SmokeyMcFly's - Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry - Highbrix - LED - Grow

Some new pictures. Gave a good GE feeding last night and am going to CD the hurkle in a few days and top dress her with some WC and rescue soil.

Penny, deff a girl she is showing some lady hairs :high-five:




Blue blood in veg still

Ace babies

Have a good night all :passitleft:
Awesome happy bday to the wife :passitleft:

Whats a vegas bomb? I assume a drink but i don't spend much time in bars and when i do its Gent Jack and Coke :)j

Would be awesome if you came to vegas we would love to meet you guys smoke some herb and show around a bit if you want :high-five:

Smoke report of the SLH is looking really good lol. I probably should of cut it all a week sooner cause its seriously night night bud if you take more than a couple hits but its just super strong. The wife took two hits off a J last night while she was waiting for her food too cool off and a couple min later she is trying to tell me how she can't eat cause she is her mouth is too numb and stoned to figure out how to :rofl:
Your JH looks fantastic :high-five:

I did the first CD tonight. 4ml CD and .75ml Tea all top watered to the 10gal pot. I only used about 1/4 gallon of water this time since she got fully watered last night and I am trying to see how drenching with no run off works out I need to get me a swick setup :) I also gave it about half a beer cup of worm casting td. I plan on doing the next brix spray the day of the second CD.

Tomorrow will be the first day of week 4 since flip for her.

Penny, she's a happy looking lil-lady :)

Ace babies - I am going to be moving the sativas into the flower tent probably next weekend. I'm not sure what to do but im thinking of putting each sativa in its own 5gal pot. I could do a couple per 10gal but I need to be able to pull out the males so i'm thinking the 5s. Any thoughts Zigg, Doc or gang?

Blue blood Im really leaning twards culling this one. Just doesn't have that happy look and I have more than enough nock me out bud to last a long time from the last blue dream and the SLH.

Hope everyone had a great weekend :passitleft:
Yeah it's is a's peach schnapps, crown royal, and any kind of energy drink? Don't know for sure......I do know I'm getting to old for party

That sounds horrible :rofl:
Hey all looking great smokey, thanks for pics. After seeing your penny I am somewhere between her and the hurkle.........

She does seem to really take off when I feed her either trans or energy......maybe I should try upping the amount I feed her. I gave her 10ml of energy 5days ago with .75ml of tea and watered again with trans at 4ml last night. She seems to get happier the day after she gets watered?

Remember this lady is like three months old now and has a trunk almost 1.75inches. But then again we are feeding the soil.......

Maybe i am letting her dry out to much?
Yup that's what's wrong I give mine some every two or Three days not always a full watering but enough to at least keep it all moist.

Ok, I'll keep an eye on her, as far as the CD.....I'm definitely gonna watch her close and throw up some pic when I think she is close.

One other question......even though I defoliated once already she has a few growths that are in the middle and aren't gonna make it up to the tops can I still take them off at this point? Since she has been main lined and trained the middle has become very dense with foliage...

Really there are already like 13 tops you can count in that pic up above......that should be plenty eh?
Yup you can still take them off. I found a couple on my penny last night that need snipped. No matter how good you prune them up preflip it seems like there will always be a bit of growth that shows up in the first couple weeks that just wont produce as good as the rest and you want to snip off. I think you will have plenty of tops for an awesome yield :high-five: :rofl:
Thanks Zigg!

They are still in my veg tent with 18/6. My flower tent is 12/12 but i'll switch it when these go in to 11/13. I have a p600 coming tomorrow so I will have some more usable room in my veg tent :party:

I think these got planted around the first week of april some time and the purple malawi might be about a week older.

Its hard to tell how big each plant is in your jungle, do you think they would be ok in a 5gal softie per plant when flipped so young for the panama and the purple malawi? The malawi X pck and bubba kush X hp i'm gonna let veg longer and flower in 10s.

Thanks bud! :high-five:
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