SmokeyMcFly's - Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry - Highbrix - LED - Grow

Nematode, thats correct. Each plant is different I find. Add that to the differences in growers and their environments, one can tweak the Kit. Many suggest to run at least 1 grow as directed by the instructions.

The first kit grow is like hitting all the notes in a scale on a strange keyboard. Get familiar with the feel of it, learn what each product does and THEN let the greenthumb start to act and make changes in timing, etc.

That's what all of the growers who are really killing it did and are doing. My regimen is still pretty much by the book when I need produce, but I'm always trying this or that on 3 or 4 plants pretty much every cycle. I'm trying to nail down the OG Drench right now, for example.

The only thing we must do is keep the roots healthy.
Thanks for the input everyone.

Curso the last few sprays have been on these days and are always exactly by the book 2ml into 2oz of water. I have been going farther between the brix sprays this time and giving more frequent stress sprays, like one or two a week and brix closer to 1.5 weeks - 2 apart.
Brix on 2/25 & 3/12
Stress 3/3 & 3/8

I'm leaning more twards the combo of smaller pots and the long time since any GE combined with the growth explosion over the last week just caused her to run out of energy. The pot is really to small, I fucked up when I put them together this time I think they're closer to a 5 airpot instead of a normal 7 that I usually run my smaller plants in. I like to keep an open mind to all possibilities so thanks for the input on the brix esp since I changed the frequency of how often they're getting it this time. I just make my best educated guesses and post them on here in hopes someone that knows more than me chimes in and tells me whats really going on :high-five:
Rite on.......thanks I'm gonna bookmark this page too:cheesygrinsmiley: so it looks like you don't have to wait a full week to apply the second guys are right...looks like the kit has a lot of flexibility....seems you all do it a little different and are getting spectacular results.....can't wait.:rollit:

Nope, if I remember correctly the CD directions are to do them on back to back waterings. Since these need watered pretty much everyday I just kept them moist and spaced it out closer to what the next watering would normally be if the pot sizes were correct for the plant sizes. :thumb:
Your schedule is fine. Like we talked about earlier, small containers are tricky and sometimes the plants will go on huge growth spurts and then run out of energy, then get it back, etc.

I suggest perhaps using more Growth Energy in veg and at least one good dose before the Cat Drench. But like you said, the buds look good!

Thanks Doc, I will be trying this on my next round for sure. Now that I realize these are signs of not enough energy instead of to much nutes of whatever kind like I assumed when I first started growing HB it's starting to make a lot of sense. I think Curso had the first post I read somewhere about these kind of things being signs of not enough instead of to much like it seems to new HB growers (at least it did to me) which was a huge start in the right direction :high-five:

:circle-of-love: the HB Crew :thanks:
I'm glad Doc suggested the GE because I was going to. :cheesygrinsmiley:

I always give mine at least one good dose of GE as the buds are setting. I like to flip them right around a Trans feeding, and then they'll be ready for GE just as they're getting their buds up to size. GE bulks up that process, I believe. Then after a watering, they get hit with the cations and that finishes the initial bud set. Mine will often stall after the second CD and then come back strong a week later. If leaves are going to fade, they'll do it right after the first CD. I'm in smallish pots, too - 6 gallon - so I make sure they also get two 16 oz cups of EWC before I drench 'em.

I think you needed more GE. But I also bet that Blue Dream reeks! :circle-of-love: I can feel the sticky through the screen. Have you sampled 'er yet? :cheesygrinsmiley:
Haha she does man, so much more stinky and sticky than the last one :high-five:

I haven't tried her at all yet but I can't wait. I'm thinking she will probably get chopped next weekend or the following at the latest. :party: :ganjamon:

I mixed up about 12 ml GE and 5ml trans with 1ml tea tonight in maybe a gal or a little less of water. The SLH and the Hurkle got it for their off watering day top off and the rest went to the BD for her weekly feeding. I also gave the BD and Hurkle a normal stress spray and the SLH got a light stress spray.

The oldest penny got topped tonight at the 6th node and I am going to have to up-pot it very soon. I also gave it a very light spray of stress.
I ordered some more Ace seeds from herbies this time. I'm sure my other order will show up now that I ordered these and I am just fine with that :)

They all looked so good I ended up getting more than I planed and had a hard time keeping it limited to this many :rofl:

This is what I have on the way this time, I got all regs now that the wife is getting a card I can grow out more at a time so it shouldn't be as bad and I might get around to crossing a couple of these and doing a seed run or two someday :)

Ace Pakistan Chitral Kush Seeds (ACE510) 5 Seeds Per Pack
Ace Golden Tiger Seeds (ACE511) 5 Seeds Per Pack
Ace Malawi Seeds (ACE518) 5 Seeds Per Pack
Ace Panama Seeds (ACE506) 5 Seeds Per Pack
Ace Zamaldelica Seeds (ACE526) 5 Seeds Per Pack
I want to see how that paki chitral comes out, has anyone else grown it HB?
Im gonna pick up most of the Ace indicas within a week or so, they got a bubba kush x hashplant strain calling my name.

I know man all their descriptions sound amazing, its hard to keep yourself under control when ordering :rofl:

I mean seriously how can you pass this up, not to mention the pink pistils, edit and trics zomg :drool: I just noticed that in the description :rofl: Every strain they have sounds equally amazing just in different ways not to mention they are currently the POTY (GO GT) which means a lot more to me than the Canna Cup winners :)

Ace Panama Seeds Info
Panama ’74, Green Panama and Colombian “Punto Rojo”.
Our Panama combines 3 excellent sativas from Panama and Colombia. It’s a
hybrid with strong vegetative vigour adapted to southern climates and
indoors grows. It produces beautiful large and dense flowers full of
trichomes often showing reddish and pinkish shades when flowering
. Its
aroma and effects reminds us of the best red Colombian and Panamanian
sativas from the 70’s.
Tall and branched sativa.
Strong fermented lemon aroma with vanilla and incense touches. Real Central
American sativa flavor.
It produces initially an euphoric feeling followed by a complex, dense and
psichedelic high.
Perfect for screen indoor growing (SCROG). Recommended for outdoor growing
in warm climates.

On another note I was watching an 80th bday party for Willie last night and he opened with Roll Me Up and Smoke Me When I Die. Still need to find somewhere to get some of Willie beans that actually uses encryption. Anything that he liked that much I need to get a hold of, :green_heart: that man. My wife was like wow he still sounds great at 80 maybe its all the bud he smokes, I was like yup you should smoke more! :)
On another note I was watching an 80th bday party for Willie last night and he opened with Roll Me Up and Smoke Me When I Die. Still need to find somewhere to get some of Willie beans that actually uses encryption. Anything that he liked that much I need to get a hold of, :green_heart: that man. My wife was like wow he still sounds great at 80 maybe its all the bud he smokes, I was like yup you should smoke more! :)

I was there. I was at the 80th Bday party show.
I was there. I was at the 80th Bday party show.

O wow very nice that must of been amazing. I just had to get some new home stereo equipment my old receiver died so I have been watching a lot of concerts and stuff since friday. My music crush was there too, :love: Norah Jones. She sounds soooo good plus looks just like a grown up version of the first girl I ever, well you get it, just don't tell my wife I want her to keep liking her too :rofl:
On another note I was watching an 80th bday party for Willie last night and he opened with Roll Me Up and Smoke Me When I Die. Still need to find somewhere to get some of Willie beans that actually uses encryption. Anything that he liked that much I need to get a hold of, :green_heart: that man. My wife was like wow he still sounds great at 80 maybe its all the bud he smokes, I was like yup you should smoke more! :)

One WN is starting her journey to feeding my mind tues.. ;)
Thank you, Doc!. I ordered them after reading about your grows and how you love her.
Haha she does man, so much more stinky and sticky than the last one :high-five:

I haven't tried her at all yet but I can't wait. I'm thinking she will probably get chopped next weekend or the following at the latest. :party: :ganjamon:

I mixed up about 12 ml GE and 5ml trans with 1ml tea tonight in maybe a gal or a little less of water. The SLH and the Hurkle got it for their off watering day top off and the rest went to the BD for her weekly feeding. I also gave the BD and Hurkle a normal stress spray and the SLH got a light stress spray.

The oldest penny got topped tonight at the 6th node and I am going to have to up-pot it very soon. I also gave it a very light spray of stress.

Hey smokey....can we get some pics of that penny wise? I know.....I know.....veg is boring but it would really help a new guy out. Thanks bud.:passitleft:
One WN is starting her journey to feeding my mind tues.. ;)
Thank you, Doc!. I ordered them after reading about your grows and how you love her.

:popcorn: Can't wait to hear how you like it. Yours really turned out amazing. I can't believe how compact you managed to keep it and the monster donky D nug it grew. :bravo:

Hey smokey....can we get some pics of that penny wise? I know.....I know.....veg is boring but it would really help a new guy out. Thanks bud.:passitleft:

Sure bud np. Here are a couple, was there anything specific you're trying to figure out? I messed up the topping on this one, I should of waited another day to get more room but I accidentally took the entire top off. It might branch out of the node below the very top one instead but whatevs its all good :)


Took some others while the camera was out




Group shot
SLH is one of Barney's better strains. :cheesygrinsmiley: Almost every one I've seen has that same budding pattern - a dense frosty nug at every node.

Nice! :thumb:

[Edit] Did anyone see Cory Chisel at the 80th? He might have played close to Norah Jones - they did a European tour together. That guy is worth keeping an eye on.
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