SmokeyMcFly's - Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry - Highbrix - LED - Grow

New Tikal pics, the smell on this one seemed to peak a week or two ago and it doesn't smell as much now but the buds are still swelling. I wonder if we would be better off harvesting at peak smell instead.

She got a cat drench about 4 days ago and a brix plus way ahead 3 days ago.

Sheesh Smokey, you keep earning your chops! :bravo:

That's a really difficult pheno to nurse through to finish. I've rarely seen anyone pull it off the way you have. By now that should have been a raggedy mess, but yours is green and plump and healthy. Amazing work!

Dude, your plants are bee-u-tee-ful!

Oh, and listen to your wife. I think we drained ours twice in 5 years. When the plumber came to replace it, he drained it to move it and the water looked like 20 year old bilge water from a container ship! No wonder ours went pop... Always listen to the boss.

Keep em green and sticky :peace:
smokey...definitely pull a bud or 2 at different points from now until cut..:thumb: make notes of the smell at cut and then dried;cured..vape it and make notes..
-its amazing..

I'm Harvesting by Terps(TM) :)

Yeah I think I will do that although I don't like the thought of dealing with multiple washes :rofl: I wish I would of cut some a week or so ago when the smell was overpowering I feel like at this point I kinda missed that boat anyway and might as well just let it finish. There is always another one to experiment on though :)

Sheesh Smokey, you keep earning your chops! :bravo:

That's a really difficult pheno to nurse through to finish. I've rarely seen anyone pull it off the way you have. By now that should have been a raggedy mess, but yours is green and plump and healthy. Amazing work!


Thanks GT :high-five: To be fair I did pick off a brown dead leaf that was right in the middle before taking the pic... :rofl:

I think the way ahead is helping a lot along with the 25gal pot of course. I wish I would of used it from the start of flowering on her I started adding it at flip on this other tent since I ALWAYS have MG issues. I also fed this one a lot heavier than I normally do and stuck to pretty much weekly GE drenches with about 25% strength Trans added to the in between waterings :morenutes:

Have you tried your strawberry tikal yet? I can't wait for this one seems like its been forever since I first ordered the seeds... My last tikal has a really heavy physical efff you up buzz to it like a good really strong indica. It's nothing like I was expecting but I really dig it :passitleft:

Dude, your plants are bee-u-tee-ful!

Oh, and listen to your wife. I think we drained ours twice in 5 years. When the plumber came to replace it, he drained it to move it and the water looked like 20 year old bilge water from a container ship! No wonder ours went pop... Always listen to the boss.

Keep em green and sticky :peace:

Man that sucks. We already talked about it last night. We're gonna flush it out this weekend. Im really glad you said something :thanks: Im from back east and the water is so much better, I don't think people even flush them regularly back there. I don't remember my dad doing it or anything and he was always on that kinda stuff.
Man that sucks. We already talked about it last night. We're gonna flush it out this weekend. Im really glad you said something :thanks: Im from back east and the water is so much better, I don't think people even flush them regularly back there. I don't remember my dad doing it or anything and he was always on that kinda stuff.

I'm back east. I've lived in this house for 21 years and I've never flushed mine. It's only blown once, about 2 years ago. lmao
Yup my town water is 43ppm and I'm sure some of that is the chloramine. I was gonna get an RO machine but I am thinking of just getting a carbon filter to remove chloramine.

As long as it's consistent, that's an excellent number. I'd do exactly as you've mentioned and remove chloramines and roll with it man.
As long as it's consistent, that's an excellent number. I'd do exactly as you've mentioned and remove chloramines and roll with it man.

Agree, ROs are a PITA I would stay away if you don't need it. I have been using a hydrologic tall boy prefilter conected to the input of my RO for chlorine / chloramine and it's worked great. Whatever you go with make sure you get the kdf85 carbon the normal stuff isn't that great for chloramine:thumb:
Not sure what you mean Ziggs? I do everything I can to try and get all that shat out of the water and never put unfiltered water in my plants or soil. It's my understanding that chlorine or chloramine is bad for the microbes.
Not sure what you mean Ziggs? I do everything I can to try and get all that shat out of the water and never put unfiltered water in my plants or soil. It's my understanding that chlorine or chloramine is bad for the microbes.

thats what I understand too.. :)
what might be bad for microbes might be different for the on a well..
"well well he fell in the well.."
:rofl: loved that show!!
as mentioned, lots of undocumented beliefs around this plant. shiggity's plants are A++
our drenches affect and effect the colonies..
there may be a way to inocculate the soil youre transferring and going into bloom with, a more blooming mycos strain..
Is its possible some of the cations in the CatDrench kill off a % of the colony and that causes nute burn in the leaves?
as mentioned, lots of undocumented beliefs around this plant. shiggity's plants are A++
our drenches affect and effect the colonies..
there may be a way to inocculate the soil youre transferring and going into bloom with, a more blooming mycos strain..
Is its possible some of the cations in the CatDrench kill off a % of the colony and that causes nute burn in the leaves?

My previous hobby was saltwater reef aquariums and growing coral so when it comes to water purity I don't usually take anything for chance anymore. I have a feeling the weekly tea dosage is enough to replace anything that is getting killed off if your not having any problems using chloramine water. I had issues when I didn't filter my water but I believe it had more to do with our hardness being off the chart than the chloramine in it. I agree Shiggs plants look fanfreakingtastic!!! :high-five: If your not having any problems with it unfiltered why mess with a good thing :)

The thought of the CD killing off some of the herd seems at least plausible to me. Something goes on right after CD that makes the plants unhappy for enough people that there has to be something real happening. The way ahead seems to help, I am hoping that by using it from the start this time I wont run into the stall out but time will tell. This tikal started to stall right before I first started using it and it seemed to snap it back into shape although you can tell it has some dullness in the fan leaves from it still.

I have no idea how doc seems to never get the stall out btw. I feel like I have tried everything including gigantic pots :rofl:
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