SmokeyMcFly's - Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry - Highbrix - LED - Grow

re: SmokeyMcFly's Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry Highbrix LED Grow

I've had a whole bunch of odd phenos. Doc says he thinks the soil brings out hidden characteristics, and I see it happen in more and more HB grows.

I bet I've had a half dozen distinctly individual plants - not "normal" for the strain. Some have reeked of delicious smells, some have grown astounding buds, some have started fat and squat like an indica and ended with long spiky leaves, looking just like a sativa.

This Destroyer clone I'm growing now isn't going to be like her mother at all. The first one was in salty soil - this one is in fresh HB.

It's like it opens up hidden plant expressions.
re: SmokeyMcFly's Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry Highbrix LED Grow

I get the diff phenos and that they grow different in HB but I thought once you had a clone it was going to essentially be identical to the parent assuming you don't grow it drastically different. Wasn't the destroyer grown in the salty soil the plant that won POTY? Going to be really interesting to see if it does better or worse in fresh / normal HB soil and what the differences are and which one GT prefers :)

I :love: this place I learn new things everyday here, it never stops :high-five:

re: SmokeyMcFly's Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry Highbrix LED Grow

Clones are genetically the same. Environment plays a massive role in the expression of those genes. Theyre basically switches...
Light and other Radiation, water, nutes, air, temps, endless list basically..etc... All turn on and off these switches..different combos..its amazing we are even to focus and build on certain phenos..
Twins in the animal world which are close but are not clones, will show major genetic differences if separated and placed in different environment..adaptation is natures way of surviving and continuing the species..
re: SmokeyMcFly's Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry Highbrix LED Grow

plushberry sounds yum

It really was, has this amazing flavor, very cherry like. I ended up killing the mom and now i'm regretting it but there's always another amazing strain right around the corner :) I have a little less than an oz of it left thats been curing for months now. I have a bowl of it before bed everynight, im gonna be bummed when its gone.

This is what she looked like at the end :)

re: SmokeyMcFly's Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry Highbrix LED Grow

I was reading some smoke reviews of ZAMALDELICA and Golden Tiger and if I can only grow one of the two at first I think I found the winner. Depending on what I get out of these current seeds I might be able to do both though :thumb:

Snipped from another place. I highly doubt this was grown HB so I can only imagine what we can end up with :tokin:


Well, I'm using it right now and have been choofing this stuff over the last few weeks...I should mention that the stuff I did was a little way off finishing though it was reasonably well done, just I like to perfect things and I have no doubt that this stuff could be way better if done a tad longer, though that's sorta hard to imagine!

WARNING: Golden Tiger is NOT one of your typical African sativas which are gnerally known for having very energetic, clear, "up" highs.

I had plenty of specimens as I did 4 packs together and was able to do some selectiive breeding along the way. Not a lot of obvious phenotype variances, so pretty stable.

The first thing that hits you is the flavour. A really notable mandarine flavour, almost a tad bitter like citrus peel can be at times but a pleasant and moreish taste. The smoke burns a little bit hot but not too severe.

The high is a bit of a creeper. A way down the pinny and you start to feel her coming on. At first, its a very intense rush but after a while this settles to an intense up high which subsequently reverts to a good solid stonning to both head and body and you can easily feel pistil-whipped and disorientated from downing a fatty with a friend. The "up" end of the high is also quite complex with a lot of psychadelic and euphoric substance to it, so it's not a clear buzz but not what I'd call a muddy high's too intensely high to be muddy and too complex to be clear. There's an intense interaction going on between the psychadelic, the sens of euphoria and psychic consciousness while the high is still in its upper register, however...

a burnout effect is quite noticable as you are coming down off it and that can be quite protracted. I feel totally wasted after smoking this stuff for a while and next morning hangovers are quite the norm. One of my biggest problems with smoking this strain is that I find it really hard not to keep falling asleep once I've come down from intensity of the initial high but this could be circumstantial due to a bit of nervous tension and lack of sleep on my part. One of the nearest experiences I've had to a heroin experience in that it takes you rocketing up so intensely high and then brings you down with this heavy gravity effect while the high is still going could be forgiven for thinking this had heavy indica influences in it.

One of the outstanding things about GT is the minimal amount you need to get off on. I keep trying to limit myself to rolling really skinny pin joints but even these send a couple of seasoned smokers flying before it belts you back down by whanging you about the back of the head.

I'm sure if this stuff were grown out to its fullest, it would want to come with a serious warning on it. Grows a chunky beast with tight sizable nuggets that turn lovely blueish hues with deep orange overlays toward the end. The bud is excessively greasy and holds together well in joints.

After an intense sky rocket ride, you hang out with a very befuddled mind bearing a warm glow to it that sits somewhere between a very high high and a stone, leaving you pretty wasted but baked if you push it. Not the best weed for working on. Not the best social weed unless your tolerances are very high. In public, the red-eyed stupor overriding your face is going to give you away for sure.
Surprisingly, you can actually get a bit done on this stuff if you're quick enough not to get too blazed but so easy to fall into the trap. Pays to be very conservative in dosing and medicating.
Don't ever recall smoking anything harder hitting. She delivers a real solid brute force that is distinctive on a number of levels and isn't just about raw potency. IMHO, a truly remarkable hybrid!

End review

Bud that can cause a hangover, Challenge Accepted :thumb:
re: SmokeyMcFly's Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry Highbrix LED Grow

I don't normally put too much faith in the descriptions from the breeders. This time though since you guys were raving about them I just went with it and then got around to reading some reviews last night. They all sound even better than the descriptions and its sounds like a good majority of the people thought they could of done an even better job growing them so im pretty stoked! I will probably have to run both at the same time now because I really want a nice clear one for the day time and going out but the GT just sounds ridiculous so its not like im going to be able to wait on that one either... :rofl:
re: SmokeyMcFly's Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry Highbrix LED Grow

Nice Neiko, I have a feeling its bout to turn into the ace club round here :) I can't wait to see some Ace HB smoke reviews, should be epic smoke :party:
re: SmokeyMcFly's Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry Highbrix LED Grow

I just planted 3 Ace Tikal standards this morning. 75/25 sativa hybrid. Hopefully these sprout with no issues. I love reading the strain descriptions at Ace.

I have a Tikal coming. :cheesygrinsmiley: It'll be planted, and awake in a week or so. Sounds like a really nice strain! :thumb:

Yup, I grew that gorgeous Destroyer in HB (although a bit salty) and two Panamas, one of which looks like it might win NOTM. :cheesygrinsmiley:

I can say with confidence that mine really liked the stuff. :laughtwo:
re: SmokeyMcFly's Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry Highbrix LED Grow

Yeah I'm gonna check ace out.....although I have too many beans already. Yeah I remember getting what we called a weed hangover back in high school.....go to bed high and wake up exhausted..... Don't get that to much anymore......more like now I gotta get up and burn I'm excited to see all these sativas in the brix soil.....gonna be interesting.
re: SmokeyMcFly's Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry Highbrix LED Grow

I have a Tikal coming. :cheesygrinsmiley: It'll be planted, and awake in a week or so. Sounds like a really nice strain! :thumb:

Yup, I grew that gorgeous Destroyer in HB (although a bit salty) and two Panamas, one of which looks like it might win NOTM. :cheesygrinsmiley:

I can say with confidence that mine really liked the stuff. :laughtwo:

Yeah man I definitely voted for ya. That entry was hands down the best. Good luck!
re: SmokeyMcFly's Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry Highbrix LED Grow

I didn't even realize that destroyer was Ace's. I'm not gonna lie, I skipped right past anything that didn't say 100% Sativa on it :rofl:

GT Do you think the destroyer did better because of the little extra salt? I'm starting to think a lot of these strains would do better with a little more Mg. This blue dream certainly needs some extra, she's going to get another dose next time I water. All my TGA strains seemed to do just fine without any though, I think them being created in super soil helps with them not being salt hogs.

In other news my other two beans actually popped now that I didn't really want them too :rofl: I guess im gonna have to get the wife over to the docs to get her card so I have three more flower spots :)
re: SmokeyMcFly's Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry Highbrix LED Grow

Meao Thai x Mexican/Columbian is pretty sativa :cheesygrinsmiley:

I don't know exactly what happened with the Destroyer, though - don't think I could easily duplicate it. The stems went pink very early, and she was under stress, I know. Then she got her legs under her and took off, ending with spectacular trich density and the gorgeous magenta color.

I think it was just one of those things that happens when you stress a plant hard. Usually it goes badly - sometimes not. :yahoo:

The soil would have been contaminated with too much calcium from my hard water, at least. My water report doesn't break down the TA, so I don't know the mineral ratios. My hard water comes from clay soils, so I would expect an excess of Mag, too? Dunno. :cheesygrinsmiley:
re: SmokeyMcFly's Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry Highbrix LED Grow

...and its sounds like a good majority of the people thought they could of done an even better job growing them so im pretty stoked!

I think having short peaks in their growth cycle and slightly unusual nutrient preferences translates into "difficulty to grow" for many reviewers and they've spotted a period the plants didn't flourish. As HB'ers, I'd have to think those chances are fewer

I will probably have to run both at the same time now because I really want a nice clear one for the day time and going out but the GT just sounds ridiculous so its not like im going to be able to wait on that one either... :rofl:

Sounds like a plan.
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