SmokeyMcFly's - Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry - Highbrix - LED - Grow

re: SmokeyMcFly's Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry Highbrix LED Grow

I too found myself trying to stretch days between drenches at first. Now, I'm giving water almost daily, and am averaging a drench every 5 days or so. It's what they like. I'm upping energy these last 2-3 weeks too, from ~7ml to 12-ish + 2 pipets of transplant and 1 or 2 pipets of tea depending on what I gave last time. That's close to 2ml each, but not quite.


Good! That's exactly what you should do...learn how the products work and then apply them based on the situation in YOUR garden with YOUR plants and environment.

That's what being a grower is all about.
re: SmokeyMcFly's Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry Highbrix LED Grow

Not sure whats going on Neiko. I took a peak under the soil and the two I looked at one cracked but did nothing and one started to throw out a tap root but then just kinda stopped. It's been really dry here the last week and I have been having a hard time keeping my RH much above 40 and it drops to around 30 if I let the humidifier run out of water so maybe it was that or maybe they were not warm enough. It gets up to almost 80 in my veg tent at lights on were they are so they should of been ok. Im guessing they didn't get enough moisture or they were just bum seeds I really don't know. This time I pre soaked them for 3 hours and am keeping the soil more wet than I did last time hoping it was that. I also dropped one of my lights right above the cups for the first night to make sure they got warm enough and I raised it back up this morning, don't want them popping through and getting fried by the LED 6" away :rofl: I do have a germ heating pad I used when I got my first good seeds but I ended up with 4 out of 4 being male with it so I have stopped using it, I remember reading somewhere that warmer germ temps could lead to more males but don't know if thats really true.

I am all about the community learning and I still have a ton to learn so please don't feel like you have to send PMs to keep from hijacking my journal. We are all still learning together and the answers you get in a PM might help others or me as well :high-five: Sometime when we give answers someone else comes along with a better answer and we learn something even when we thought we knew the right answer. I think it was your journal actually where I described my old feeding schedule and Tav came along and shared his which made more sense and I imediatly switched to that :bravo: If I wouldn't of shared the way I did it I might of never learned the better way. I love how we all help each other on here and leave the egos at the login screen :) :thumb: :circle-of-love:

Sending some :love: for your next batch hopefully we both get it figured out and some new plants going :Namaste:
re: SmokeyMcFly's Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry Highbrix LED Grow

Not sure man, but I DID do some checking and I get about 22-24 drops in it when I just squeeze and draw it out. So that was close enough for Governmentcheese work.

:rofl: I did 13 years as a defense contractor and for at least 10 of them that was so true. Then I got in the nuc program and everything changed, as did my line of work shortly after :rofl:
re: SmokeyMcFly's Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry Highbrix LED Grow

Hey smokey.....guys. I am by no means even a novice grower yet but the method I used to germ my first seeds was I believe KJC method....I put 220 sandpaper in a match box, then put a seed in and shook it for a couple of minutes....the reason I guess is to scuff up the side to absorb moisture.....then soaked them in water for 24 hours and planted them directly in to soil. They all popped in 24-36 hrs. If it worked for me it surely work for you all.

I believe KJC put them in rapid rooters with a heating mat...
re: SmokeyMcFly's Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry Highbrix LED Grow

So the BD got 7ml of CD and .5 tea in a little less than a gallon of water, and the other three got 7ml transplant and .5 tea in a gallon, im lazy and usually just drench my vegging plants with what ever i'm using on my flowering ones unless its CD, I don't mess around with that stuff... Everything also got brix spray for the week.

My new feeding schedule & amounts are going to look like this if anyone is interested.
1ml of drench per gallon of soil for the BD, she's kind of a pig...
.5ml of drench per gallon of soil for the others.
1ml of tea for all my plants split between them mixed with the drenches above, I think I have been over doing it on the tea in the past.
1 drench per week, in the past I was going a couple weeks between them sometimes longer if I got really lazy.
1 brix spray a week
De-stress, I don't use very often only when I do some training or transplanting or w/e, considering giving them one at least every two weeks though even if they look great, not sure yet, thoughts?

Schedule (Mostly stollen from Tav, but his plants look as good as any I have seen so why not :) )
Energy drench when transplanting for final flower.
Transplant drench till time for CD
Top dress recharge before CD and top dress EWC next watering after CD.
After CD full on energy drenches for the rest of the time with 1/4 transplant added 1 or 2 times a week.
Final week energy only and brix spray a couple days before chop.

Thanks for all the kind words everyone :circle-of-love:

This is awesome....can I ask u to do a schedule like this for the veg stage?

Edit: all ur ladies are in flowering except the reveg hurkle correct?
re: SmokeyMcFly's Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry Highbrix LED Grow

Yup everything is in the flower tent except the re-veg.

In veg I think the optimum feeding schedule would be mostly energy drenches once a week with a touch of transplant here and there. Like I said I am lazy so they have been getting what ever I am feeding my flowering plants for the most part. In the past I have not gone more than a couple weeks without an energy drench on my flowering plants so it worked out well, now that I am switching to all transplant up till CD I will need to be less lazy, I don't think a month of transplant on the veg plants would be ideal. I also take it easy on the veg plants with the drenches they probably get about half as much as I would feed a flowering plant with the same amount of soil. I don't mix it any different its usually the same mix as the flowering plants get I just adjust how much of it I give to each plant based on its size and stage of growth. Not sure if this is optimum but it seems to be working well, my plants always look great in veg, its usually a week or two after the CD that I have had issues pop up but I think it was more of a temp / lack of fresh air CO2 issue more than feeding amounts or schedule TBH.

I don't usually give the babies any drench till they have at least 5 nodes maybe longer if I am using recycled soil.

This system is so forgiving its hard to really screw up your grow with the feedings, you would need to really go off the ranch to jack them up in a big way. Of course there are more optimum schedules than others and were all searching for the perfect schedule and that changes some depending on each plants life cycle and needs which is a big part of the fun and learning :)

If you run into problems with your plants while growing HB look at your env and external factors like air and water first. If you don't find the problem there, look again you probably are just missing it :rofl:
re: SmokeyMcFly's Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry Highbrix LED Grow

BID (R.I.P.) also did the sandpaper in a match box. It scrapes the hard seed coat to allow them to crack open easier :)

I miss the BID, his journals were the first I followed on here, such a great guy. He was the reason I discovered and had to grow some blue dream since he loved it so much. I was just looking over his last journal the other night. Really bummed me out when I got to his last post :rip:
re: SmokeyMcFly's Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry Highbrix LED Grow

I grew a free Blue OG femmed last year, Zig. Still have a little bit left from it. It is an enjoyable should like it. :thumb:
re: SmokeyMcFly's Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry Highbrix LED Grow

Smokey, thats how I ended up with lots of seeds...they all sounded good :rofl:
Then you find something you like...should be aim, then shoot :)
After reading, and drooling, not in that order either ;) i tried the landraces...i like both sats and indicas, but prefer the sats..thats where im at..Doc and the others are to be thanked for that and more! :rofl:
re: SmokeyMcFly's Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry Highbrix LED Grow

Sorry Smokey, I didn't want to hijack your thread and most of it you have read on my journal. Basically my first attempt germinating in HB soil failed and after 9 days I had to peek and see what was going on. Well it appears the soil ate my seeds. None of them were to be found. I did my second attempt (on day 3) trying to do exactly what Doc said to do with foolproof germination. This time 3 of the 4 seeds cracked before I planted them. I know he doesn't want them to crack before planting but they did, not much I could do about it so I planted them. Still no signs of life. The thing is I was 15 for 15 last grow and some of those had cracked before they were planted and I had no problems, they all sprouted within 24 hours of planting. When I saw your post, that was the 3rd case I've seen that have had issues, you, me and I think it was AlwaysBlazin. Anyway I just sunk 4 more seeds and will plant them in the am. I am going to use solo cups this time instead of the 1 gallon pots. My soil cooked for 2 months, is it possible that it is too hot for seeds?
re: SmokeyMcFly's Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry Highbrix LED Grow

Nah the soil should be fine, however I would use new soil that didn't get that big transplant drench just to be safe even though I don't think that had anything to do with it. I have used recycled soil that had a ton of plant matter, roots powder and EWC composted back into it and recooked in the past to pop seeds without any problems.
re: SmokeyMcFly's Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry Highbrix LED Grow

Smokey, thats how I ended up with lots of seeds...they all sounded good :rofl:
Then you find something you like...should be aim, then shoot :)
After reading, and drooling, not in that order either ;) i tried the landraces...i like both sats and indicas, but prefer the sats..thats where im at..Doc and the others are to be thanked for that and more! :rofl:

I know I have that problem too :) I have had to force myself not to buy seeds anymore till i'm ready to grow them since I always end up finding something else I want more by the time i'm ready to pop them. If I don't wait I end up buying new ones and the others just sit in storage. At least I have back up options on hand if god forbid something ever happens that we can't order them anymore :thumb:

I really want to find a nice dreamy landrace sativa like you guys are growing. Maybe after my next all CBD round I can get something crazy going. :party:
re: SmokeyMcFly's Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry Highbrix LED Grow

Sorry Smokey, I didn't want to hijack your thread and most of it you have read on my journal. Basically my first attempt germinating in HB soil failed and after 9 days I had to peek and see what was going on. Well it appears the soil ate my seeds. None of them were to be found. I did my second attempt (on day 3) trying to do exactly what Doc said to do with foolproof germination. This time 3 of the 4 seeds cracked before I planted them. I know he doesn't want them to crack before planting but they did, not much I could do about it so I planted them. Still no signs of life. The thing is I was 15 for 15 last grow and some of those had cracked before they were planted and I had no problems, they all sprouted within 24 hours of planting. When I saw your post, that was the 3rd case I've seen that have had issues, you, me and I think it was AlwaysBlazin. Anyway I just sunk 4 more seeds and will plant them in the am. I am going to use solo cups this time instead of the 1 gallon pots. My soil cooked for 2 months, is it possible that it is too hot for seeds?

How are you watering after the seeds have been planted? If your poring water on top it can push the seeds deep into the soil. Not saying they didn't get eaten for sure but I would think its more likely that they got pushed deep and lost if your top watering. Once my seeds are in the cups and covered up I either use a 2oz spritz bottle like I use for my brix sprays to keep the top moist and / or bottom water to keep from disturbing the seeds until the sprouts are established. Actually the only thing I did different this failed attempt was I didn't spritz the tops after putting in the seeds because I thought the soil was wet enough. I usually water the soil and then put the seeds in and then spritz the top of the soil to make sure the seeds get good and wet since I haven't been pre soaking. Maybe that was the source of my failure.

And no worries, I know people always feel like their hijacking others threads. Just throwing it out there that no one needs to feel that way here, hijack away we're all trying to learn the same things anyway :)
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