SmokeyMcFly's - Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry - Highbrix - LED - Grow

No worries lots and lots of things make my neck hurt. I have to test bud for a good 5+ times at least before I will even blame it on that since it can get aggravated by anything. I have been mixing the paki with a bit of my hurkle or BD and it doesn't fire it up as much and lets me enjoy it longer before its all gone :)

My wife takes the opposite approach, when she smokes any bad feeling she gets in the next 3 hours are automagically the buds fault regardless of what it is :rofl:

That's funny about the wife is pretty much the same.

I've found that the "paranoid" strains or the ones that make me really self-critical and cause me wonder if I haven't totally screwed up my life and been a real failure type of weed actually has a useful purpose!

If you can get yourself into a really safe place, well fed, no time constraint, easy access to water and some quality snacks....smoking a ton of the paranoid weed and just letting the thoughts come wild....cause anxiety and doubt....but STICK WITH IT and mentally sort it all out and figure out what you're supposed to learn...if you can do that sometimes it's amazing what kind of self revelations can come about from it! And I often find that when I've done this with a certain strain, that strain no longer causes nearly the amount of anxiety.

Starlight, a thick comfortable blanket and a small fire are a good way to do this, but so is sunlight and the great outdoors. No cops, no cell phones, etc.
I have never thought of it that way doc.....a have a lot of friends as I get older(33) That won't smoke anymore because of that same anxiety.....and myself, always just fought through it knowing I got some pretty good green.....:)

Thanks for a new prospective.......:high-five:

I know what you mean. If you ever grow any high CBD strains, mix about 30% CBD strain to 70% Sativa and it takes the edge off nicely.

I don't always like them that powerful, but when things are a certain way it can be a very powerful experience to navigate all that weird, obsessive anxiety that comes up. I've actually gotten a few really pivotal self revelations from doing this. Interestingly, the paranoia saved me a couple times too.

One time in particular, I smoked some early Champagne at the garden...quite a bit of it actually, and then finished up my garden chores and drove home. About 1/3 of the way home I was fighting all kinds of obsessive thoughts about my grow room flooding. Well, it turns out after trying to beat back those thoughts I remembered I hadn't shut off the water to the RO unit and the tank was going to fill and if the float valve doesn't hold.....

U-turn! Back to the garden...and yep. I forgot to turn off the water. The float WAS doing its job perfectly, but it's job is to keep things dry till the imbecile recovers his senses and turns off the water. It is not wise to rely on it to keep the water turned off permanently.

Anyways, an Indica would have had me forgetting things, not remembering them.

So, the self-critical thing often leads to self improvement if you unwind it with humility.
This is interesting and kind of disappointing but thanks for the info! I really wonder what my last Hurkle would of tested at. I have no idea how much CBD is in it but it helps our issues more than any non cbd strain ever has. All our pain is also really caused by inflammation at the source. The hurkle has more of a heavy indica stone to it and can really nock you out if your not used to it and has a heavy dose of the munchies right before it puts you to sleep, not many strains still give me the munchies at this point, this one makes me pig out like a teenager smoking for the first time all over again :rofl:

If I wouldn't already have my last two Penny seeds about ready for the flower tent I would just skip them and stick with the Hurkle since I want to get on these Ace strains so bad but it would be nice to have a CBD strain that is not such a nock out esp for the wife. I smoke enough of it at this point that I can smoke it whenever but her not so much and she will only smoke it before bed.

Maintenance pain relief is exactly how I would describe it also. When I first tried it I could be in major pain, smoke it and 10 min later be pain free. Now not so much but as long as I smoke some of it everyday I stay in much less pain overall than without it :thumb:

The Hurkle came out quite a bit after the penny so i'm wondering if they did a better job at pulling the CBD in that one than they did on the Penny or maybe it was that I grew the hurkle in HB dunno. Also from what I read on the High CBD strains you want to cut them a little earlier than normal since the CBD starts to break down before the THC change that were used to basing our harvest on. I think I only let the last hurkle go for 50 days from flip to cut. The buds on the reveg part got really sexy a week or two later and the trics got dark and swelled up a lot but that doesn't necessarily mean that it would of been better smoke for pain relief either.

Ok enough Lemon Paki wake and bake rambling. I have been trying to make it last and not smoke all of it Doc but its just so damn hard to resist... :passitleft:

Smokey it sounds like the Hurkle is the way to go. I don't think I will grow it again, I got some high CBD/THC testers from TGA that is querkle x ac/dc, it is supposed to be very high in both cbd and thc. I've so many strains I want to try I just keep skipping putting those in the ground. Even though the test numbers aren't high on the penny, there is something about that strain that is very.....comfortable I guess is a good word. I don't know it's hard to explain.
That's funny about the wife is pretty much the same.

I've found that the "paranoid" strains or the ones that make me really self-critical and cause me wonder if I haven't totally screwed up my life and been a real failure type of weed actually has a useful purpose!

If you can get yourself into a really safe place, well fed, no time constraint, easy access to water and some quality snacks....smoking a ton of the paranoid weed and just letting the thoughts come wild....cause anxiety and doubt....but STICK WITH IT and mentally sort it all out and figure out what you're supposed to learn...if you can do that sometimes it's amazing what kind of self revelations can come about from it! And I often find that when I've done this with a certain strain, that strain no longer causes nearly the amount of anxiety.

Starlight, a thick comfortable blanket and a small fire are a good way to do this, but so is sunlight and the great outdoors. No cops, no cell phones, etc.

Doc you crack me up. This sounds just like you're describing my prep for a night of eating lsd back in the day :rofl: I also had to leave everything at home that I still wanted the next day, once I started tripping I would get in these deep thoughts and super happy and I just wanted everyone to be as happy as I was right then so I would give away anything I had on me in hopes it would make others as happy as I was at the time :rofl: :passitleft:

If I hadn't smoked your bud already I would be thinking you need to man up its just bud but yeah... You grow some serious shit my man :thumb:

Smokey it sounds like the Hurkle is the way to go. I don't think I will grow it again, I got some high CBD/THC testers from TGA that is querkle x ac/dc, it is supposed to be very high in both cbd and thc. I've so many strains I want to try I just keep skipping putting those in the ground. Even though the test numbers aren't high on the penny, there is something about that strain that is very.....comfortable I guess is a good word. I don't know it's hard to explain.

Thanks Neiko. I just dropped two Malawi x PCK and a purple malawi. I figure I can ditch the blue blood easily enough and I don't even know if either of the pennies will be fem and there is a chance the purp malawi wont be fem either so I should be good between them all for a next round.

I have a kind of technical question that some of you might be able to help with. Im not expecting any legal advice but from a purely botanical stand point are male plants considered having flowers? My limits specifically describe "mature plants" as having visible flowers. My thinking is since males don't technically have flowers they wouldn't count but I don't know if males parts are technically considered flowers or not?

Thanks all, have a great day!
Smokey, I can't answer your question about if a mature male plant would count against your total but I do know that the cops who are unfriendly towards the mmj acts will do anything to disrupt your grow. If they are wrong in their assessment about whether you are legal or not, they won't care. If there was any doubt they would probably take your overage in female plants and leave you the males. In Michigan they go by root systems to count plants. There was one instance here where the police raided a disabled veteran and found he had 14 plants (we are allowed 12) 2 of the 14 were un-rooted clones, so they cut his 2 biggest plants down and left. They were found to be wrong in doing this but the damage was done.
I did get the card of a MJ friendly attorney when I got my med card. I can see what Neiko is talking about happening regardless of the law too though so in the end its probably not worth it to try and game the game. I just can't help it, it's in my blood and then I get high and the ideas flow and well you all know :passitleft:

I did get the card of a MJ friendly attorney when I got my med card. I can see what Neiko is talking about happening regardless of the law too though so in the end its probably not worth it to try and game the game. I just can't help it, it's in my blood and then I get high and the ideas flow and well you all know :passitleft:


:) the ideas flowing.. Definitely!
Nope just give them water from here on out. I don't let mine dry out or anything before harvest esp in HB you treat them like normal right up till the end. Someone feel free to correct me if there is a better way with normal nutes but I would just water with straight water the last week and harvest when its / you're ready to do it. Ohh and wash them, they dry more evenly if nothing else :thumb:

Can't wait to see your harvest pics, you have done a fantastic job for your first grow esp for using normal nutes and autos, neither of which are very forgiving. :high-five:
Done, just got finished watering...Thanks smokey.....I have learned a ton from all of you and from first time experience....I really can't wait to smoke some and compare to what I have to pay 300 bones for. Lol. And then to compare the hb to exciting.

Hey I gave grandma and grandpa a joint of this vanilla kush we got now....hee hee. I told them to take it easy, maybe hit it once or twice, lol. Can always go back for more, kinda hard to give it

Oh yeah, I picked up a 50 gallon tote and two 110v fans that only pull 2 cubic feet per minute( the box is around 9).....and then got some carbon filters that go in your hepa home air filters. I'm gonna try to rig up a dry box. I will let you all know how and if it works.
Hey smokey....just picked up a pint of that yucca thanks again....hey did you see where it said the yucca with no perservatives has a brix of 50, is that what the plant was that the extract is made from?

Note: I have been checking out that BK x hash plant you got smokey......that looks like an awesome pain reliever....kinda wanna see you grow that too.......get your wifey's card.:)
Done, just got finished watering...Thanks smokey.....I have learned a ton from all of you and from first time experience....I really can't wait to smoke some and compare to what I have to pay 300 bones for. Lol. And then to compare the hb to exciting.

Hey I gave grandma and grandpa a joint of this vanilla kush we got now....hee hee. I told them to take it easy, maybe hit it once or twice, lol. Can always go back for more, kinda hard to give it

Oh yeah, I picked up a 50 gallon tote and two 110v fans that only pull 2 cubic feet per minute( the box is around 9).....and then got some carbon filters that go in your hepa home air filters. I'm gonna try to rig up a dry box. I will let you all know how and if it works.

Haha awesome can't wait to hear how they like it :passitleft:

Hey smokey....just picked up a pint of that yucca thanks again....hey did you see where it said the yucca with no perservatives has a brix of 50, is that what the plant was that the extract is made from?

Note: I have been checking out that BK x hash plant you got smokey......that looks like an awesome pain reliever....kinda wanna see you grow that too.......get your wifey's card.:)

The wife's card got put on hold at least for a bit some crazy shiz went down at work last week and we're trying to figure out if we want to start looking for something else or stick out a couple crazy years.
It's cool going to be an interesting ride is all. The company we both work for decided to become a self organized corp and they announced last week that they were getting rid of all managers... Luckily both the wife and I are not managers so were fairly safe but its has been insanity since the announcement and I see it being an epic fucking fail in a year or so from now. It's cool we both have fantastic resumes and I get offers to come interview at amazing companies every month without even trying but they are all in different locations and we just bought a house here recently so we don't really want to move right now.

I grew in white 5gal buckets before and don't remember having any problems with it. Just make sure they aren't semi transparent. A nice 5gal softie would work much better though :)
Some new pics.



Think the SLH is starting to show a MG deficiency?
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