SmokeyMcFly's - Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry - Highbrix - LED - Grow

Thanks guys. I am good with making just normal seeds just wasn't sure if it was ok to use any of the fem only strains to be the mother for the great golden copulations, damn to much doors this weekend, sorry :) The Bubba Kush x HashPlant for example only comes fem and I think it said it was a limited run thing.
:popcorn: Can't wait to hear how you like it. Yours really turned out amazing. I can't believe how compact you managed to keep it and the monster donky D nug it grew. :bravo:

Sure bud np. Here are a couple, was there anything specific you're trying to figure out? I messed up the topping on this one, I should of waited another day to get more room but I accidentally took the entire top off. It might branch out of the node below the very top one instead but whatevs its all good :)


Took some others while the camera was out




Group shot

No nothing special just want to see how big they are and what size container they are in, how u topped Remember I am a rookie to it all....

I did think the supper cropping was neat to see...the SLH is awesome looks to effortless to grow.....other than the height....bout how long you veg her?

Man you guys got me want those sativa strains as well from ace.......I do have an amnesia from super strains that I wanna definetly do in hb....but not he first Gotta sense of what's going on.

Side note I did get my 7 gallon airpots....hey smokey I just put them together with the base all the at the bottom set of will give me a couple more inches of soil.....:thumb:
Nate, see post 232 of this thread. There is a bud pic of my pennywise just before it came down. There are more in my picture gallery. I like the pennywise for when you want some pain relief without being wrecked. It is pretty mellow by itself but when you mix it with something else it turns the mix into a super strain. I love mixing different strains and pennywise is my go to mixer, it makes everything more interesting.

Just did's funny as soon as I saw it then read the post I though man I have seen this then looked down and saw, that I liked it....:bongrip:
No nothing special just want to see how big they are and what size container they are in, how u topped Remember I am a rookie to it all....

I did think the supper cropping was neat to see...the SLH is awesome looks to effortless to grow.....other than the height....bout how long you veg her?

Man you guys got me want those sativa strains as well from ace.......I do have an amnesia from super strains that I wanna definetly do in hb....but not he first Gotta sense of what's going on.

Side note I did get my 7 gallon airpots....hey smokey I just put them together with the base all the at the bottom set of will give me a couple more inches of soil.....:thumb:

Yup I remember that stage and still do the same thing often where your trying to figure out shit by other people pictures. Thats why I was wondering if there was something specific I could try and get a good shot of it.

I just read in Docs thread about not adding non HB trim to the soil. I think I was probably the one that told you to do that, sorry my bad, never even thought about that part. I didn't have any trim to add to my first run soil since I was starting all over after the move. I doubt it will hurt much as you have seen this stuff is very forgiving, I try my damnedest to jack things up and the nugs still turn out great in the end :rofl:

Edit the SLH was planted on 12/16 and flipped on 2/8 so about a week shy of 2 months from seed to flip.
So after Sunday nights appetizer the hurkle and SLH got their main course tonight.

I mixed up close to 20ml energy, 7ml transplant and 1 ml in tea in about 1.5 gal. Around 1 - 1.25 gallons went into the hurkle and SLH with more going into the hurkle. The rest got spread around my other plants, a little to the bd a decent amount to the veg hurkle and a tiny squirt to the lil-ens.

I also put a keg cup worth of worm poop top dress on the hurk and SLH. I didn't do it sooner because I was still thinking I was over feeding around CD time somehow. I should list my assumptions at the start of my next grow like I would for a project plan. Nothing is worse than incorrect assumptions... :)

Thanks for the help everyone, I have learned more about what is really going on with my plants on this one grow than I have all my prev hb grows combined. :high-five:

Now i'm off to finally order some yucca, those lil gnats are driving me nuts, thanks for the awesome tip Curso :thumb:
Hey smokey here is that BB....she will b 8 weeks tomorrow.....all her bud site leaves are red and purple. Hee hee.....I was looking at ur auto journal and looks like you chopped the main at ten weeks and the rest a few days later....did you wish you would have wait longer?

I definitely see all clear I know it's not time....just wondered what you would do the second time....either way it has sugar on the leaves....we will b smoking something my first run......:slide::bong:
Honestly I can't remember, the last three years are pretty much a blur from the meds they had me on :(

Do you want daytime smoke or put you to sleep smoke. The BB is going to lean twards nocking you out anyway so keep that in mind. Harvest times are very unique to each persons tastes / goals for that plant and the plant itself. I most likely picked it earlier than I needed too though it was my first grow in years and I was jonesing so I can't imagine I waited as long as I could of / probably should of.

It looks really nice man good job! I was going to ask you the other night to put some new pics of her up and then I probably fell asleep or something :blunt:
Hey smokey here are some pics......remember all this is my first attempt.....I believe that my water is harder than I expected and is starting to cause a mg lock out due too to much calcium.....anyway I hope they make it.....I have switched to jugg water until I install my sediment filters....

Here is the blueberry....all 8week old autos

Here is sin tra bajo

This last one is a photoperiod jack is in a three gallon pot and is also 8weeks old. Im planning on flipping it when the autos r done. Should I up can it to a 7 gallon? I really don't want to even mess with it, so I can start my hb plants....but I'm kinda fond of u can see I have attempted to mainline her.....In the process I broke one growth awhile back so one side is much bigger but she recovered....

You can see she will have 8 colas....not all even cause of the damage but it's pretty cool to I said she has taken a lot and I have learned a lot......and personally I think she looks really spunky......

What do you all think I should do with her?

Sorry smokey.....this became a very long post......I would love all your guys input on what to do with the jack herer.......:thanks:
Don't be sorry bud they look awesome, glad you're having such good results for your first grow. Love the color on the BB :high-five:

With the JH, IMO you should up-can and grow her out but if the rest of your plants are going to be HB you have to decide if its worth the extra work...
Here are some new nighttime shots I just took of mine.


Hurkle, The issue seems to have stopped getting worse with the flush and heavy feeding.

BD, seems like she is hitting a little growth spurt and is kicking out some little foxtail kinda growths with new pistils on some of the buds, I think i'm going to give her till next weekend.
Nice.....really nice. Smokey I can't wait to have waxy leaves like that SLH.......I think you have answered this before but......are your blue dream genetics humbolt? That's what I got in the bank too. Like you said it looks like you have had both phenos....I hope I get the one you got going now, looks amazing...

Hey, I'm getting ready to start researching drying and curing.....any special tricks? About what RH do you wanna keep the drying buds at before jarring them? :)

Edit: as for they JH.....if I keep her I really only have room for 1 hb plant and if that wasn't 11/13 like ziggs then the JH would b vegging for like 5-6 months....don't think I got room for that.

I try and keep them around 50% for the first couple days then closer to 60% for like a week. 50% the entire time would be fine they will just dry faster and cure less before jarring. Checkout the bovida packs they have a ~50% one now that should work great once you jar them. I still have the 60s and they keep it a little to moist IMO.
Thanks Zigg!

Edit: as for they JH.....if I keep her I really only have room for 1 hb plant and if that wasn't 11/13 like ziggs then the JH would b vegging for like 5-6 months....don't think I got room for that.


In this case I would ditch her. 5-6 months of veg on a JH would be a bitch to keep under control plus you wanna get on the HB smoke as soon as you can, it's just different / better :)

I think you have answered this before but......are your blue dream genetics humbolt?
Yup :)
Hey smokey, do you cut and hang your whole plant? It seems like that it's the way to do it......also seems like a hard way to keep the smell down when drying.....I can't hardly use the carbon scrubbed room cause still have other plants in there?

I guess I have the abiltly to make anything.....I was thinking of big Rubbermaid totes but can't get a whole plant in there. Would still need some kind of scrubber moving air through the tote.....

I did see a pic of a home made cardboard box you had made.....can u elaborate on that?
I don't hang the entire plants since I cant wash them that way. I cut each branch down to a small enough size that I can fit them in my little wash buckets I usually use 1gal jugs with the top cut off. 5gal buckets would be easier but I dont have that much to wash and it seems like a waste.

The box experiment was not a good idea. I ended up hooking up the intake to my small tent to it so it could get some air and then get scrubbed but it got WAY to much air and the buds got really dry to fast. If your going to create a box or enclosure I would do something much bigger and have much less air flow.

I am now using the mini walk in closet in my grow room. The air in that room gets scrubbed enough before leaking out of the room that the smell isn't an issue and I only put a small fan in the doorway to the closet that is not pointing at the buds. Usually I harvest everything at once so keeping the RH high for a week is fine since there are no mature growing buds to worry about getting PM issues or anything. If I have a split harvest I just keep it at 50% round the clock which is a fine compromise for both the plants and the drying buds.

I would love to have a dedicated room or space as the home tv shows would call it.... but we do our best with what we have :)

Did you foliar spray your plants at all? If so you should wash them fo-sho. Even if you didn't I have found that they dry a lot more evenly when washed. Without washing I have had the outsides dry way before the insides on most occasions, the water they soak up during the wash really helps with this.

Here are docs instructions on washing if you haven't seen them.
Bud Washing

Let me know if I missed anything or you have more questions. I am always worried most about this step since you already have months of work in at this time the last thing you wanna do is jack it up at the final step... :)
Here is what my new drying setup usually looks like. I would leave more stem on them to slow down the process but like I said I use little jugs for washing so I have to chop them down a lot. Most of those were colas that were cut into about 3 sections to be small enough to submerge.

I like this to see how you guys do it.... So if you could leave them bigger you would? I have read where it hurts potency to cut them done. Obviously it's not to much of a factor.....seems you are smoking great green.

Yeah I saw doc bud washing technique....I'm definitely trying it. I might leave a few buds not washed to compare......

On a side note.....Isince it has been warming up here and the RH is rising, my room with the lights off is running like 55 RH is that a problem? Or could it become one?
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