Hey Old Dog, great idea! There will be some roots growing in the rez area to consider. Can you make the float area a place where roots won't want to be?Is it okay for your wick foot to not sit on the bottom?
I love the ideas I’m seeing here and will be building one of these.
I want a drain so I can empty the internal res then feed liquid nutes without it overflowing, taking samples, and being able to flush as well.
I want to run an auto shutoff to an external res that will be connected to my RO unit, and have a PH controller with dosing pump.
Watering will be completely hands off.
To feed, just turn off the water supply, drain the internal res, fill it back up with nutrients then turn the water supply back on.
Stealing cues from @Absorber ’s build, but using these kidney shaped bowls for the wick/foot.
That should leave me room for the auto shutoff but, they are only 3 inches deep so, only 2 inches will be submerged. See pics for details, and yes, that’s crayon… don’t judge me
Opinions or suggestions welcome.
My 10 gallon EarthBox's have 2, 3 x 3 x 3 inch feet. Take an inch for the air gap and there's 2 - 3 x 3 x 2 inch place where soil hits the water. If you can use those numbers for your build I bet it works.