SmokeyMcFly's - Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry - Highbrix - LED - Grow

It's mostly the large fan leaves, the ones in the middle of the plant directly under the light are the worst. I have had the gnats for a few months now, no idea where they came from but now that they're here I haven't been able to get rid of them completely. All my plants look perfect until around week 5-7 depending on the strain and then I start to get some not so perfect looking leaves no matter if I feed them very lightly or really jam it down their throats but this is the first one looking rusty. It's also the one I have been feeding a lot more than any other plant. Still trying to learn what does what so last grow I went with min drenches and this time I am giving at least 1ml per gallon of soil per week, a couple of the drenches were even closer than a week apart and she got three top dresses of epson salt.

The only thing in my ENV that I am not sure if is ok (other than the gnats) is my fresh air / CO2 levels. I have a 12" normal fan in the door way and try and open a window but i'm starting to think they get to the point in flowering that the air isn't good enough to keep up with whats going on but I really have no idea.

Edit, the gnats are around all of the plants in both tents. As long as I keep the traps up there isn't many of them, I hung the trap in the picture up a few days before that and it only had one on it last night. They don't seem to bother anything but I could be wrong I usually am :) I would love to get rid of them completely if anyone knows a trick :)

I'll try and get some lights out flash close ups of the damaged leaves tonight those pictures aren't the best to see whats going on.
It's mostly the large fan leaves, the ones in the middle of the plant directly under the light are the worst. I have had the gnats for a few months now, no idea where they came from but now that they're here I haven't been able to get rid of them completely. All my plants look perfect until around week 5-7 depending on the strain and then I start to get some not so perfect looking leaves no matter if I feed them very lightly or really jam it down their throats but this is the first one looking rusty. It's also the one I have been feeding a lot more than any other plant. Still trying to learn what does what so last grow I went with min drenches and this time I am giving at least 1ml per gallon of soil per week, a couple of the drenches were even closer than a week apart and she got three top dresses of epson salt.

The only thing in my ENV that I am not sure if is ok (other than the gnats) is my fresh air / CO2 levels. I have a 12" normal fan in the door way and try and open a window but i'm starting to think they get to the point in flowering that the air isn't good enough to keep up with whats going on but I really have no idea.

Edit, the gnats are around all of the plants in both tents. As long as I keep the traps up there isn't many of them, I hung the trap in the picture up a few days before that and it only had one on it last night. They don't seem to bother anything but I could be wrong I usually am :) I would love to get rid of them completely if anyone knows a trick :)

I'll try and get some lights out flash close ups of the damaged leaves tonight those pictures aren't the best to see whats going on.

The gnats shouldn't be there. Do you have anymore re-charge?

If you could put a couple mosquito dunks in your water supply that will kill them, but they shouldn't be there to begin with. You in Promix HP myko or Sunshine?
The gnats shouldn't be there. Do you have anymore re-charge?

If you could put a couple mosquito dunks in your water supply that will kill them, but they shouldn't be there to begin with. You in Promix HP myko or Sunshine?

Its funny you ask I added more recharge last night actually. Based on the amount left in the bag I think I have been going to light on that. I forgot to mention it this morning I had just woke up.

I'm using the normal promix hp as specified.

The gnats showed up during one of my lazy periods and haven't left. I have been trying to keep things cleaner since.

Thanks for the help!
Hat SLH is coming along....Yeah smokey......I don't know if the gnats come from the promix.....although it's has been covered and cooking.......I have a handful of gnats sticky trap seems to catch them.

This is my first's in the basement of our newly built house.....and it's been freezing here for 4 The soil is the only thing I have brought into the house.....that was in jan...

Now I'm not growing high brix rite now...just promix.....
Night time pics as promised. I had to throw one of the hurkle in at the end. Don't want the other plants acting up just for attention like little kids do... :)

The BD is half way through week 6

Thanks for the help everyone!

The gnats shouldn't be there. Do you have anymore re-charge?

If you could put a couple mosquito dunks in your water supply that will kill them, but they shouldn't be there to begin with. You in Promix HP myko or Sunshine?

Now that im home from work and had some smoke my brain is working again. Curious why you were asking about the recharge, do you think my issue is that I haven't been giving them enough or were you asking for a different reason?

Also I got my refill today, epic fast shipping thanks! :thumb:
Now that im home from work and had some smoke my brain is working again. Curious why you were asking about the recharge, do you think my issue is that I haven't been giving them enough or were you asking for a different reason?

Also I got my refill today, epic fast shipping thanks! :thumb:

The minerals keep the gnats down. Topdress each plant 2 tbspn re-charge and water it in. It's no coincidence you have bug problems and plant problems....low minerals will mean low pH and low pH will lower brix and invite bugs.

It happens less and less as the soil gets tuned in....and then after 4 runs or so another type of problem happens. When the soil pH is too high from all the rock powders added and re-added, along with some salt buildup, the soil tends to invite mold, mildew and various other trouble with it.

The re-charge is designed to keep the mineral content up, hence the pH buffering it provides. It locks the soil in at 6.5.
Yeah guys check this out....2 mars 900' a 2.5x3.5ft room..... Remember smokey I said I was having to run a space heater to keep it up around 80....that fucker pulled 700watts.....the second light got the room to 81 with 50%rh....and is only pulling bout half of that heater.....

Question....what with that much light do to my ladies......the light r about 18 inches above right now....
What I do when I am unsure if the light is to strong is raise it some and just let them grow into it. If they start to get to stretchy you can drop it a bit. How long ago did you add the extra light and how high was the single one compared to the two of them?

Cant wait to see how these turn out you got that tent just the right amount of packed full, should be a nice harvest :thumb:
Um just turned it on bout an hour ago and gave them a drink of water only...actually they are only about 3 inches higher than the one.....should I move them up to bout 24? That's what I'm thinking....

I would. Even at 24" that is more than enough light :)
I really don't know about the nutes. I would assume they will grow faster thus needing more but autos can be sensitive to nutes so maybe wait for a sign they need more before increasing it much.

Anyone that has real experience with normal nutes have any idea?
Yeah I these these general organics nutes are weak....cause my blueberry review said they are sensitive to nutes but she has gotten 2 full strength doses(their recommendation on the box) and she hasn't missed a beat.

I will be glad to get this hb grow going......seems so simple....not guessing and margin of error big....hey smokey I got fuzz on my soil
Yeah I these these general organics nutes are weak....cause my blueberry review said they are sensitive to nutes but she has gotten 2 full strength doses(their recommendation on the box) and she hasn't missed a beat.

I will be glad to get this hb grow going......seems so simple....not guessing and margin of error big....hey smokey I got fuzz on my soil

Regarding distance I think your spot on there. My mars II did its best work between 18-20". On the nutes, I doubt you'll need anything more right away, but I would go ahead and bump up the ca/mg. I ran mostly 1/2 strength on it until they got into flower then they needed the extra, so I went full strength. Never at any time did I exceed the recommended "full dose" though I did get up to it.

Regarding distance I think your spot on there. My mars II did its best work between 18-20". On the nutes, I doubt you'll need anything more right away, but I would go ahead and bump up the ca/mg. I ran mostly 1/2 strength on it until they got into flower then they needed the extra, so I went full strength. Never at any time did I exceed the recommended "full dose" though I did get up to it.


It funny you say that cause I got medicated before I watered....and when I added cal mag I added for three gallons but only had two in the bucket.....:blunt: so they all got 7.5 ml not 5 hope that won't hurt them....I do remember reading LEDs suck up the cal mag.....thanks for the answer gov.

These r my first but really just can't wait to get em out and start some real organic growing.....#high brix.
It funny you say that cause I got medicated before I watered....and when I added cal mag I added for three gallons but only had two in the bucket.....:blunt: so they all got 7.5 ml not 5 hope that won't hurt them....I do remember reading LEDs suck up the cal mag.....thanks for the answer gov.

These r my first but really just can't wait to get em out and start some real organic growing.....#high brix.

Keep me posted please, how the cal/mag works out. You're in RO, correct?
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