Ah so that's why 013 posted me that quote.
I'm using the biocanna line which is supposed to be organic.. and well I worry about sediment in the res as I could see already in the bucket that an hour after mixing them up you started to see separation and settling again.
That's why maybe a circulation pump in the res might be an okay thing. Might also be part of the suspected problem of upwards mobility of them nutes, if they contain a lot of non solvable particles, those won't wick up well through the pebbles.
So far no stink though.. oef. but I am expecting a very caked res after the grow.
Also what's this line "In a synthetic grow, especially in flower where the reservoir gets drained everyday, the FWFW seems to be quite effective. That's the strategy
@Buds Buddy uses in his grow,"
What's the purpose of working with a res if it gets drained everyday.. kinda defeats the idea of self irrigation with a reservoir no?
Okay so this is going to be interesting.. as indeed growing a plant is quite different from flowering them, people keep many plants alive they've never seen flower or fruit.
And it's still early days with an untested pot. So really no idea what will be going on in there in a month..
And of course now I'm worrying about them bio nutes..
I still got 6 pumps from my hydro days.. next grow I can have one circulating the nutes, I can install one for draining the res and one for an airstone in the water channel (if I noticed it got colonised by roots)
As I'm still not sure that my system is free from jumping the gap, however I can see if it works well that the roots don't see the need to go digging through the pebbles more than a couple of cm's just to wick.. however I feel if they sense there's more goodness just a bit lower they will go for it.
But then at least I have some ability to interact... as now I can't do anything, clearing the res will be impossible once it's scrogged in... same for shaking up the res, I need to at least be able to be mix it up and clear it out. I want some switches I can flick.