SmokeyMcFly's - Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry - Highbrix - LED - Grow

I just saw on the news that NV created a time machine and can grow MJ almost instantly :scratchinghead:

Headline was something like suppliers just got green light to start cultivating, First dispensary will have an open house next tuesday to show off its buds to prospective patients... From start to cured final product in less that a week, i'm impressed. I wasn't even going to step foot in a dispensary but I might just have to go see these magical buds that traveled through time/space some how... :loopy:
I will actually vape/smoke some tonight and will let you know. I haven't tried any bud yet, and ground up a nice nug last night. It's sitting in the grinder awaiting my return home this afternoon.


Just throw that shit in our time machine bro it will be fully cured by yesterday... :rofl:
I thought of that already, but the paradox created because my inability to remain isolated and not pollute my timeline was just too I didn't chance it.

Have you smoked any of the blue blood yet GT? I have a baby started now I was going to run next and haven't heard of anyone that has grown it in HB yet.

I have! :slide:

I'm not familiar with the effects of CBD, but it has a very relaxing stone. :cheesygrinsmiley: And I have some digestive issues, and it seems to help with that, too - diminishes the discomfort.

It's supposed to be average THC and that seems about right. Mainly, it's been a pain having to clean the seeds out of every bud, so I haven't indulged as much as I could. :straightface:

My newest one didn't sprout, dangit, but I have a Buddha Haze x Blue Blood that's doing well. :cheesygrinsmiley:
CBN or CBD or are they the same? I thought the blue blood was high CBD. At least thats what I was thinking it was when I decided to grow it assuming it was actually blue blood im even thinking about, maybe I should look at the pack again.... I have the lapses Zigg is speaking of frequently :rofl:
Ya ... typo ... I meant CBD and fixed it now - thanks! :cheesygrinsmiley:

Cool no worries. The high CBD Hurkle has really really helped me and my wife's nerve and spine pain :thumb: It's also great for bedtime smoke too. O yeah and it gives us the munchies like a mofo. I can see how it would help with stomach issues for sure.
Up-potted the next batch tonight. 2 Pennywise and 1 Blue Blood, the BB is the smaller one or the one in the front of the pics. I watered the roots in with 4ml transplant, .5ml tea with 3/4 gal or so ro. This is my first time trying the smart pots so far so good. They certainly leak less dirt when you need to move them around. :thumb:

Hey smokey it looks like you topped the one on the bout what time do you like to top? How many set of leaves? Obviously you topped that awhile before you transplanted it? One more question what size smart pots are you using?

Just kinda wanted to know how you do it......thanks bud :thumb:

Edit: hey we have been talking about a veg tent.......what size platinum would I need to veg three or four plants nicely....
Both the taller plants were topped its just not as easy to see on the one. I usually do it around the 5th node sometimes a bit later if I forget about it... These are the 2gal size smart pots. I think a p150 would probably make a nice veg light for 3-4 plants. :thumb:

My Ace seeds from Ace were in the mailbox today :party:
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