SIP - Pity Do Dah, SIP - Pity A

Thanks for the info buds its gives me a better idea on the process. I've never done a scrog before but im open to experiment on my next run. Just figuring out an inventory list at the moment lol.
It's been pretty easy. I don't think you'll have a problem doing it. I've tried Coco, Soil & DWC; But so far I'm liking this method best. It's kind of like a mixture of the 3 types of grows I did previously. Coco.... Water Everyday. Soil.... Has nutrients in it designed for weed & dolomite lime to keep pH in check. DWC, because some of the roots touch water.
I wonder what running an air stone down the fill tube to the reservoir would do ? I'm trying it on my next
Thank you for the welcome BB. Your plants are beauties and I dig your canopy.
I try to follow Shed's LST info the best I can. I've learned quite a bit from him, Emilya & several others over the past 5 years. Krissi turned me on to these buckets. But getting a lot of good info on them from Azi & Res Dog.
Right now I'm kind of lucky I guess. I mix up 5 of the 5 gallon water jugs of nutes at a time. That lasts for 2 feedings of 12 plants. Hopefully I'll have harvested most my other plants so I don't have to mix too much. Already takes about 1.5 hours since I wait 15 min. after Si & then another 15 min. after N & then MC. I let that sit & mix for an hour before I pH to 6.3. These 6 SIP girls will probably drink 10-12 gallons per day between them in flower. That's a lot of mixing. But worth it.... lol.
Wow thats a lot of watering lol dont think al be doing them numbers but can't wait to get bits in place and try it out.
Right now I'm kind of lucky I guess. I mix up 5 of the 5 gallon water jugs of nutes at a time. That lasts for 2 feedings of 12 plants. Hopefully I'll have harvested most my other plants so I don't have to mix too much. Already takes about 1.5 hours since I wait 15 min. after Si & then another 15 min. after N & then MC. I let that sit & mix for an hour before I pH to 6.3. These 6 SIP girls will probably drink 10-12 gallons per day between them in flower. That's a lot of mixing. But worth it.... lol.
When you feed into the res how much are you giving them and is it everyday?
I drilled my new drainage holes at the 3" level this afternoon, and surprisingly, that was exactly where the water level had fallen to... there was no immediate draining of extra water, and after the new hole was drilled, adding water to the input pipe produced immediate drainage. The system seems to have set its own air gap while I was dilly dallying around.

I found the top of the soil on all 3 buckets to be at a very satisfying moist level, and not at all dry like a normal container of soil would be on top. The plants also seem to love it, and all are praying hard and looking a lot better than they did in their old fashioned 3 gallon containers, just after a couple of days!

I am already looking forward to the next round of plants, my 6 clones sitting in my Veg Room #1. They are presently in 1 gallon containers and taking previous comments as good advice, I am thinking very seriously of transplanting them into their final SIP container. Instead of buckets, I am thinking of going with tubs, each holding 2 plants. Since I am looking at larger real estate in the 27gallon tubs, I am also thinking of going with 6" pipes instead of 4", so as to give me a bit bigger of a reservoir, at maybe 4.5 inches deep. I am also already thinking of above ground planters in the back yard using similar tech, for next spring's vegetable garden, along with an automatic watering system.
Here are the other 2 Cherry on Top. Once again, the SoHum Plant is the smallest of the 4 Cherries. We'll see how it goes at the end. But right now, I'm leaning toward not using this soil again.

I did some measuring to give you guys an idea of the size. They are about 15" - 16" Tall & about 24" wide. Next week I'll trim them up for flower. Give them a week to recover & flip to 12/12. So 2 weeks till we start flower.

I'm still feeding at the 4.5 gr. per gal. level. Will be upping the nutes to 5 gr. next week when I trim.
Garden looks great buds
Have a great weekend my friend.

Stay safe
Bill284 :cool:
Edit: blanket apology for phone predictive’s fucktardness. Oh, and my cursing.
sick today can’t stick around. But, Re: air pumps/air stones/air injection in SIPs.

I’m feeling my way through this essentially at same stage as Axios and Bud, haven’t taken a cannabis harvest but did run 10, 27 gal tomatoes last year and 3 this year and currently have 4, 27gal weed SIPs in 2 5x5s (excuse the repetition but I don’t want to leave some mistaken impression I have more of this under my belt than I do.) I didn’t realize last year or most of this that these were ‘somewhat’ novel to 420 grow culture. Anyway, I dove deep into the reading research and in the last ten years the preponderance of forum writing re SIPs has been by LOS no-dig growers trying out DIY methods and although air injection doesn’t come naturally to that crowd it was chased down by a few dedicated people doing “just add water” grows and I couldn’t find anyone that kept up with it steady. Thing about forum research is you just know people had ‘problems’ you don’t know why, even if they claim to know there’s no data, so it’s hard to know if they just didn’t grok it or had actual issues in LOS SIP air injection. Definitely ’problems’ led all to pulse-timing the air, but for sure big grow bumps were recorded by guys from the air. It’s just in most grower’s nature I think to start shunning inputs they don’t understand and cannot well control, for rational, fair and positive reasons.

I will make a research post on my thread as soon as I can but I’m up against it over here lately.

Octopots appear to be the most well thought out cannabis-targeted SIP system but the results from 5 gal bucket are very similar to octopot, I wouldn’t stress the detail differences too much with respect to leaving any money on the table with the buckets or earth boxes, yeah, the cloth pot is a change, one I’ve adopted in my DIY SIP, but I think it’s incremental. I think size is still king.

Anyway, because Octopots are successful as a company and grow system I have been writing a lot of my ‘grow rules for my SIPs’ cribbed from their user manual/info. They recommend peat and fertigation for the first run. Check. They recommend never watering from the top but for transplant day. Check. They also recommend no air pumps. Mmmm, sorta check. I give Chris at Octopot major weight in this space because he has a PhD and a successful company. Skin in the game and professional cress., I dunno, tell me what’s better than that? Anyway, their testing shows that running air stones swings pH, both in LOS and fertigated peat mixes like mine. They recommend that if you want (must) experiment to limit pump time to 1/4 of the time, Max.

In the pic here is my reservoir, or one of two types I run, same footprint, different wicking foot, anyway, I’ve put an aquarium water pump in that on the outlet side has a hose with some holes in so it stirs the whole rez really well. But it also has a Venturi attachment, it’s just a little air line that passively takes air from atmo (I ran it up the fill tube to keep it clear but that was dumb, just run it up the matrix, use good stuff that won’t collapse) and injects it into the pump’s final output. Lots of cheap pumps even come with one spare. I’ll show the best pics I currently have.

Go to Octopot, and if you don’t want to invest in their system, you can still invest in their knowledge. Download the user guide PDF, have a read. I refer to it daily. I run those water pumps that stir my rez and inject air (keeping dangerous anaerobes down) for 5 minutes every hour. I also monitor my reservoir pH with a new Bluewhatever PH pen and EC pen, taking everyday without fail. You don’t need to do all this, I’m just trying to learn and understand this method because it’s just plain off the hook. I’m telling you, it’s nuts the bio mass these things create.
I found the top of the soil on all 3 buckets to be at a very satisfying moist level, and not at all dry like a normal container of soil would be on top. They plants also seem to love it, and all are praying hard and looking a lot better than they did in their old fashioned 3 gallon containers, just after a couple of days!
Yeah, welcome to SIP Club. Proper watering of these things is stupid easy because the plant does most of the work. I just hope you don't get bored. :laughtwo:

They are presently in 1 gallon containers and taking previous comments as good advice, I am thinking very seriously of transplanting them into their final SIP container. Instead of buckets, I am thinking of going with tubs, each holding 2 plants.
I've had fairly limited reps but my experiments suggest that skipping the entire uppot cycle is the best approach. Are you thinking of comingling the plants or doing like ResDog does and share the rez but put each plant in their own container? And, mobility will start to be an issue with the weight of larger containers so maybe think about dollies under them before you fill them up.

Since I am looking at larger real estate in the 27gallon tubs, I am also thinking of going with 6" pipes instead of 4", so as to give me a bit bigger of a reservoir, at maybe 4.5 inches deep.
The pipes work great with the rectangular containers as you can just lay them in strips rather than trying to curve them around each other. I used them in my outdoor veggie garden with success. I plugged the ends with the lids from 1L containers which I cut slightly to fit and they popped right in between the ridges.

I am also already thinking of above ground planters in the back yard using similar tech, for next spring's vegetable garden, along with an automatic watering system.
Better build a strong trellis! ;)
I drilled my new drainage holes at the 3" level this afternoon, and surprisingly, that was exactly where the water level had fallen to... there was no immediate draining of extra water, and after the new hole was drilled, adding water to the input pipe produced immediate drainage. The system seems to have set its own air gap while I was dilly dallying around.

I found the top of the soil on all 3 buckets to be at a very satisfying moist level, and not at all dry like a normal container of soil would be on top. The plants also seem to love it, and all are praying hard and looking a lot better than they did in their old fashioned 3 gallon containers, just after a couple of days!

I am already looking forward to the next round of plants, my 6 clones sitting in my Veg Room #1. They are presently in 1 gallon containers and taking previous comments as good advice, I am thinking very seriously of transplanting them into their final SIP container. Instead of buckets, I am thinking of going with tubs, each holding 2 plants. Since I am looking at larger real estate in the 27gallon tubs, I am also thinking of going with 6" pipes instead of 4", so as to give me a bit bigger of a reservoir, at maybe 4.5 inches deep. I am also already thinking of above ground planters in the back yard using similar tech, for next spring's vegetable garden, along with an automatic watering system.
Hiya Emily, I’ve mentioned prev. so I doubt it’s escaped your consideration but I’ve found that nesting two 27gal Lon totes to be a huge move up, you can get. 6 gallon reservoir if you make it 6 inches H., prop the inner tote up with 6 inch pipe lengths set vertically. A 18 piece hole saw kit on The Nile is 30$, you can cut any size hole in plastic you need with that setup, incl. 4 and 6 inch dia. Looking forward to your grows, really happy to have another SIP grow buddy. I think you are going to get a kick out of this, it’s a DIY haven but new products everyday suddenly.
Wow, hey Buds!! Thanks for the invite!! This is exciting!!
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