🤔 It's OK outdoors, but not indoors? You mean because of the smell? Or... the law says they have to be outside??
A friend is looking after her….they cant put it inside due to their misses beggars cant be choosers….when she left me she was barely clinging on to life silver lining
We're in the first week of stretch
Greetings SIPsters!

Are you currently growing using a SIP, or have you in the past? @Buds Buddy @CBDMed

If so, please take my survey...
(highlight the below 1-7 and then click reply)

1) Was your best SIP grow indoors or outdoors/greenhouse?

2) What kind of grow medium did you use for your best SIP grow?

3) What kind of fertilizer did you use for your best SIP grow?

4) What was your best yield from one plant grown in a SIP?

5) If you can, name one strain that grew best in your SIP(s).

6) In your opinion, will a SIP outperform a fabric pot of equal volume?

7) Do you use stress training when you grow in a SIP? (LST, etc.)

Happy holidays! ☮️🎄🍄🐌🌴🌺🦋🌟
Greetings SIPsters!

Are you currently growing using a SIP, or have you in the past? @Buds Buddy @CBDMed

If so, please take my survey...
(highlight the below 1-7 and then click reply)

1) Was your best SIP grow indoors or outdoors/greenhouse? Indoors

2) What kind of grow medium did you use for your best SIP grow? Indicanja living organic soil

3) What kind of fertilizer did you use for your best SIP grow? Indicanja supposed to be water only but added cal mag black strap molasses liqui dirt top dressed with some build a soil top dress

4) What was your best yield from one plant grown in a SIP? A little over 14 oz’s

5) If you can, name one strain that grew best in your SIP(s).strawberry cheesecake

6) In your opinion, will a SIP outperform a fabric pot of equal volume?it does for a rookie like me lol

7) Do you use stress training when you grow in a SIP? (LST, etc.)yes!

Happy holidays! ☮️🎄🍄🐌🌴🌺🦋🌟
Happy holidays cbd and the rest of the sip crew
Ahoy There,
We are fixing to go into week 7 of flower. As a Drought gardener, this will be the time I need to address droughting in SIP. The goal of droughting cannabis is to allow the plant to undergo the abiotic stress of an extended drought to the point where the cultivar wilts as the turgid posture is almost lost, and the GRN directs the plant to have all plant resources available to the DNA encoded "Species Survival Response". The survival response during drought involves the overproduction of essential oils used as a defense against the seeds dehydrating and dying. The GRN will direct the coating of the florescence, thus encapsulating the seed stock in oil.

The containers I am running are rectangular SIP with just over two gallons reservoir capacity. The drought will begin with a full reservoir and saturated root zone mounds. The normal eleven-day drought target has not been elucidated in a SIP container and remains unknown. We anticipate going about half that time as we will still target 50% change in LWA to be the rescue point in active flower plants.

Be really cool if this works. I love SIPPING, but I am a droughter for life :love:
Ahoy There,
We are fixing to go into week 7 of flower. As a Drought gardener, this will be the time I need to address droughting in SIP. The goal of droughting cannabis is to allow the plant to undergo the abiotic stress of an extended drought to the point where the cultivar wilts as the turgid posture is almost lost, and the GRN directs the plant to have all plant resources available to the DNA encoded "Species Survival Response". The survival response during drought involves the overproduction of essential oils used as a defense against the seeds dehydrating and dying. The GRN will direct the coating of the florescence, thus encapsulating the seed stock in oil.

The containers I am running are rectangular SIP with just over two gallons reservoir capacity. The drought will begin with a full reservoir and saturated root zone mounds. The normal eleven-day drought target has not been elucidated in a SIP container and remains unknown. We anticipate going about half that time as we will still target 50% change in LWA to be the rescue point in active flower plants.

Be really cool if this works. I love SIPPING, but I am a droughter for life :love:
Nce! I even used a battery transfer pump down the res pipe to empty it when I droughted one in a SIP. It went full term and did make angle for me.
Has anyone successfully grown a sativa or sativa-dominant plant in a SIP, either indoor or outdoor?

I highly recommend it if quad-lining or training your plant in other ways. Helps to space things out nicely.

Ghost Train Haze after 8 weeks flowering:

'Sativa' at 8wks vs 'Indica' at 3wks with same soil, nutrients and training techniques.
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