SmokeyMcFly's - Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry - Highbrix - LED - Grow

re: SmokeyMcFly's Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry Highbrix LED Grow

So I finally got around to recycling my last run soil and cleaning up tonight. I had close to a full bin of soil and plant matter, added a couple hand-full's of roots powder, 15 ish (this is a total guess :rofl:) pounds of EWC, and around 1/3rd of a bag of second run amendment since this soil has been used twice before and never got re-amended. I then topped off the bin with some fresh pro-mix and around 2 gallons of water and mixed everything up. I will check it tomorrow to see if it needs anymore water.

Next time I will be sure to put the stuff in layers and mix as I fill it up, was kind of a pain to mix it well once the bin was already full without making a mess.

I told you guys its been dry here. The 16% RH is in my living room even with the whole house humidifier running full blast non stop up in my grow room which makes its way into the rest of the house by a 12" fan sitting in the doorway. During the daytime (the plants nighttime) when the AC has been running I haven't been able to get the RH above ~30% in my flower tent no matter how hard the humidifier works. Can't wait to get my mini-split so I can shut that door I think it will be a lot easier to keep the rh up then.
re: SmokeyMcFly's Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry Highbrix LED Grow

How are you watering after the seeds have been planted? If your poring water on top it can push the seeds deep into the soil. Not saying they didn't get eaten for sure but I would think its more likely that they got pushed deep and lost if your top watering. Once my seeds are in the cups and covered up I either use a 2oz spritz bottle like I use for my brix sprays to keep the top moist and / or bottom water to keep from disturbing the seeds until the sprouts are established. Actually the only thing I did different this failed attempt was I didn't spritz the tops after putting in the seeds because I thought the soil was wet enough. I usually water the soil and then put the seeds in and then spritz the top of the soil to make sure the seeds get good and wet since I haven't been pre soaking. Maybe that was the source of my failure.

And no worries, I know people always feel like their hijacking others threads. Just throwing it out there that no one needs to feel that way here, hijack away we're all trying to learn the same things anyway :)
The 1st round I did gently top water after I moistened the soil, the 2nd and 3rd time I pre-moistened the soil and used a sprayer and gave it about 3 squirts just to dampen the covering soil. I planted the 3rd round this morning into solo cups after a 11 hour soak, no beans cracked this time. I haven't given up on round 2 but it is day 4 and still nothing. 3rd time is a charm right?!:allgood:
re: SmokeyMcFly's Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry Highbrix LED Grow

I hear ya on the humidity. I bought a large stand alone humidifier that is supposed to do 1300 sq/ft and put in my grow room which is 13x10x10. I run it on full blast and I put a 5 gallon bucket full of water and hang a towel in it with a fan blowing on it and with all that the highest I got to was 39%. It is usually around 31-36%. It has been so cold here it is about impossible to get any moisture in the air.
re: SmokeyMcFly's Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry Highbrix LED Grow

I hear ya on the humidity. I bought a large stand alone humidifier that is supposed to do 1300 sq/ft and put in my grow room which is 13x10x10. I run it on full blast and I put a 5 gallon bucket full of water and hang a towel in it with a fan blowing on it and with all that the highest I got to was 39%. It is usually around 31-36%. It has been so cold here it is about impossible to get any moisture in the air.

I hear that room is staying around 36% RH......and it is f###ing cold here too...
Is it really bad for my ladies in veg to stay at 35%..... I know it should b higher around 55-60 for veg....what are the consequences of having a dry room during plants seem to be growing good.
re: SmokeyMcFly's Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry Highbrix LED Grow

Low RH will cause them to grow slower. They will drink less water too although the top of the soil will still dry out fast from the low RH the middle stays wet longer since the plants growth has slowed down so be careful you don't end up over watering them. I ran my RH low for a month or two a while ago, I just got lazy and sick of trying to keep up with it. My veg plants didn't have any noticeable problems but the flowering plants started to have issues about half way through so I started the humidifier back up. I try and keep it at least 40% in my flower tent during lights on and it gets up to ~50% at times and usually during lights off.

I didn't realize last night my wife had a bunch of windows open. The RH was staying around 30% and the temp dropped to 72 degrees with lights on after it got dark and chilly out (its been in the 80s here). Once I closed the windows everything was normal again. :thumb:
re: SmokeyMcFly's Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry Highbrix LED Grow

Last night all the plants got plain water and the blue dream got top dressed with EWC. I gave everything a de-stress spray tonight just for good measure, its been awhile since they have had any.

Some new pics

Group shot

Blue Dream


re: SmokeyMcFly's Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry Highbrix LED Grow

All plants got plain water tonight and the BD got around 2 teaspoons of epsom salt sprinkled on top first. She is starting to get a bit of taco-ing happening. I don't know if this was to much I would of done less if I mixed it in water first. It just seemed like nothing with one teaspoon on that huge pot :rofl: O well last round was lets see how little I can feed it and this round is see how much so we will see :)

It looks like my other two seeds failed and I only got the one penny. I'm gonna try the last one and a couple more of the blue bloods again tomorrow. If I only end up with one penny and its a male i'm gonna grow it out and collect the pollen. Should be a fun one to knock some other strains up with at least. :thumb:
re: SmokeyMcFly's Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry Highbrix LED Grow

Couple night time shots.

Group shot SLH in front hurk hidden in middle and BD in back.



Blue Dream

Flowering hurkle

Hurkle re-veg looks like shes ready for a bit of energy to me. I cant believe how easy this was to do. Anyone know if you can keep doing it to the same plant or if the get too old at some point. I would love to just stop cloning and have a collection of plants that I rotate through and just reveg after the flower to get ready for a future cycle.
re: SmokeyMcFly's Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry Highbrix LED Grow

Man I wish I could get my leaves to "pray" like that SLH......she is pretty.

Hey smokey and all subbers I need to get a good "loupe" as I've seen them called on this site, or a microscope for checking trichs.....any recommendations?

I only have a cheap one I got at the local grow store. It has a light and two different powered loops in little device. It's a real bitch to get it lined up right to see though it has to be at the perfect distance which is almost touching them and then I always move it in the opposite direction I think I need to like im looking in a mirror for some reason. Ever since I got a good camera I stopped using it all together I can see better in my pictures esp the raw 24mp versions before they get shrunk and then re-shrunk when uploaded on here.

Maybe someone else has a loop they like?

Hey...sorry for double posting. I'm gonna email doc and get a kit coming.....I thought I remembered you telling me to get extra roots. Is that correct?

Yup get the small bulk bag of roots if you're going to recycle your soil. I think the directions are to mix about a cup of it in with your plant matter to recycle the soil for a future round. I don't remember the exact amount I don't run a full batch of soil at a time so I just throw a couple handfulls in :) I recommend recycling your soil it just gets better and better for at least 3 rounds and who wants to buy new pro-mix every time for nothing :thumb: My current and last grow were both in second run soil and they love it. :party:

Edit actually this batch wasn't second run soil but I mixed in plant matter and roots as if it was when I mixed it for the initial cook. :thumb: If you have waste plant matter when its time to cook up your HB soil you can go ahead and throw it in there instead of throwing it away it will just make the soil that much better.
re: SmokeyMcFly's Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry Highbrix LED Grow

Man I wish I could get my leaves to "pray" like that SLH......she is pretty.

Hey smokey and all subbers I need to get a good "loupe" as I've seen them called on this site, or a microscope for checking trichs.....any recommendations?

Just get a 40x $15 jobber. Get it online (probably for even less) or from your local hydro store. Stay away from those black plastic-y 200x scopes, almost all of them are junk and crazy-hard to keep still to see what's up.

Hey...sorry for double posting. I'm gonna email doc and get a kit coming.....I thought I remembered you telling me to get extra roots. Is that correct?

Depends on what you plan on doing, but start with just a kit. As I type that I think about the fact I just ordered some more Roots! lol But mostly because I dust some every time I add trim to the bin.

re: SmokeyMcFly's Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry Highbrix LED Grow

Awesome man you're gonna love the kit :party:

I do the heavy end of the recommendation on the worm castings and then add it again each time I recycle. I also do a top dress somewhere between week 3 - 5 of flowering but I have to cut that back some I think I was using to much in the past on the top dress.
re: SmokeyMcFly's Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry Highbrix LED Grow

Score.....just got my brix kit coming already got the promix(although I have used some might need help with some estimation when time comes)....thanks again brix community can't wait to get started. Hey do most of ya use the worm castings?

Yes! You need that when you cook your soil with the Amendment and Roots! Thats a very important part of the soil building :)
re: SmokeyMcFly's Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry Highbrix LED Grow

SLH and Hurkle got 7ml transplant and .5ml tea in a gal of water split between them tonight. The blue dream was still a little wet so i'm going to wait another day and give her a light energy drench or just water, haven't decided yet but I am leaning towards plain water. I think I over did it a bit again with the worm casting top dress on her. She has some burned up edges that developed after the TD, nothing major but it's more fun to take pictures of plants with perfect leaves :) I don't know if it was the WC but I am assuming it was and i'm using too much. I always seem to get some burnt up tips right after doing it. The fan was kind of blasting her too though so maybe it was that, I raised it some a few days ago so that should be better now. I'm going to really cut back on the WC TD when I do the hurkle and SLH this time to see if thats whats going on. I put about 1/2-1" covering the top of the 15gal air pot on the blue dream. Is this too much?

I haven't done my weekly brix spray yet i'm going to stretch it a couple more days since they got a stress spray last week. I think the lack of stress sprays was affecting my shininess factor. Since I started slacking on the stress sprays my leaves haven't been as shiny as they used to be and after just one spraying of stress they are already looking better :) I also lowered the SLH (She was sitting on a box), her tops were 10" or less from the light and still standing straight up trying to get closer :loopy: They really seem to like these platinum lights, when the new ones are released I want to grab one more either another 300 or maybe a 450 to run between the two 300s. I can grow enough with the watts I have but I know more will be better and I am having a hard time keeping it warm enough with only the two 300s running :rofl:

Have a good night all :Namaste:
re: SmokeyMcFly's Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry Highbrix LED Grow

I ended up sprinkling about 2 tblsp of recharge and about a cup of EWC on each of the 7 gal pots in week 3, then covered with cooked soil as much as I could. I didn't have much room, but was able to cover all the added stuff, then watered it in. I'm starting week 8 for them and they've had many leaves go yellow. More on the BD than the 8bk, similar to your last it seems.

re: SmokeyMcFly's Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry Highbrix LED Grow

Thanks Zigg maybe the fan dried them out a bit it really was blasting her pretty good. Or maybe it was the strong CD 4 days after a transplant drench. Still trying to learn the cause and affect of various things :)
re: SmokeyMcFly's Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry Highbrix LED Grow

I ended up sprinkling about 2 tblsp of recharge and about a cup of EWC on each of the 7 gal pots in week 3, then covered with cooked soil as much as I could. I didn't have much room, but was able to cover all the added stuff, then watered it in. I'm starting week 8 for them and they've had many leaves go yellow. More on the BD than the 8bk, similar to your last it seems.


I think I probably used at least five times that much... Like I said I think I was over doing it :rofl:

Have you given them a roots top dress? I'm gonna give mine one this time if she starts yellowing like the last one. I'm thinking it might help th finish a little stronger.
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