left.

5 gal softee...try it :) I didn't veg anything. only 11/13 from seed. My opinion is that the sativas I grew on previous root balls may have helped to stunt the plants. The ACE plants were in non root balled pots. I will run lots of my ACE-Z seeds ;) over the remainder of this year.
your ACE Purple strains take the longest ..Panama is pretty quick.
my ACE plants are 5-6 ft tall min. There are now 8 I believe plants left. Males/most of hermie are gone. i might be harvesting the 1-2 Panamas(strong cherry berry smell upon rubbing the plant :)) in week+ or so.
Canopy is full..the 2x P450s are almost touching some tops. I have 5 inches left.

5 gal softee...try it :) I didn't veg anything. only 11/13 from seed. My opinion is that the sativas I grew on previous root balls may have helped to stunt the plants. The ACE plants were in non root balled pots. I will run lots of my ACE-Z seeds ;) over the remainder of this year.
your ACE Purple strains take the longest ..Panama is pretty quick.

:rofl: Love it.

Thanks Zigg, I was wondering why these ones got so much bigger than your WN, makes sense. Maybe I will do the one purpleM in a 10 and the panamas in 5s. I am going to top each one right before flip to hopefully slow them down and I think I am flipping around the same time or before yours hit maturity. Not really sure how much the light schedule effects them before that point but I am curious to the differences.

In the future I am thinking of keeping a couple moms and then chop clones and flower those the instant they take root to try and keep them small but you know me and my plans change like the wind :)

Your garden is looking absolutely amazing Zigg, I am quite jealous. I keep showing the wife your pictures and then ranting about how amazing these are going to be and how this is how mj should be and on and on. I hope all the hype is warranted :)
Oh and cherry-berry sounds amazing, hopefully they have a bit of that in the flavor. If so I know what Panama pheno I will be searching for :) Do the ones that smell have any color yet? I think i remember reading that they had a green and a pink main phenos on the panama.
Oh and cherry-berry sounds amazing, hopefully they have a bit of that in the flavor. If so I know what Panama pheno I will be searching for :) Do the ones that smell have any color yet? I think i remember reading that they had a green and a pink main phenos on the panama.

I hope so too.. the Panama that is loaded with large seeds is very sticky ...its beautiful. i will take some pics of the ACE plants i.e panama in A.M. if I can. I don't think I will be disappointed with either the ACE strains or the new ACE-Z ;) Strains that are being created. :thumb:

GT, I think it was that mentioned the pink and green phones..I can't tell..I need to take the beast of the tent and take pics of her out.
As I recall you posted a pic in natural light in early bloom, and the pistils were pink tinged. :cheesygrinsmiley:

[Edit] Is the pink LED color less intrusive for you? I hadn't thought about it - pink light, green leaves - awfully close to red/green. :hmmmm: I honestly can't tell what they look like under LEDs. I have to get them into regular white light. :cheesygrinsmiley:
As I recall you posted a pic in natural light in early bloom, and the pistils were pink tinged. :cheesygrinsmiley:

[Edit] Is the pink LED color less intrusive for you? I hadn't thought about it - pink light, green leaves - awfully close to red/green. :hmmmm: I honestly can't tell what they look like under LEDs. I have to get them into regular white light. :cheesygrinsmiley:

i can't tell with LEDs on..or off :)
Hey smokey....its time for some GE......she seemed to like last week at 10ml.....but you were saying last night maybe to do half drench's more fequently? Should I do like 5ml twice a week? And so forth with the tea at maybe a 1/2ml twice a week or a 1/4 four times? How bout the CD when that time comes? Maybe do 4 CD in a row at in stead of 2 at 1/2 strength each time?

I guess I should say that she is looking like a gallon of water every other I am watering bout 4 times in 8 days......I could feed a lot of different ways.....:passitleft:

I know there's a lot there......been thinking bout it at work all
Hey Smokey, plants are looking top notch. That Pennywise sure is pretty. I think they were the prettiest plants I grew last time. I'm hoping to flip all mine in about a week then I'm starting some of the experimental testers from subcool (AC/DC x Querkle) it is supposed to be a 1:1 thc/cbd at like 20% on each. I think that sounds a little too good to be true but we'll see. I will definitely get them tested when done. I really like the Penny but it seems it is hit or miss on the cbd content. I'm looking for something that is repeatable. Oh I finally bought a ductless split, are you still shopping for one?
i can't tell with LEDs on..or off :)

I take dark with flash pictures to try and see what they really look like its impossible with the LEDs even with the filters.

Hey smokey....its time for some GE......she seemed to like last week at 10ml.....but you were saying last night maybe to do half drench's more fequently? Should I do like 5ml twice a week? And so forth with the tea at maybe a 1/2ml twice a week or a 1/4 four times? How bout the CD when that time comes? Maybe do 4 CD in a row at in stead of 2 at 1/2 strength each time?

I guess I should say that she is looking like a gallon of water every other I am watering bout 4 times in 8 days......I could feed a lot of different ways.....:passitleft:

I know there's a lot there......been thinking bout it at work all

This was just an idea I had im not sure if it will be better or worse. My thinking is the big plants are sucking the energy out of the soil quickly so instead of over dosing them less frequently to try and keep up more frequent drenches that are smaller would work better. I already have a couple spots where I drench them within days currently right before and after the CD with energy both times. I wouldn't change the CD and I wouldn't dose that as high, I am giving my hurkle around 10ml of GE at a time but only gave her 3-4ml of CD each time. The second one was last night I think three days after the first. In another three or four days I will hit it with a nice GE and Trans mix. Of course this is just what makes sense in my head I really don't understand what all is happening under the soil so it could be a horrible idea too for all I know :)

Hey Smokey, plants are looking top notch. That Pennywise sure is pretty. I think they were the prettiest plants I grew last time. I'm hoping to flip all mine in about a week then I'm starting some of the experimental testers from subcool (AC/DC x Querkle) it is supposed to be a 1:1 thc/cbd at like 20% on each. I think that sounds a little too good to be true but we'll see. I will definitely get them tested when done. I really like the Penny but it seems it is hit or miss on the cbd content. I'm looking for something that is repeatable. Oh I finally bought a ductless split, are you still shopping for one?

Thanks Neiko, Did you grow your last pennies in HB? I hope she has some CBD in her but you never know, should be pretty easy to tell once she is ready to smoke. I decided against a minisplit for now, we are not sure how long were staying in vegas so I didn't want to put one in and then decide to move in 6months. My p600 showed up last night and I need to do some tweaking to the house AC to try and keep it cool enough for it. I was able to keep it from going above 86 but thats a little to high for my liking. It creates quite a bit more heat than I was expecting, I replaced a marsII 400w with it and my in tent temps went up 6-8 degrees which is pretty nuts considering I thought the mars ran hot per watt and this is only 50% bigger.
Well I'm just gonna keep it on track then with the 10ml of energy and just keep her moist, and she how she reacts....if it goes bad we will start the half drenches

I mean I guess she looks good I just noticed a spike in vigor the day after watering then kinda dying I'm just gonna keep her a little more moist and c what happens

Put a saucer under it...water a bit from the top and a bit from the bottom.
Hey doc....I actually am. I'm giving about half top and other half in saucer.....does that sound about rite? Or more from the bottom?

Definetly learning as I grow.....even simple things such as watering....

Hey Nate, not Doc but I put all the water that the saucer can hold and let it suck up for about 5-10 minutes, anything that is left I pour down the top. After a little while I check the saucer and there is hardly ever any water left. I figure about 10-15% of the container capacity for my water amount. That seems perfect to me.
Rite on neiko....see I was giving mine a half a gallon from the top and then the other half in the bottom afterwards. And yes I had to go back bout three times in ten mintues, to keep saucer filled, the last bit of water might sit in the saucer for 20? Then gone.

And yep 10-15% of my ten gallons is bout what I have been giving.....hey got that
Thats what I am using too 1-1.5 for my 10gal :)

Little bud I was breaking up for afterwork J of the SLH, this is the stoniest bud I have ever smoked and kinda makes everything numb :) My wife is beyond sick of hearing me say I shouldn't of killed that plant... :rofl:

Couple night time pics


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