SmokeyMcFly's - Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry - Highbrix - LED - Grow

re: SmokeyMcFly's Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry Highbrix LED Grow

I think I probably used at least five times that much... Like I said I think I was over doing it :rofl:

Have you given them a roots top dress? I'm gonna give mine one this time if she starts yellowing like the last one. I'm thinking it might help th finish a little stronger.

Let me know how this works. If I have an issue like that I always use a strong Transplant/Tea combo.....but as long as night temps stay up around 65 or higher I don't have much trouble like that anymore.
re: SmokeyMcFly's Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry Highbrix LED Grow

Yeah, to liken it to cooking (seems a common denominator around here most days), I use the liquids like I cook savory, and the dry ingredients like I bake (I'm a little more careful to get the right ratios with the dry stuff), so I was a little careful dispensing the recharge/ewc and tried to get the right amounts for the different post sizes I'm using.

For the liquids, I'm doing more of the "*plop*...that looks about right" method. :)
re: SmokeyMcFly's Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry Highbrix LED Grow

:rofl: I do the exact opposite. Careful with the liquids and just grab some of the dry stuff and throw it on :)

Well it's a slightly educated guess but no real measuments other than in my head :)
re: SmokeyMcFly's Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry Highbrix LED Grow

Let me know how this works. If I have an issue like that I always use a strong Transplant/Tea combo.....but as long as night temps stay up around 65 or higher I don't have much trouble like that anymore.

Thanks Doc will do although now that I see your recommendation I will probably combine the two or just use your T drench idea. These blue dreams seem to be hard to get to finish green hense the massive feeding schedule I have had this one on :)
re: SmokeyMcFly's Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry Highbrix LED Grow

Great info guys...I can't wait to get my soil cooking. I got questions on that.....but we will wait till it arrives got shipped this morning should b long. Hey smokey I saw at the top of the page where u split a gallono of treated water between 2 7 gallon question is is that all the water u gave them that night .....or do u finish watering with just water?

I am trying to figure his watering thing out.....I watered my three autos with a gallon of water a piece on nutes and they r in 3 gallon air pots....don't know the equivalent of actual soil...anyway today which is two days they feel light and could prolly get watered again. Does this sound right? Or would it be over watering.....when they get the gallon apiece I usually get about a coffe cup worth of run off on each plant.

I also have gotten the humidty up to 50% so I don't think the dry air is drying them out....I remember smokey saying that air pots dry out faster which makes sense....75 degrees and 51% RH rite now.....
re: SmokeyMcFly's Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry Highbrix LED Grow

Let me know how this works. If I have an issue like that I always use a strong Transplant/Tea combo.....but as long as night temps stay up around 65 or higher I don't have much trouble like that anymore.

This is of most interest to me! I've had plants do this more times than I care to remember. I fixed a jack herer doing this by hitting it with a strong energy and transplant dose, about double strength, and it worked pretty well. A bit of some roots on top sounds like a decent idea if you do it soon enough..along with EWC. I'm trying to avoid the problem altogether by using larger pots or flowering smaller plants. That works guaranteed lol
re: SmokeyMcFly's Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry Highbrix LED Grow

Great info guys...I can't wait to get my soil cooking. I got questions on that.....but we will wait till it arrives got shipped this morning should b long. Hey smokey I saw at the top of the page where u split a gallono of treated water between 2 7 gallon question is is that all the water u gave them that night .....or do u finish watering with just water?

I am trying to figure his watering thing out.....I watered my three autos with a gallon of water a piece on nutes and they r in 3 gallon air pots....don't know the equivalent of actual soil...anyway today which is two days they feel light and could prolly get watered again. Does this sound right? Or would it be over watering.....when they get the gallon apiece I usually get about a coffe cup worth of run off on each plant.

I also have gotten the humidty up to 50% so I don't think the dry air is drying them out....I remember smokey saying that air pots dry out faster which makes sense....75 degrees and 51% RH rite now.....

I seem to need less water than most people are reporting using. 1gal in my 15gal air pots and I start to get run off and about a half a gallon or even less in my 7gals. I haven't really been able to figure out why I need less before run off maybe I am not getting the entire soil mass soaked but at the end of the grow I have roots all the way to all edges of the pots. Maybe others are compacting their soil more than me I keep it kind of loose on the sides and top and only push down the first few inches of soil on the bottom. I could see that causing it to hold less water.

I water them with one of those 2gallon sprayers with no spray nozzle on it and rotate between them to give each one a couple breaks and then adding more until I start to see some come out the bottom of the pot and then that one is done. Early in flower I need to water about every three days, by the end I am usually giving them some everyday with a big one about every 4 days.

This is of most interest to me! I've had plants do this more times than I care to remember. I fixed a jack herer doing this by hitting it with a strong energy and transplant dose, about double strength, and it worked pretty well. A bit of some roots on top sounds like a decent idea if you do it soon enough..along with EWC. I'm trying to avoid the problem altogether by using larger pots or flowering smaller plants. That works guaranteed lol

Agree this blue dream is about half the size of the last one and is doing much better so far. I gave it a major trimming around week 2 or 3 and I think it might of stunted its stretch some too. I would of done it sooner but I wasn't really planing on flowering her and then the wife loved the last batch so she got a stay of execution, well for now... :rofl:

For this one other than the major pruning I have been giving her about 1ml of drench per gallon of soil instead of .5ml once a week and i'm gonna give more stress sprays and stretch the brix sprays out to about 10days apart.

She needs watered tonight so i'm gonna go ahead and give her the light roots TD, she is in week 5 and just got her TD of WC after finishing up her CDs. I figure it can't hurt anything.

Also i'm not sure but I think I might of missed a Mg deficiency last time. This one was starting to show signs of it and the TD of Epsom salts seemed to help so i'm gonna keep an eye on that in case she needs another shot of it at some point.

Thanks for all the suggestions everyone, this HSO blue dream is a yummy strain but they seem to like to eat, a lot :morenutes:
re: SmokeyMcFly's Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry Highbrix LED Grow

Maybe that's it....the auto's are all going into flower......
re: SmokeyMcFly's Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry Highbrix LED Grow

Nice is that your blue berry? That was the only one of my autos that I actually liked when it came time to smoke them, I didn't do a very good job growing them...

I really really like the blueberry strains :)

Edit: Are you at 75 with the lights on? If so getting that up to around 80 if possible will give you better results, you can go up to like 85 but I try and not go above 82 since I don't have the greatest control over a couple degree swing from time to time and I don't want them to get to hot.

Good job getting the RH up that will make life easier :thumb:
re: SmokeyMcFly's Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry Highbrix LED Grow

Since i'm sitting around waiting hours for my code to finish building I figured I would take some new pictures.

Baby Penny

Hurkle reveg

Hurkle starting to show some flowers


SLH also starting to show some flowers, I think she is the happiest looking plant I have grown so far :)


Blue dream

This is a shot of the leaf edges getting burned or dried out I was talking about, any ideas?


The smell from the blue dream is much stronger this time :high-five:

re: SmokeyMcFly's Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry Highbrix LED Grow

Yeah thats my blueberry......I hope it taste and smokes good too. Have to do a lot of leave tucking....Yeah I can raise that room temp to what ever I want....I got a little space heater in front of my does the job but eats the electricity. It pulls 700watts on low....hell I could probably hang that other 900 mars and bring the temp up with half the think that would hurt my ladies though....that would be two mars 900 in a 2.5x3.5 area?

Hey smokey, does that BD naturally spread out that much? It is so much wider than the SLH?
re: SmokeyMcFly's Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry Highbrix LED Grow

As long as you have the height the extra light shouldn't hurt. I would rather pay less elec for more light than run a space heater which will also probably dry your air out too. If your doubling the light you should raise them some so you don't over whelm the plants.

This blue dream is not normal. She vegged for 4 months maybe closer to 6 its been so long I don't even remember anymore. She has had the top half of her cut of several times. I was going to keep her as a mom then decided not too. I think I might of root pruned her at one point too but maybe that was my plushberry. My last blue dream was younger and less molested and still branched out a ton then I super cropped her and half of the branches stayed bent over some so she ended up around 3' round, they are very bushy plants but they also can stretch a lot and shoot long colas up too. If I wouldn't of pruned a big chunk off of this one around week 2 or 3 it would probably be taking up half my tent and needing all of the light :rofl:

The SLH got topped once when she was young, you can see the two main stems instead of one. I can't imagine how tall she would be if I never topped her. If she keeps it up she's fixin to get a couple broken legs (super cropping) but i'm trying to avoid it if possible and I still have another foot or more to work with before its a problem.
re: SmokeyMcFly's Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry Highbrix LED Grow

Thanks smokey....I will probably put the other light in tomorrow. I have a 6in fan and carbon filter with a speed control. With no fan the one light gets the room up to like 90.....but with fan on lowest setting it's pulls the basement air in at like 65 leaving the room at like 70-71 with no heater help. I figure if the second light heats up the room over 80-82 then I will just adjust the sipped of the fan. And yes the heater does dry the shit out of the air. RH of like 25 without humidifier.

Wow I hope I get to that point where I have enough perpetual smoke to let a lady go for 4-6 months.

Yeah that SLH is like a slim supermodel......gorgeous!!!!!!
re: SmokeyMcFly's Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry Highbrix LED Grow

Thanks smokey....I will probably put the other light in tomorrow. I have a 6in fan and carbon filter with a speed control. With no fan the one light gets the room up to like 90.....but with fan on lowest setting it's pulls the basement air in at like 65 leaving the room at like 70-71 with no heater help. I figure if the second light heats up the room over 80-82 then I will just adjust the sipped of the fan. And yes the heater does dry the shit out of the air. RH of like 25 without humidifier.

Wow I hope I get to that point where I have enough perpetual smoke to let a lady go for 4-6 months.

Yeah that SLH is like a slim supermodel......gorgeous!!!!!!

Grow a blue dream, I think I got enough off the last one to last me 6 months :rofl: Seriously though after a couple grow cycles you will have more bud than you know what to do with, and that's a great problem to have :high-five:

Letting this one go for so long was just an accident I wanted to keep it as a mom but then decided to only keep moms of things I could only get non fem versions of due to my plant limits. Then I was running out of room in my veg tent and moved it into the flower tent till the other plants finished so I could recycle her. Then the wife fell in love with it so here we are :)

I'm glad i'm growing another one though I feel like I can do a much better job than last time. I was trying to feed a min amount and learn how they reacted to things but I picked the wrong plant to short on the :morenutes:
re: SmokeyMcFly's Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry Highbrix LED Grow

smokey, terrific looking plants, young and old. I had some leaves on my Auto JH x PEX get cooked from the heater. Its a digital so I can dial in 78, 79, whatever..theres a button I had pressed by accident, that started the oscillation. One night was enough to cook several leaves when the heat was allowed to blast directly on the leaves. The heater front is way hot! :)
re: SmokeyMcFly's Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry Highbrix LED Grow

Thanks guys, im super excited for the SLH. It was always one of my fav dispensary strains and I can only imagine how much better it will be grown like this.

A lot of you might of already seen on Govs thread when we were talking about it but I have a couple yummy straight up sativas on the way from ACE. I got a pack of Golden Tiger a pack of Zamaldelica and a freebie pack of Malawi x PCK. Im not sure which one to grow first I will only be doing one of these at a time for obvious reasons :) It will be between the GT and the Zam since the other is a cross, any suggestions, I want to grow the one that will melt faces the most :lot-o-toke:

re: SmokeyMcFly's Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry Highbrix LED Grow

Great! Are you starting them as soon as you get them? Im running both, 2 wks plus on zamals, 1 wk on golden tigers..they are both kick ass

Will be great to run them side by side sort of..:)
Mine will be 11/13 from seed. it will be interesting to compare phenos and plants in general.
re: SmokeyMcFly's Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry Highbrix LED Grow

I'm going to run one immediately, they sound too amazing to wait another cycle for and I can make do with only two CBD strains on the next run :) I plan on putting mine in the flowering tent right away as well but I have been running 12/12, I will probably drop it down when I grow these though. I like that your a little ahead of me, I can follow along and see what works :rofl:
re: SmokeyMcFly's Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry Highbrix LED Grow

Tonight the blue dream and veg hurkle got 9ml energy, about .75ml tea in a gal and a half of water split between them, the blue dream gets most of it. I had a little left over so I topped off the flowering hurkle and SLH with a little bit they probably only got about 1ml split between the two of them. I also sprayed stress on everything and top dressed the BD with a light dusting of roots over the entire surface before the watering.

The blue dream has a sweet but funky skunky smell at the same time this round. Smells nothing like any plant I have ever grown. Maybe the Mg feeding brought out the funk in her? She didn't smell like that before but it could be a coincidence too she did just finish up her CDs and top dresses so it could of been any of that or it could just be her time to stink. Its hard to figure out what is doing what in that couple week period around the CD there is just so many things going on its hard to tell cause and affect accurately but i'm having fun guessing and pretending like I know what i'm doing :rofl:

Have a good night all :circle-of-love:
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