I swear, Ill never commercialize it mate! Or maybe you'd prefer I just forwarded the profits when I do? We'll stay in touch.lol. Whatever you prefer.... Mate....
I'll have my people contact your people... we'll let them hash it out...🤪

Thanks so much for the kind words, RD...
I've got to admit, all this SIP stuff is working better than I expected it to...I want to thank all you SIP guys for getting me off my ass to try something new...at my age, that don't happen very often...:thanks::love:
I have to confess here to be asking forgiveness instead of permission @Carcass because I put this on my PC desktop and phone background right after you uploaded. I swear, Ill never commercialize it mate! Or maybe you'd prefer I just forwarded the profits when I do? We'll stay in touch.lol. Whatever you prefer.... Mate.... You're SIPs are exquisite and very obviously belong to the Growmiverse you've already created, high verisimilitude score there, very. I feel like I'm watching a new major species being introduced on Star Trek, and I'm digging the new ships they rock up in! You know, its possibly deeper, more important than that; this, this is what it must have felt like to be on one of the first situational comedies, in the 50s, doing TV on a radio budget and turnaround time, but knowing you were starting something with legs. Whatever creature our hero starts turning into down there you may rest assured, you have our undivided attention!
Carcass' SIP build may have blinded you to my reply to your request about making vape carts! It's here!
Thanks for the kind words, Azi-! I'll definitely post some updates as things progress... they're fun to grow in, but the results will (hopefully) be dead serious..:straightface:

Well done, RD! It just goes to show that a plant doesn't need to be tall to achieve some impressive bud density...👍
@Carcass , do you have issues over not being able to go for more than 2-3 days without tending your SIPs? I realize that you're an, erm, ''mature'' fella and perhaps travel less than in the past.:rolleyes: Nonetheless, this system, if properly attached to a large external rez means you could leave for the entire veg cycle if need be. I'd keep a camera installed, and a special emergency-only contact in place, but other than that I'd feel quite comfortable leaving for two weeks. PS I also use those cheap Govee WiFi-enabled temp/rh/dew point/vpb loggers; they would make a major contribution to your peace of mind if you were to go away.

BTW here's a link to Octopot's user manual. Whenever I have a concern I go back and read this booklet as I find it more often than not has my answer.

I've recently started growing in a new DIY system that uses #7 nursery pots and a 9-gallon rez per unit instead of attaching a large rez myself, because my two tents are ten feet apart and one sits 5-6 inches above the other. A control bucket for each should work fine and I'll get around to it eventually. Still, at max consumption (mid flower) these SIPs last for nearly two weeks (conditions dependant). I tend to focus on restricting moisture flow in my SIP planter designs, with the goal of avoiding the over-wet issues that can occur. Because I'm strictly limiting myself to certain levels of complexity and limited permissible external resources brought to bear, I opted to redesign from a clean sheet and came up with the 9gal rez jobbies as a compromise. Totes cost 15$, pots 5$, perforated 4 inch pipe 12 inches long apprx 10$, a hole-saw kit? 30$ - Pulling in poundage after watering the plants only 4 times? Priceless.

Well, you say "for comparison" but there really is no comparison as the SIP plant seems in its own league. Well done, my man. Well done. :thumb:
You're right @Azimuth, it's in a league of its own. I'm really surprised how it grows in it and what's more, when I see it with my own eyes, it's the bomb ;).
Ignore the net pot, that's just scenery in the pic. Azimuth has the description correct. Using these baggies, filled with 40%perlite and soil. I then use a 2 inch section of plastic cylinder cut from a plastic bottle. O make sure either one edge is rough and uneven such that it would let water under it, or I just driff a few small holes around the bottom inch for water to get in. I lay this open at each end plastic cylinder down inside a cereal bowl, then I fill it with perlite. Fillied all the way to top and pressed on to make sure I cant fit any more. Then I place the baggy-planter atop the cylinder, pressing down so the planter sits firmly. Last step is to pour water into the bowl until water level is an inch below bottom of planter (giving you the air gap). Moisture enters the perlite and wicks up to the planter, then keeps wicking up the planter. I use a baggy that's 7-8 inches tall and fill the whole thing with gro matrix so that I can establish a discernable moisture gradient between top (dry) and bottom (field capacity+)

Super. Thank you for the clarification. A 2" cylinder only allows for 1" worth of water underneath the bag line. Do the plants not drink enough to justify a 3-5" tall cylinder?

Thought I’d update my test grow. Little experiment on light outside here. In the foreground is a Do Si Dos grown from seed that was topped and attack by a dog/cat. She’s in a mish mash of soil and coco peat.

Sometimes they get nutes but these two mostly just get leftovers or plain well water. Couple of proper Soil Veg A/B I think.

In the background is a Gorilla Glue. Weird but weak looking and we already had 6 for that bit of the tent. She’s in a mix of potting peat and coco peat thrown together in 15 Gallons. No topping or anything.

I mean honestly how roughly they’re treated they get rain and wind both methods seem very good! (Watch me report next week they’ve all been eaten by locusts 😂)

Only concern with the SIP is the stem never regained the thickness is had coming out of peat solo cup of you look at the bottom.

Anyhoo well pleased.

Super. Thank you for the clarification. A 2" cylinder only allows for 1" worth of water underneath the bag line. Do the plants not drink enough to justify a 3-5" tall cylinder?
Erm, you're getting at having a larger water source available? They're seedlings and not going to be in there a long time. But indeed, especially if the whole baggy is exposed on all sides, and is filled, like the one in the picture, it will pull water through the system like nobody's business.

You can make the bowl larger if need be, and make the pedestal larger as well. It all gets pretty tippy above 2" and I like to create the long, tall cylinder effect by filling nursery-baggy-thingy to the top as I feel it helps with creating a true, even exaggerated, moisture gradient recognizable to the new baby girl - and telling her to go below! Mine all sit in a small fish tank that I can put an inch of water in, I'm putting some together tomorrow and I'll get you some pics then, savvy?
Thanks for the link and the ideas, RD!
@Carcass , do you have issues over not being able to go for more than 2-3 days without tending your SIPs? I realize that you're an, erm, ''mature'' fella and perhaps travel less than in the past.
That sounds pretty cool RD! But, I haven't been any further from the house than the grocery store for a long time now...in my defense, I didn't get around much in my younger days, either.. 😁

I really don't mind watering everyday, if need be...I fiddle with the plants on a daily basis anyhow, so it's not a big deal to dump a little water down the pipes while I'm there...and watering in a sip is a lot faster than top watering in a pot.

I may end up going to Arizona for a week or so in the not-so-distant future, and since 2 of my sons are living here now, one of them will be tasked with "water watch" on the plants...

Funny- my youngest son saw the first SIP, and said "really, Dad....now you're growing in a mop bucket?".....

.....Look a little closer, son- that's two mop buckets...🤪
Carcass' SIP build may have blinded you to my reply to your request about making vape carts! It's here!
Yeah, thanks again. Unfortunately, the only vape juice method here was turning isolates into vape juice, which is popular but requires a $500 squisher, and then you still need to add a liquidizer - plus, minimal terps and flavanoids will be transferred through this method. It's not really the best route unless squishing is really your main thing. My intent is to use a pressure cooker to infuse the thc into the PG with LOTS of raw bud and I'm looking for some data. It appears I'm going to have to sort out the times and temps myself. Wonder if I should bother to decarb in the pressure cooker, or just infuse ultra low and slow, considering that the thc gets decarbed when you vape it (I think). I'm also curious how much if any terps and flaves will be transferred. I'm going to buy some hemp-derived terps from a local producer to have on hand in case. I'm trying to develop something uber-powerful for those medical users with super strong tolerances, maybe give them something with a real kick again. I'm an ultralightweight, I saw colours off my Runtz for first time in my life the other day when I absentmindedly smoked the whole joint; luckily vape juice is very, very easy to thin out.

I hope Baked is doing well. HI @BakedARea !
And now @chinchillin... to address your questions regarding my mini-SIP suggestions for seedlings, as-designed with focus to avoid stall-out upon transplant: I set up some seedlings in two designs I know work well and I took some pics fer ya... these first two were planted a day later than the pop bottle design below, and these have Yumboldt Autos inside. One has sprouted.

these two use 3 inch sections of a circular shampoo bottle filled with perlite and place inside the tall clear containers (one a measuring cup, the other a plain plastic vase). The grow bags were filled to the brim and allowed to settle naturally. If any of my seedling stretch then I still have space to fill in with some more soil. Soil is 3 parts custom 420 worm castings with mycelium in it, 3 parts Promix, 1 part extra perlite. Added perlite was soaked in concentrated seaweed, LiquiDirt, and a literal pinch of DAP with Urea ferts, oh and some liquid fulvic acid.

Below, these two I’ve shared here already. They each have absorbed a tank’s worth of fertigation and I just now refilled. Contents are similar to above seedling SIPs, lots of worm castings. Both have sprouted, and fingers are still crossed. These are Cherry Blossom (not the cbd kind).
And now @chinchillin... to address your questions regarding my mini-SIP suggestions for seedlings, as-designed with focus to avoid stall-out upon transplant: I set up some seedlings in two designs I know work well and I took some pics fer ya... these first two were planted a day later than the pop bottle design below, and these have Yumboldt Autos inside. One has sprouted.

Thank you reservoir dog. You've gone up and beyond to help me and it's much appreciated!
Hey SIP Club! Does anyone have any experience using the Fox Farms Dirty Dozen nute line in their reservoirs? I bought it before I made the switch from straight soil to SIP, so I have to use them. My two plants are 34 days from pop and have been in the sips for 16 days now. They started with a half-full res prepared the way @ReservoirDog mentioned early in this thread. The reservoirs have stayed at half full until I just noticed today they're down about a cm.

So my concern is feeding them. They haven't been fed in 13 days and I was planning on letting the res empty down to 1/8 or 1/4 gallon, then feed so the res is half full. This could be another week or more unless they pick up their drinking pace. I'm worried with the nutes sitting in the res, would I experience PH swings and introduce issues? I thought I read somewhere in this thread early on that concentrated bottled nutes will rise in PH if left over several days and not consumed. I'd hate to toss nutes down the tube then have to attempt to flush it all out through the overflow hole.

They're both being quadlined and were topped 5 days ago. They don't appear to be signalling they're hungry, so they may not even need to be fed when the reservoirs are down to 1/8 or thereabouts. But I'd also like to push them a bit as well.

I appreciate anyone's thoughts on the fox farms nute line in the res!
guess who went overboard with mosquito bits down the res feeder pipe and now dipstick doesn’t reach bottom?? Had hoped the holes I drilled were large enough but no dice.
You're not alone,013- On my smaller SIP, I didn't de-burr the holes I drilled through the fill pipe, so the float hits the plastic shavings and stops...so I opted to use a dipstick on that one...🤔

Happy Thursday, fellow SIPpers!
Figured I'd post an update on how my SIPs are working...
First up, the Amnesia Haze auto, 17 days ago:
(in her solo cup SIP)
1-23-23 AHa.jpg

And today,17 days later- it's her 12th day in the bucket sip:

Next up, the Alaskan Thunderfuck, 17 days ago:
1-23-23 ATF.jpg

17 days later- and day 25 in the SIP:

The black SIP is the single bucket/air chamber type, the blue one is the double bucket type, and they're both working exceptionally well so far

The auto (left) is going to have go outside when I flip the ATF in 9 days or so.. things might be a little tight in there by then..

The auto has been bottom (wick) watered since sprout, so when she went into the SIP, there was no "break in period", she just took right off and started growing .

The ATF was only bottom watered for a few days prior to transplant, so she took about a week to get used to the new watering arrangement- but she sure likes it now!

And there you have it!
I hope everyone's SIP and non-SIP gardens are thriving...
See you next time...💚
....I can't get this pic V to go away, so it's just there I guess....
Tight like a glove, and then the AHa moves out and it's a mitten again!
Just nine short days from now!
It's 80f outside today, so things may work out ok if the warmth keeps up
They both seem to like something you're doing.
Well, they can't enjoy the torture I'm putting them through on a daily basis, so it must be the SIPs!;)
Highya Carcass,

Your lady in the two blue tubs SIP Is really taking off! I'm beginning to see some of the power with SIPs! Seriously amazing! So, it does work using a SIP type solo cups to plant in so there's no 2 week adapting period! Very nice job on both ladies (although I'm not a fan of autos). It will be fun to watch them grow up and mature while in the SIPs! Happy Smokin'
Thanks, Bode!
Funny story with that auto...when I labeled it in my seed collection, I left off the word
"auto"...so there it is... 🙂
I think it's going to pass up the photo in a few days, so I sure can't complain about how it's growing!👍
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