By Channel, are you talking about the side of the res that's cut out & goes against the side of the bucket where the over flow hole is ?

Full disclosure I don't own one of these so I can't put my peepers on it...but according to their image towards the bottom right the design allows for water to pass into the soil at the most bottom point of the 5 gallon bucket.

Hey Buds you got the info on the rh monitor? Thanks 🙏. CL🍀
Monitor or Controller ? I wouldn't want this controller if I were you. I'm not happy with it. Buy an "Inkbird" Temp & Humidity Controller if you want one that works right. They run about $30 - $40. I use to have 2 but sold them with other tent set ups I use to have. I still have a Saturn 4 though. It's old school but runs AC, Fans, Hum. & Dehum. & Co2.
Full disclosure I don't own one of these so I can't put my peepers on it...but according to their image towards the bottom right the design allows for water to pass into the soil at the most bottom point of the 5 gallon bucket.

The very bottom black line of the res is pretty much rippled like a potato chip all the way around. It's so minimal I never really paid attention to it.
I'm not putting any side hole in the internal res. Store bought doesn't have them there. Only on Top, so I'm replicating that res. My 5 gal. SIP's have been awesome, so I want to stick with what they did, more or less.
All the YouTube videos I've seen with the GroBucket inserts indicate the instructions say to drill a hole in the bucket at something like 2" up from the bottom.

The Earthbox like Stone will be using, at least the larger size, comes with an overflow hole as well.

The Octopot is built a bit different but that one's impossible to overfill.

And theres at least one other highlighted recently in this thread that also has the holes, so I guess I'm not clear on what design you are following. :hmmmm:

Or maybe you're talking about something else...
Monitor or Controller ? I wouldn't want this controller if I were you. I'm not happy with it. Buy an "Inkbird" Temp & Humidity Controller if you want one that works right. They run about $30 - $40. I use to have 2 but sold them with other tent set ups I use to have. I still have a Saturn 4 though. It's old school but runs AC, Fans, Hum. & Dehum. & Co2.
It’s 69 bucks for the one that does both, the temp monitor I found from Ipower is 21 bucks but only temps. So I’m going with the ink bird. Thanks amigo. CL🍀
It’s 69 bucks for the one that does both, the temp monitor I found from Ipower is 21 bucks but only temps. So I’m going with the ink bird. Thanks amigo. CL🍀
Christmas sale it’s only 52 bucks instead of 69. CL🍀
All the YouTube videos I've seen with the GroBucket inserts indicate the instructions say to drill a hole in the bucket at something like 2" up from the bottom.

The Earthbox like Stone will be using, at least the larger size, comes with an overflow hole as well.

The Octopot is built a bit different but that one's impossible to overfill.

And theres at least one other highlighted recently in this thread that also has the holes, so I guess I'm not clear on what design you are following. :hmmmm:

Or maybe you're talking about something else...
Not talking about the overflow hole. Talking about the internal reservoir having holes in the side of it. Aspen is right though. The store bought ones do have channels along the bottom rim of the res. They are very, very small (not even 1/8th inch) but they go all the way around the bottom of the rim so I guess there's enough holes / channels for the water to seep through. Glad Aspen pointed this out or I wouldn't have drilled those holes.
It’s 69 bucks for the one that does both, the temp monitor I found from Ipower is 21 bucks but only temps. So I’m going with the ink bird. Thanks amigo. CL🍀
Damn, they went up $20 in about 2 years. Inkbird also has some for just Temp or just Humidity. They use to be about $25. Haven't checked prices since inflation hit.
I just did a bit of finger poking in my pot and well this seems to wick really well, the soil is wet everywhere all the way to the top around the plant, and it has been like that since I filled the res, and the plant doesn't seem to mind at all.
In fact quite the opposite, as I feel this thing is just hulking out.
It's already looking like a plant now, my friend is looking on in disbelief as the surface area difference is insane and his are older and kinda still have to take off.. if I take the biggest of my leaves I can cut it up and match it to his plant.

Ah I didn't poke the center column, yeah cause I kinda don't want to disturb it. as it's soil-perlite layers alternating, but I should feel if the top layer of soil is just as wet there and the wicking action continues through a couple of layers of perlite.. I'll do that when the light comes on.
As if this system is so wet that might currently be my saving grace (wow pressed post on accident) as the main rootball is forming there, the rest of the soil that's just resting on the clay pebbles is seriously soaked.

As promised I started a new SIP. Medium is Coco Peat and soil. Its a Dosidos Rocketas grown from seed and not yet topped. Its outdoors. I fed it today at 6.5 and EC 2.0. I want to get that Ph down to 5.8 next time but it was also top watered this time and trust me absolutely knackered when it came to the last repot of the day!

Here ya go!

(Its mini greenhouse if required is next to it)

Its way wetter than I’m happy with but I top watered as well as filling the res and its hot and dry out there so reckon it will balance wuite quickly. Had the pot there a few weeks so have a good sense of how quick it might lose water at the top from just the sun
Hi fellow sub-irrigators. I thought I'd give you an update from the Swick thread. I have found the journal written by the originator of the Swick. It is 117 pages long so it will take some reading.

I think I can put these pics here... Azi?

I just want to show you how happy my 3 week old autos look. They have been sub-irrigating since birth, with only one up-pot to the 20 Liter.


Do these appear to be optimally watered? 😃 I think they do!
Not talking about the overflow hole. Talking about the internal reservoir having holes in the side of it. Aspen is right though. The store bought ones do have channels along the bottom rim of the res. They are very, very small (not even 1/8th inch) but they go all the way around the bottom of the rim so I guess there's enough holes / channels for the water to seep through. Glad Aspen pointed this out or I wouldn't have drilled those holes.
Ah, gotcha.

I make a ton of holes all over the dome that defines my reservoir/air chamber. No downside that I can see and there are the potential benefits of additional air to the lower most roots as the water level drops.

But like Buds says, probably not necessary as long as water can seep out from the very base of that dome. Something sitting flush on the bottom and held down by the weight of the soil above and without holes would prevent the water from seeping out into the surrounding soil.

My thoughts are its all about the air down low that powers these pots so I want to give it every opportunity so that's why I make as many holes as possible.
In fact quite the opposite, as I feel this thing is just hulking out.
Yeah, welcome to SIP growing. Growing really does get fun when the plants grow fast and healthy. You'll find the limbs grow thicker and sturdier so, if you're going to do any training, it helps to start early.

So, you gonna keep it a secret or are you going to drag your friend over to join us in #SIP Club? :laughtwo: . Plenty more seats available on the train and we add new train cars as needed. ;)

I've just checked the centre column and the top layer of soil is wet there as well, so no problem going alternating soil & perlite layers all the way through me thinks.
I'm glad to hear that layering your mix and perlite a la the @Bill284 Method is working well. I was unsure how the extra perlite might affect the wicking action, but sounds like it works just fine. :thumb:

As promised I started a new SIP. Medium is Coco Peat and soil. Its a Dosidos Rocketas grown from seed and not yet topped
Looking good, Nick. Growing in these things is like a study in psychology, like Pavlov's dog. It's kind of disappointing at first since it looks like the plant is just sitting there doing nothing. And then, 2-3 weeks in they ring the bell, the thing takes off, and your patience gets rewarded in spades. Gets kind of addictive and you'll find yourself thinking about all the other plants around you and how you're going to convert them.

Might be kind of a sickness, actually. In a few years the medical community will probably recognize "SIP Grower's Syndrome" as some official, yet untreatable, affliction.

Although they'll also likely find that the disease can be managed with a broad selection of cannabis.


Its way wetter than I’m happy with but I top watered as well as filling the res and its hot and dry out there so reckon it will balance wuite quickly. Had the pot there a few weeks so have a good sense of how quick it might lose water at the top from just the sun
But it's coco, so I think that can stay wetter than you'd want with a soil mix. Is that true @Bill284 ?

Hi fellow sub-irrigators. I thought I'd give you an update from the Swick thread. I have found the journal written by the originator of the Swick. It is 117 pages long so it will take some reading.

I think I can put these pics here... Azi?

Hey Carmen,

Looking good. Those leaves are praying hard showing you they like what you're doing. :thumb:

And, happy to have occasional updates from the swicking crowd. Given the various successful approaches to this type of watering it does show that this combination of bottom watering combined with air to the lower roots is a very robust approach.
I've just checked the centre column and the top layer of soil is wet there as well, so no problem going alternating soil & perlite layers all the way through me thinks.

Perhaps layering with perlite works ok on the smaller SIPs, but it’s specifically discouraged in the planting instructions for the Octopots. I would imagine that a layer of perlite could prevent the capillary action of the soil mixture from working properly. Just an observation.

In soil feed, water, feed, water, feed water..... is common practice.
In a reservoir with roots plain water is of no use, imo.:morenutes:
Also coco is feed, feed, feed, so no plain water there either.
But I'm not running sip so maby someone with experience might be better equipped to answer. :Namaste:

#Vivosun #Love What You Grow
Bill284 :cool:

wanted to comment on this ^ while it’s not a SIP or SWICK its 1 exception worth mentioning

420 member @DeeBoy is killing it with autos in smart pots of coco using Geoflora organic mixed into the media.

Since the GF nutes are embedded in the coco he’s just doing plain water PH‘ed to 5.8
Yeah, welcome to SIP growing. Growing really does get fun when the plants grow fast and healthy. You'll find the limbs grow thicker and sturdier so, if you're going to do any training, it helps to start early.

So, you gonna keep it a secret or are you going to drag your friend over to join us in #SIP Club? :laughtwo: . Plenty more seats available on the train and we add new train cars as needed. ;)

I'm glad to hear that layering your mix and perlite a la the @Bill284 Method is working well. I was unsure how the extra perlite might affect the wicking action, but sounds like it works just fine. :thumb:

Looking good, Nick. Growing in these things is like a study in psychology, like Pavlov's dog. It's kind of disappointing at first since it looks like the plant is just sitting there doing nothing. And then, 2-3 weeks in they ring the bell, the thing takes off, and your patience gets rewarded in spades. Gets kind of addictive and you'll find yourself thinking about all the other plants around you and how you're going to convert them.

Might be kind of a sickness, actually. In a few years the medical community will probably recognize "SIP Grower's Syndrome" as some official, yet untreatable, affliction.

Although they'll also likely find that the disease can be managed with a broad selection of cannabis.


But it's coco, so I think that can stay wetter than you'd want with a soil mix. Is that true @Bill284 ?
Coco is hydrophobic strangely enough.
If it dries at all it will repell water giving you a head ache .
It must stay wet with nutrients at all times.
5.8 ph nutrients at full strength usually is what I feed.
With calmag.
I feed every day.
Hey Carmen,

Looking good. Those leaves are praying hard showing you they like what you're doing. :thumb:

And, happy to have occasional updates from the swicking crowd. Given the various successful approaches to this type of watering it does show that this combination of bottom watering combined with air to the lower roots is a very robust approach.

#Vivosun #Love What You Grow
Bill284 :cool:
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