SmokeyMcFly's - Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry - Highbrix - LED - Grow

re: SmokeyMcFly's Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry Highbrix LED Grow

I think having short peaks in their growth cycle and slightly unusual nutrient preferences translates into "difficulty to grow" for many reviewers and they've spotted a period the plants didn't flourish. As HB'ers, I'd have to think those chances are fewer

Sounds like a plan.

Agree, it says right on these to go light on the nutes which I take to mean they don't really like the traditional salt based junk. I think their pure Sativas are going to go nutso in HB. I'm as giddy as a school girl just thinking about these :)
re: SmokeyMcFly's Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry Highbrix LED Grow

Agree, it says right on these to go light on the nutes which I take to mean they don't really like the traditional salt based junk. I think their pure Sativas are going to go nutso in HB. I'm as giddy as a school girl just thinking about these :)

That's what we're looking for....nearly pure strains that come with a "low nutes" warning. Magic.
re: SmokeyMcFly's Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry Highbrix LED Grow

That's what we're looking for....nearly pure strains that come with a "low nutes" warning. Magic.



This is what I thought I was getting when I ordered the WOS "landrace" strains but not so much...
re: SmokeyMcFly's Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry Highbrix LED Grow

Tonight the blue dream hurkle and SLH got 7ml transplant in two gal of water between them, about 1 gal to the BD and around 1/2 to the other two. I also top dressed the blue dream with some more epsom salt. Not sure how much I didn't have a spoon up there so I just sprinkled some on, maybe around 2 or 3 tbl spoons. I also staked up the floppy branches on the blue dream and moved my fan into the corner so it's not blasting them as much as before.

All plants also got a brix spray, its been about 10 days since the last one.

I'll get some new pictures up either tomorrow or thursday nothing looks that much diff than last time though.

Have a good night all :)
re: SmokeyMcFly's Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry Highbrix LED Grow

New pictures as promised. Over all I feel like this grow is going much better than previous ones. I think a combination of trying to keep windows open for at least part of every day and putting a 12" fan in the doorway to get some air exchange in my grow room have made a big improvement. I think the new feeding schedules are helping too, esp the extra heavy drenches and added Mg for the blue dream :) This one smells more at week 5 than the last one did at week 10 so i'm taking that as a good sign :thumb:



Blue Dream

This bud is in the corner closest to where the fan was beating them up before and looks the worst out of them all so i'm thinking the fan was doing at least some of the damage.
re: SmokeyMcFly's Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry Highbrix LED Grow

Also I decided to try out a Nest thermostat before going all the way with a mini split for now. The wife and I are considering moving to CA or WA at some point in the not to distant future so I don't want to spend that much on something I wont get that many years of use out of right now. With the Nest I should be able to tell it to keep the upstairs close to 70-72 at all times regardless if it needs to heat or cool to accomplish it. If I can keep it steady at that temp without needing to set it multiple times a day I will be happy. That temp works for us and the plants regardless of the time of day :high-five:
re: SmokeyMcFly's Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry Highbrix LED Grow

This BD looks like it will finish sooner than the last one but if not it has only just begun. :allgood:


Edit I just looked up the last one and I think this one will deff finish sooner. Here is what the last one looked like around the same time, very different structure and it had all white pistils till around week 8 or maybe later, most were still white when I harvested it at the end of week 10. The last one didn't get pruned at all lol she was a real monster I wish I would of kept her fed properly.


re: SmokeyMcFly's Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry Highbrix LED Grow

My BD is just starting week 9 and I doubt it'll make it to 10.

I think the last one basically leaned all the way haze, this one looks and smells like it has more blueberry in it than the last one and is probably more normal. Maybe thats why the last one wanted to go so long.

Can't wait to hear how you like yours :lot-o-toke:

Nice setup

Thanks bud!
re: SmokeyMcFly's Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry Highbrix LED Grow

I think the last one basically leaned all the way haze, this one looks and smells like it has more blueberry in it than the last one and is probably more normal. Maybe thats why the last one wanted to go so long.

Can't wait to hear how you like yours :lot-o-toke:

I'll defo let you know. I can't believe I haven't tried a "tester" or two, but I haven't. :)
Re: SmokeyMcFly's Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry Highbrix LED Grow

I'll defo let you know. I can't believe I haven't tried a "tester" or two, but I haven't. :)

I used to be horrible with testers when I first started. Would be cutting a bud off here and there all the time but when you're dry you do what you gotta do. The buds would be half gone by the time they were ready for harvest :rofl:

Now that I have a nice stash from previous grows I don't take testers anymore. I don't like smoking it before washing and i'm to lazy to mix up wash just for a test bud :tokin:

If i ever ran out again and had no other option to get more you can bet I would be up there looking for the next victim almost daily :rofl:
So I have some sad sad news. I had to break my SLH's sexy legs tonight:sorry: This is the first plant I have really not wanted to SC or LST or whatever if needed but it was getting necessary. I also moved my marsII 400 back in the tent above her and am running it along with the two p300s now. It was working good when they were younger but I was running out of coverage with just the two p300s. I need to get another platinum ordered soon i'm thinking a 600 along with my two 300s would do me good for now. I can't go too nuts I only have one standard circuit to work with for power in that room.

I kind of forgot to water them last night when I should of (the house of cards released and we marathon watched it all night) so they were just starting to droop when I checked on them, they got the following feedings tonight.

Blue dream
10ml energy, 4ml transplant, 1ml tea in 1.5 gal of water. A little shared with veg hurkle
small epson salt top dress

Veg hurkle
Somewhere around 1/3 gallon of the blue dream drench mix

Hurkle and SLH
10ml transplant, 1ml tea in 1gal of water between them.
Recharge top dress
Super cropped two mains on the SLH
Cut off a few suckers at the bottom and a few nodes off of the SLH that weren't going to go anywhere

Everything but the seedlings got a standard stress spray

bottom fed mostly RO with a small amount of the blue dream drench squirted in it.

Some pictures of them right after the tonights watering. They were still a little droopy.




Group shot

Veg Hurkle


Have a good night all :thanks:
oh lord have mercy, look at that sexy hurkle, whew.....I'm sweating....and blue dream....the picture of perfection....great great pics.....rock on, bro....
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