SmokeyMcFly's - Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry - Highbrix - LED - Grow

re: SmokeyMcFly's Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry Highbrix LED Grow

I like the sound of more options :)

Regardless if they fix their design or not if they don't fix their customer service they will fail. You can't sell a premium priced product and then not support it.

While my Mars failed earlier than it should I considered it a budget option to get going in a time when most panels were way over priced so i'm not upset that it failed at all. Also I have little doubt that if I stopped being lazy enough to contact them they would fully support their warranty and send me the part to fix it without any hassle. I just don't really care enough to now since its already been replaced :)
re: SmokeyMcFly's Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry Highbrix LED Grow

Nice backup lighting is important especially if your running only one panel. A week or more without light in the middle of flowering isn't doing anything any favors :rofl:
re: SmokeyMcFly's Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry Highbrix LED Grow

Nice backup lighting is important especially if your running only one panel. A week or more without light in the middle of flowering isn't doing anything any favors :rofl:

Redundancy rules. LMAO, I have 5x P300's where I would have otherwise had 2x P600's, but since I grow a little more free-style (i.e. little training, light pruning) and have a butt-load of "firsts" in this round, I really wanted the ability to spread them out as the plants preferred. The actual redundancy has only been piece of mind though as I've had no light issues.

The whole vetting process kind of sucks when dealing retail in the fringe, not to mention the NEED for reliability for most of us who only have a small grow in limited space to grow a steady supply without an acceptable fall-back plan should something catastrophic fall upon you.

Just saying... :peace::cool:
re: SmokeyMcFly's Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry Highbrix LED Grow

Blue dream got first cat drench tonight. 10ml CD and 1ml tea for ~11gal of soil. This saturday will be the start of week 4 so I did it a good week or more earlier than I usually do but I plan on doing a later one and I want to see how it works out like this. I'm going to wait to top dress the worm poop till after this first round of CD.

The Hurkle got moved into the flower tent tonight, I am pretty sure the re-veg is going to survive. Everything else got plain water they got some transplant about 4 days ago. :thumb:
re: SmokeyMcFly's Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry Highbrix LED Grow

Blue Dream


re: SmokeyMcFly's Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry Highbrix LED Grow

Going to feed the blue dream its second CD tonight, going to cut it in half to 5ml .5ml tea for the second one which I think based on the new directions is actually the right amount, I haven't actually read them yet. The SLH and hurkle will be getting about 7ml of transplant .5ml tea split between them also.

Some nighttime pics.

Bonsai (re-veg) Hurkle :high-five:



Blue Dream



re: SmokeyMcFly's Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry Highbrix LED Grow

oh my, that Blue Dream does look dreamy.....:love:
re: SmokeyMcFly's Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry Highbrix LED Grow

Mr. Smokey, It looks to me like she is sending you back some love, baby....... :rofl:
re: SmokeyMcFly's Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry Highbrix LED Grow

So the BD got 7ml of CD and .5 tea in a little less than a gallon of water, and the other three got 7ml transplant and .5 tea in a gallon, im lazy and usually just drench my vegging plants with what ever i'm using on my flowering ones unless its CD, I don't mess around with that stuff... Everything also got brix spray for the week.

My new feeding schedule & amounts are going to look like this if anyone is interested.
1ml of drench per gallon of soil for the BD, she's kind of a pig...
.5ml of drench per gallon of soil for the others.
1ml of tea for all my plants split between them mixed with the drenches above, I think I have been over doing it on the tea in the past.
1 drench per week, in the past I was going a couple weeks between them sometimes longer if I got really lazy.
1 brix spray a week
De-stress, I don't use very often only when I do some training or transplanting or w/e, considering giving them one at least every two weeks though even if they look great, not sure yet, thoughts?

Schedule (Mostly stollen from Tav, but his plants look as good as any I have seen so why not :) )
Energy drench when transplanting for final flower.
Transplant drench till time for CD
Top dress recharge before CD and top dress EWC next watering after CD.
After CD full on energy drenches for the rest of the time with 1/4 transplant added 1 or 2 times a week.
Final week energy only and brix spray a couple days before chop.

Thanks for all the kind words everyone :circle-of-love:

Edit almost forgot. None of my seeds popped and its been a week so I planted 3 more today. This time I pre soaked them in some RO water for a few hours first. I have never had to soak them before but since the last batch failed I figured I would try it, seems like a lot of you have good success with it :thumb:
re: SmokeyMcFly's Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry Highbrix LED Grow

What is going on with germination? I scrapped my first try after 9 days and I'm on the 3rd day of try 2 and no sprouts. I didn't have any problems last go round. Anyway thanks for the schedule, I saved that for whenever I have to actually feed a plant.
re: SmokeyMcFly's Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry Highbrix LED Grow

I too found myself trying to stretch days between drenches at first. Now, I'm giving water almost daily, and am averaging a drench every 5 days or so. It's what they like. I'm upping energy these last 2-3 weeks too, from ~7ml to 12-ish + 2 pipets of transplant and 1 or 2 pipets of tea depending on what I gave last time. That's close to 2ml each, but not quite.

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