SmokeyMcFly's - Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry - Highbrix - LED - Grow

55 at lights off is starting to push it, i certianly wouldn't let it go any higher esp towards the end of a grow when the buds are fat and most prone to mold / rot issues. Mine shoots up that high when the lights first turn off sometimes and I haven't had any problems yet but I also have hepa filters on the intakes of my tents and live in a place that mold is almost non existent since it is so dry here. What are you running at lights on?

I have never heard of not having the stems effects potency. I'm not saying this isn't true but I don't really see how it could be either. I would believe that they were just drying them at to low RH and running into over dry bud issues more than anything but who knows im wrong a lot :rofl:

Edit I just rechecked my logs and these days I am running around 40% with lights on and around 50% with lights off. When I tried running 50% at lights on I was having issues with it going to high once they turned off. I don't have anyway to turn down my humidifier once the lights turn off other than having my controller kill it all together which I still have it setup to do if it ever goes to high.
I use all 4 just as doc recommends except cut down to smaller buckets since I have small harvests. Doc has never given me bad advice yet so I just listen and don't question what he says at this point :) Its really awesome to have someone you can just trust and not need to do hours of cross research to verify advice before you can use it which is not an easy thing to find in online forums... :)
By the way washing the buds is by far my least favorite part of the entire process now but I wouldn't smoke non washed HB buds ever again after experiencing the difference it's well worth it :thumb:
Doc stopped by today and I finally got to try some of the buds I see him showing off on here all the time. He brought some lemon paki, Champagne, Grape ape and another strain maybe an Afgani? At least thats what I think he had... By the time we got to the second or third one I really wasn't comprehending much of what was going on so I just grinned and smoked :lot-o-toke: Next time I will remember not to smoke or take my muscle relaxers before hand...

About an hour or two after he left I started to come back to my senses a little bit so I took about 5 more hits off what was left of the paki J before running out for lunch and to Costco. Turns out this wasn't the best idea ever, I was every bit as stoned all over again. I thought the wife was going to kill us on the ride, actually I think she almost did but i'm sure it wasn't as bad in reality as it seemed to me at the time. When I got out of the car at Costco I remember thinking I should kiss the ground like I just got off an airplane ride that I didn't think I was going to survive or something. Costco on Sunday was quite an experience that stoned too even after eating lunch. It was like being 16 getting really stoned and going out into the public all over again :high-five: I took a few more hits when we got home and about 30 min later I was out cold on the couch till my wife woke me up a bit ago for dinner.

This is the first time in a long long time that I have had my ass kicked like this from nug, Docs smoke is no joke. :surrender: The grape ape tastes out of this world and they are all potent as anything I have ever had. :bravo:

Thanks for stopping by Doc it was awesome to get to meet you in person and it felt like I have known you for years. Thanks for the bud and all the tips on the garden! Enjoy the rest of your vacation and have a safe trip back :allgood:

PS I wont be smoking any of this before work, my brain feels like it went through a blender today... Seriously impressive :high-five:
Couple pictures of my souvenirs from todays visit :)

Lemon Paki, we smoked some of this first, this stuff is a real ass kicker. :lot-o-toke:

Champagne, don't think we smoked this one this morning but im smoking a bubbler of it now and it has the most amazing smooth flavor that I can't put a name too. I can see why you call it Champagne though very very nice :thumb:
Edit: Does it actually taste like Champagne? I have never drank Champagne but I can imagine it tasting like this, has a nice smooth, light and subtle fermented grape flavor to me.

Thanks again Doc :bravo::thanks:
Smoke report:

SmokeyMcFly's High Brix Blue Dream.

It smells just fantastic, and when ground up the smells are even more intense with the characteristic "blue dream" smell represented perfectly. The cure was also very good as joints rolled smoked evenly and cleanly.

Initially, it's all about the lovely flavor. Very, very smooth with a of fruit on exhale.

The high is definitely "high." It's clearly feeling like a Sativa at this point, not exactly like a Haze, but far more "up" than I'm used to with Blue Dream...and that's a very good thing!

It's talkative, energetic, great for pain and just supercool all around.

It's the best Blue Dream I have ever smoked and my wife and I have enjoyed it all day today and last night.

Thanks Doc, Glad you two liked it so much :)

Honestly I wanted to give you the hurkle over the BD because i felt it turned out closer to its full potential than the BD did. You know how it is no matter how good something is if you think you could of done better then you will always have that well it could be better feeling deep down lol. I have a feeling picking the BD a couple weeks sooner than she could of gone if I had kept her fully fead actually made her much more energetic and enjoyable for daytime smoke. I left some of it go for a week or so longer and didn't like it as much so I just threw it in the bubble batch. She was certainly a Bob Ross happy accident in the end :high-five:

Was great to have you over, you're welcome back anytime :)
Some new pics. Everything is back to drinking and needing water every day again. They slowed down for the week when the hurkle had her issues and didn't need as much so im taking that as a good sign :thumb:



BD, she's begging to be harvested :rofl:
Im gonna cut her this weekend. I think she is ready any day now I just like to do it on the weekends when I have more time. That will put her at 10 completed weeks since flip and about 6 1/2 months old from seed :) She could of been so monster if I would of put her in a big bin and not pruned > 30% off of her a couple weeks after flip or so.
She is frostier than the last one, certainly more on the blue berry side of the cross this time. Dunno if the high will be better but I am pretty sure it will be different. As much as I like the uppy talkative high of the current one I still have a ton of it left so i'll be happy if this one is more stoney and super happy if she has a blueberry flavor at all. While its nice to grow from clones so you know exactly what you will get I am really starting to get into growing a new plant from seed each time just to have different things to try all the time:lot-o-toke:

Pretty sure at some point this year there will be an Ace orgy in my tent for a lifetime supply of mystery seeds :party:
She is frostier than the last one, certainly more on the blue berry side of the cross this time. Dunno if the high will be better but I am pretty sure it will be different. As much as I like the uppy talkative high of the current one I still have a ton of it left so i'll be happy if this one is more stoney and super happy if she has a blueberry flavor at all. While its nice to grow from clones so you know exactly what you will get I am really starting to get into growing a new plant from seed each time just to have different things to try all the time:lot-o-toke:

Pretty sure at some point this year there will be an Ace orgy in my tent for a lifetime supply of mystery seeds :party:

I decided to do letting my dude pollenate, maybe i will control it..the total of 5 strains...male Zamaldelica so far..
The hermie is now female, the tallest in the tent ..wild..
I didn't exactly decide it, but Buddha Haze (half Brazilian Manga Rosa) pollinated a bunch of Brazilian strains when it hermied. I'll have a couple hundred seeds when it's all collected. :yahoo: ... not to mention the thousands I'll get from the thoroughly dusted Blue Blood.

Ordinarily I'm not very impressed at crosses. I'd rather sample the purer ones, so I'm more about finding unpolluted phenos. But in all those seeds, there'll be a brilliant Manga Rosa pheno, and I might manage to get a high-CBD Brazilian out of the Blue Blood.

That BD of yours looks positively greasy - nice! Love the autumn coloration. Before you chop, be sure to get good pics with some flash for the trichs. That should go into POTM for the great color at least.

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