SmokeyMcFly's - Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry - Highbrix - LED - Grow

Alright smokey......I broke down and got a 15gallon pot for the up canning........the pot I made was only an in bigger at the top than the can she is in......didn't see how I could get soil around her........this pot is 20 across the top......plenty of room.

So new question.....should I up the 4mls of trans to 6mls when I transplant? And should I add any tea?
One other question.......what would b the best time to up pot? Lights first on? Lights off? Does it matter?:cheesygrinsmiley:
Awesome man, 6ml is fine. I'm not sure if there is a best time most of the stuff in my garden happens around lights on or a couple hours later because that's when I'm able to do it with the schedule they're on.
GhettoGro, :) im not sure if you're serious or being sarcastic...yes you can clean them.

Yes, DrZiggy, I was being sarcastic as my tent is so nasty. I know a clean grow is a happy grow.

I have some Tilex "bleach solution" I am about to clean my tent with the panda film lining. I will prob dilute it to about 1/4 stregnth to wash the inner walls down.

Does this sound about right? I do not want to hurt anything.
Some of my plants get amber trics but most don't and when they do it's mostly on the sugar leaves. It usually takes an extra week or so longer than advertised for them to turn though. Let them go as long as you think you need to and then give it another week or two and it will be perfect :)

I'm glad your up-canning her. I would count on closer to 11-13 weeks before she needs chopped so it will be well worth it in the long run.
Yes Smokey...funny you say that brotha...that's just what i tell people as well....When ya think she's ready....give her another week....Excellent advise Smokey,real solid....reps.
I track when I feed them in a calendar kind of, some of the time...

They usually all get the same thing minus fresh transplants / seedlings or CD time etc. Last feeding I mixed up 14ml GE 6ml Trans and 2ml tea in 2gal of water or so and gave it to everything but the freshly transplanted ace sativas, they got plain water. The littler plants get less of it naturally since they have smaller pots to water. Im to lazy be making a bunch of different mixes :rofl:
I forgot to give you guys an update on the cloud evo, I flipping love this thing now that I figured out how I like to hit it. It gives a sativa like high that I don't get from smoking the same bud and now that im used to it I don't feel all the way stoned/high without using it regardless of how much I smoke.

I set mine to between 1 and 2 and never move it now that I found my sweet spot. I give it plenty of time to heat up (ignore the green light its bullshit) then drop a loosely loaded half full bowl in and I can get one real nice thick hit out of each bowl. You can see when it runs out at the end of the hit the vapor amount drops off a lot at that point I cash it and drop in another :)

The bubbler and whip are a PITA though I ordered a hydrocirc they have on sale I think I will be much happier with that :high-five:
Yea that BK/hashplants not indica at all.......

so shiney!!

I know right, esp when you see her next to the 100% sativas :rofl: She is gonna be a monster before she's done I kinda don't have room to flower her till I do some harvesting but the hurkle should be done in another two weeks or so :passitleft:
The Hurkle is sumpin special, Smokey! :love:

Very very nice. :bravo:

First the amazing SLH and now this Hurkle ... yer on fire!

Thanks GT, I think its the experience helping. Hers that is, she's already been there and done this once before :rofl:

I don't know what a third round reveg will end up looking like but i'm determined to find out. She is around 9 months old now so by the time she is ready to be flowered again she will be around a year old :passitleft:
Reps on the vaporizer report. I still haven't found my sweet spot but I like your idea of ignoring the green light for a bit. I get the same kinda high from it too. It won't put me to sleep, I like that when I want to "smoke" during the day and the bong (I love that thing) at night.

And your plants Smokey.......:thumb:
Ok smokey....transplanted the JH this morning........more like surgery......I was able to score the pot and break it off in four pieces, it didn't seem to hurt the roots at all, and yes from the pics she was root bound, if she makes it through this, I oughta keep this one, lol and reveg.....she has been root bound in a 3gallon from jan to April.....I snapped the whole right side of her early on in my first main line attempt, lol. Anyway been a long journey with his one and it's only the third plant I have grown and first photoperiod plant.

I can't thank ya enough smokey, couldn't have done all this with out ya........:high-five:

Ok her is some pics of the transplant.......,,
Damn Smokey, I'm infatuated with that Malawi. She'll be a thing of beauty.


I assume you mean this one. I am too, unfortunately she is a he and has balls :( Still trying to decide if im gonna grow him out in the closet or just recycle him this weekend.

Ok smokey....transplanted the JH this morning........more like surgery......I was able to score the pot and break it off in four pieces, it didn't seem to hurt the roots at all, and yes from the pics she was root bound, if she makes it through this, I oughta keep this one, lol and reveg.....she has been root bound in a 3gallon from jan to April.....I snapped the whole right side of her early on in my first main line attempt, lol. Anyway been a long journey with his one and it's only the third plant I have grown and first photoperiod plant.

I can't thank ya enough smokey, couldn't have done all this with out ya........:high-five:

Ok her is some pics of the transplant.......,,

Awesome from the looks of things she would of been a spun up mess in another month. I think you will be glad you did this in the end, next time start with the big pot from the get go :high-five: That thing has a monster trunk, looks similar to my hurkle reveg in size, very impressive :thumb:

Happy Memorial Day everyone, esp all you vets out there, thanks so much for your service that helped give us the freedom to do things like garden some of the finest cannabis in the world :cheer::thanks::bravo:

This is also our anniversary weekend so I got us some killer Eagles tickets at the MGM for tomorrow night. The wife doesn't know what were doing yet but she knows its something big :) Anyone else doing anything fun this weekend. Have a good one all! :passitleft:
Eagles........that is awesome, they are one of my favorite bands.......funny they did it all before I was My dad had the greatest hits tape......I believe it was the first one.....I would listen to that on replay....that and Americas greatest hits,:cheesygrinsmiley:

No big plans.....supposed to go check out a dj tonite for our wedding reception in sept....

Yeah it seems the bigger pots relieve a lot of stress.....I do need to start cooking some more soil......had a half of batch done and after a 10 and 15 gallon not a lot
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