Good Morning siprs! Day 105 can one of you vets let me know what week of flower u think im in?!? Im thinking 3/4 from comparing to pics online its humboldts strawberry cheesecake i really hoped to pull er down before christmas but theres plenty space for her to grow hope i can pull close to a lb
Highya Tequila,

Very nice looking canopy with so many white pistils all over the buds. My first thought was 3 weeks, but I think they're at least 4 weeks. And that depends from when you figure the start of flowering commences. She'll give you a pound if you can give her enough to eat. Can't hurt to hope! Happy Smokin'
Highya Tequila,

Very nice looking canopy with so many white pistils all over the buds. My first thought was 3 weeks, but I think they're at least 4 weeks. And that depends from when you figure the start of flowering commences. She'll give you a pound if you can give her enough to eat. Can't hurt to hope! Happy Smokin'
Thanks Bode! Had a lil lighting issue where one of my lights was 24 hr and one was 12/12 so i had a set back after 2 weeks of supposed 12/12…and as far as feeding i had supposed to be “all in” living soil mix i can topdress if need be im thinking im gonna raise the lights to encourage some more vertical growth
If they're done with the stretch, they won't grow any taller. Just fatten the buds. Then, they'll want more light.
Thanks Bode! Had a lil lighting issue where one of my lights was 24 hr and one was 12/12 so i had a set back after 2 weeks of supposed 12/12…and as far as feeding i had supposed to be “all in” living soil mix i can topdress if need be im thinking im gonna raise the lights to encourage some more vertical growth
Like @Bode said - by this point vertical is done, max the light and take it as close as is recommended, you want to be concentrating on bud growth and getting light as low as you have buds to firm it all up. Great spear like colas….
Like @Bode said - by this point vertical is done, max the light and take it as close as is recommended, you want to be concentrating on bud growth and getting light as low as you have buds to firm it all up. Great spear like colas….
So lower the lights? They re still in this same position everytime i trim a fan leaf covering a budsite it shoots up to the net
Ive been searching all over the site you all can anyone point me in the direction of a good dehumidifier i returned the small vivosun dehumidifier because it wasnt making any difference the reviews for most are bad i need to correct this issue would a bag of charcoal help in the interim
Is that lights on or lights off?

Numbers look fine to me.

I’ve owned loads of them, in HK you need them or you walk down the street and all your clothes fall off because they rotted in your wardrobes 🤣

Something like this looks fine, similar design to what I’ve had.

What you need to check is thT it has an over flow pipe - the res can fill real easy so we use that giant polystyrene box to increase it. This is just our drying one - we have an inline 280L one in the ceiling as well.

BUT - its gonna skew your numbers. Its gonna take in cold damp air and put out warmer dry air.

Out of interest - what’s your input air? How is air coming in, and from where?

Is that lights on or lights off?

Numbers look fine to me.

I’ve owned loads of them, in HK you need them or you walk down the street and all your clothes fall off because they rotted in your wardrobes 🤣

Something like this looks fine, similar design to what I’ve had.

What you need to check is thT it has an over flow pipe - the res can fill real easy so we use that giant polystyrene box to increase it. This is just our drying one - we have an inline 280L one in the ceiling as well.

BUT - its gonna skew your numbers. Its gonna take in cold damp air and put out warmer dry air.

Out of interest - what’s your input air? How is air coming in, and from where?

Both the lights are on from 8 to 8 but the humidity spikes when lights out i got a 4x4 the big dehumidifiers said they need 3 ft of clearance on each side… its in the basement so i dont have any vents open trying to keep the bad stuff out
Your lights burn off the humidity while they’re on so the spike. The plants take a little while longer to stop transpiration I think its called. So it will drop a little after an hour or two.

Personally - 67% Max humidity in flower? You’re living the dream buddy!

But make sure you are cycling the air through the tent, fresh air in all the time and pushed out. Easiest way in a 4x4 is a bit of duct pipe in a bottom tent inlet, two bends in it to prevent light ingress and then your inline at the top pushes that air that your moving fans have moved around inside out again.

Best mould stopper there is.
Your lights burn off the humidity while they’re on so the spike. The plants take a little while longer to stop transpiration I think its called. So it will drop a little after an hour or two.

Personally - 67% Max humidity in flower? You’re living the dream buddy!

But make sure you are cycling the air through the tent, fresh air in all the time and pushed out. Easiest way in a 4x4 is a bit of duct pipe in a bottom tent inlet, two bends in it to prevent light ingress and then your inline at the top pushes that air that your moving fans have moved around inside out again.

Best mould stopper there is.
Ok so no need for the dehumidifier just get some ducting and a screen for said ducting to keep the bugs n such out?!? Thanks Nick
Yeah then if you absolutely need a Dehumidifier it can go in the room the tent is in. What many refer to as a “lung” room. It becomes part of the air circulation system for the tent, slightly stale, Co2 depleted air is expelled by your inline and freshened by supply in that room, dried by your dehumidifier and sucked back in to the tent by the inline
Yeah then if you absolutely need a Dehumidifier it can go in the room the tent is in. What many refer to as a “lung” room. It becomes part of the air circulation system for the tent, slightly stale, Co2 depleted air is expelled by your inline and freshened by supply in that room, dried by your dehumidifier and sucked back in to the tent by the inline
Thanks for setting him straight, Nick, saved me doing it and doing it poorly. Tequila thanks you for pre-empting me also (just trust me on this one, buddy). Not a topic I feel uber-confident communicating to others, though I understand it all just fine. It's explaining it all I get tongie-tied.... Great job in your description Nick.

So, thanks Bud.

Good to see you too Ta'Kill'ya.!! Your little Earthbox went boom! at the end! Nice work! Especially the custom racing stripes you applied so professionally. 1st time for everything.

AhYuyp, that's right, look who's still alive, and kicking Cancer's ass up and down the street. Yup, The ReservoirDog Liveth.

I've finally managed to go home, to be checked out again, as I have been 'ínside' twice since the 7th October, with a ten-day home-break in the middle. Lemme just say that going in for surgery at same time as a world-shattering terrorist event does in fact have psychological impact. In case someone ever wondered, going under in one world and waking up in another is very confusing and upsetting.

As an outpatient I still have to be at the hospital every weekday for chemo/radiation - for another couple weeks-10 days. Tumour is responding 'well' to treatment (Cancer tumour has become very animated, has gone "full chest-burster"; it seems to sense death is coming, so it trying to hurt me as much as possible and make the treatment stop. Swear to you, this is a very similar sensation to what those fictional characters who had Alien Chestbursters, er, 'burst'.... guaranteed this is what they felt!

Wanted to tell everyone that my RSO oil is a miracle guys, and I'm really so grateful for the help I rec'd from site users, friends, who sent me grain alcohol in the mail, who showed me how I could trap the escaping alcohol gave me the gift to create another batch. Which is to say you've given me life. Life itself, and I thank you.

It is no exaggeration to say that the RSO relieves all of my symptoms, across the board, by a full 50%, while I'm max-lit. This is more effective than the dilauded (sp) (pain) and Ondansitron (nausea)(sp), and other powerful drugs put together. Drugs, consider, whose only purpose is to relieve immediate symptoms, not cure you. And it means that I can then use those secondary meds much, much more effectively.

I've just run out of my RSO supply and need to make more. Will be scraping the jars clean for this one I guess, however I do have a fresh plant with a few OZ in it waiting for chop.... how could I utilize my extraction process on a green, fresh plant? Just freeze and then use uncured? I guess it will have different qualities, but so long as I decarb -- it should work ok? How about mixzing fresh and dried for RSO, is possibilities or instructions from users?

So, @Gee64 , (and anyone for that matter caring to add anything helpful to contribute here, please do I need some answers so I can move forward today) Any thoughts on mixed fresh/cured for making RSO? Or maybe just fresh, maybe just do the whole plant, the one ready to harvest and use it all for RSO, never mind the dried product on hand? Too complex? I like all the mixed cannabinoids for this project, but if mixing fresh and cured will introduce issues then I can go without.

@Bill284 buddy.... I so hope you're doing well. I'm back in touch again, I'll c'mon over and find out how you're doin'..... Any thoughts on RSO from fresh plant material, Bill?

Srry, wanted to leave pic of finished fresh plant ready to harvest, misplaced phone/camera. Haveta'wait an hour or so... before I can show it to you I guess. Mostly I'm just wondering if using fresh plants is OK just so long as I freeze for 24-36hrs first and cool the solvent (190pf grain alc) also.

My ready-to-harvest Barbara Bud x Kryptonite F1 has taken on a little purple in the calyxs' lately, giving that "grape-nuts look" when fresh, but not enough to show up after cure. I bring up purpleness because I wonder what smoking anthici-whatever-its-called-I-cant-remember, you know, the dye that makes things purple in plants... I wonder if it has any negative smoking aspects, for taste, like chlorophyll does?

I doubt it would be anywear as caustic feeling as chlorophyll, but I just haven't heard anything about it, and wondered. Any close listeners out there with thoughts on, "smoking purple" and making RSO/FECO from fresh buds (using 190pf grain alc. method)

I wish everyone a thoughtful, even pensive, memorial Day, Rememberence Day, 11-11-11, however you remember, I ask you to remember what our recent forbears suffered and stopped. Not only that, but your absolute responsibility to moral and ethical positions of asylum, aggressive war, and truthfulness. We are at the most profound human crisis moment in our species history and must find a way to again be capable of positive, collective action. Not this atomizing, individual-worshipping, cult-like tribal behaviour we've been running of late, if that's been you, well, snap the fuck out of it. Courage is contagious. If you have none to give, go find some to borrow.
Ah Res... I'm pretty good at the writing of words, certainly the production phase, not always the finish and cure 😅

But yeah I saw pictures months back of your various setups, we use a lot of the same products, isn't Inkbird generally great? I love for the C02, have an Rh one but ended up going slightly different.

We think the same, on the environmentals indoor for sure. Been chatting to @TequilaSIPr about it in PM's since, your endorsement means I'm on the right track and makes me feel pretty sure I'm not selling him a wrong 'un!

Take care much as you can buddy,

Nick & Co
Ah Res... I'm pretty good at the writing of words, certainly the production phase, not always the finish and cure 😅

But yeah I saw pictures months back of your various setups, we use a lot of the same products, isn't Inkbird generally great? I love for the C02, have an Rh one but ended up going slightly different.

We think the same, on the environmentals indoor for sure. Been chatting to @TequilaSIPr about it in PM's since, your endorsement means I'm on the right track and makes me feel pretty sure I'm not selling him a wrong 'un!

Take care much as you can buddy,

Nick & Co
Cheers buddy. I will take care, promise.

YYou ever make RSO oil? I mean the ultra-hightest.
Thanks for setting him straight, Nick, saved me doing it and doing it poorly. Tequila thanks you for pre-empting me also (just trust me on this one, buddy). Not a topic I feel uber-confident communicating to others, though I understand it all just fine. It's explaining it all I get tongie-tied.... Great job in your description Nick.

So, thanks Bud.

Good to see you too Ta'Kill'ya.!! Your little Earthbox went boom! at the end! Nice work! Especially the custom racing stripes you applied so professionally. 1st time for everything.

AhYuyp, that's right, look who's still alive, and kicking Cancer's ass up and down the street. Yup, The ReservoirDog Liveth.

I've finally managed to go home, to be checked out again, as I have been 'ínside' twice since the 7th October, with a ten-day home-break in the middle. Lemme just say that going in for surgery at same time as a world-shattering terrorist event does in fact have psychological impact. In case someone ever wondered, going under in one world and waking up in another is very confusing and upsetting.

As an outpatient I still have to be at the hospital every weekday for chemo/radiation - for another couple weeks-10 days. Tumour is responding 'well' to treatment (Cancer tumour has become very animated, has gone "full chest-burster"; it seems to sense death is coming, so it trying to hurt me as much as possible and make the treatment stop. Swear to you, this is a very similar sensation to what those fictional characters who had Alien Chestbursters, er, 'burst'.... guaranteed this is what they felt!

Wanted to tell everyone that my RSO oil is a miracle guys, and I'm really so grateful for the help I rec'd from site users, friends, who sent me grain alcohol in the mail, who showed me how I could trap the escaping alcohol gave me the gift to create another batch. Which is to say you've given me life. Life itself, and I thank you.

It is no exaggeration to say that the RSO relieves all of my symptoms, across the board, by a full 50%, while I'm max-lit. This is more effective than the dilauded (sp) (pain) and Ondansitron (nausea)(sp), and other powerful drugs put together. Drugs, consider, whose only purpose is to relieve immediate symptoms, not cure you. And it means that I can then use those secondary meds much, much more effectively.

I've just run out of my RSO supply and need to make more. Will be scraping the jars clean for this one I guess, however I do have a fresh plant with a few OZ in it waiting for chop.... how could I utilize my extraction process on a green, fresh plant? Just freeze and then use uncured? I guess it will have different qualities, but so long as I decarb -- it should work ok? How about mixzing fresh and dried for RSO, is possibilities or instructions from users?

So, @Gee64 , (and anyone for that matter caring to add anything helpful to contribute here, please do I need some answers so I can move forward today) Any thoughts on mixed fresh/cured for making RSO? Or maybe just fresh, maybe just do the whole plant, the one ready to harvest and use it all for RSO, never mind the dried product on hand? Too complex? I like all the mixed cannabinoids for this project, but if mixing fresh and cured will introduce issues then I can go without.

@Bill284 buddy.... I so hope you're doing well. I'm back in touch again, I'll c'mon over and find out how you're doin'..... Any thoughts on RSO from fresh plant material, Bill?

Srry, wanted to leave pic of finished fresh plant ready to harvest, misplaced phone/camera. Haveta'wait an hour or so... before I can show it to you I guess. Mostly I'm just wondering if using fresh plants is OK just so long as I freeze for 24-36hrs first and cool the solvent (190pf grain alc) also.

My ready-to-harvest Barbara Bud x Kryptonite F1 has taken on a little purple in the calyxs' lately, giving that "grape-nuts look" when fresh, but not enough to show up after cure. I bring up purpleness because I wonder what smoking anthici-whatever-its-called-I-cant-remember, you know, the dye that makes things purple in plants... I wonder if it has any negative smoking aspects, for taste, like chlorophyll does?

I doubt it would be anywear as caustic feeling as chlorophyll, but I just haven't heard anything about it, and wondered. Any close listeners out there with thoughts on, "smoking purple" and making RSO/FECO from fresh buds (using 190pf grain alc. method)

I wish everyone a thoughtful, even pensive, memorial Day, Rememberence Day, 11-11-11, however you remember, I ask you to remember what our recent forbears suffered and stopped. Not only that, but your absolute responsibility to moral and ethical positions of asylum, aggressive war, and truthfulness. We are at the most profound human crisis moment in our species history and must find a way to again be capable of positive, collective action. Not this atomizing, individual-worshipping, cult-like tribal behaviour we've been running of late, if that's been you, well, snap the fuck out of it. Courage is contagious. If you have none to give, go find some to borrow.
Glad your still in the grow room Amigo.
I'm no expert at rso, yet. ;)
I'm cureing everything I harvest.
That gives me options.
Besides I didn't harvest smalls or larf.
So everything is basically good bud.
I had to just put the hammer down and save what was important.
Everything else froz, rotted or just got dumped.
Still have enough for everything I need and a few friends.
Come on by.:high-five:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
I've just run out of my RSO supply and need to make more. Will be scraping the jars clean for this one I guess, however I do have a fresh plant with a few OZ in it waiting for chop.... how could I utilize my extraction process on a green, fresh plant? Just freeze and then use uncured? I guess it will have different qualities, but so long as I decarb -- it should work ok? How about mixzing fresh and dried for RSO, is possibilities or instructions from users?
Not really what you're asking, but I've taken to using most of my harvest in Dust form. Mostly I leave it undecarbed as I prefer the acidic forms of the cannabinoids but it's easy enough to decarb either the bud or the dust.

Most of the studies of the cancer fighting properties of canna have been done with decarbed flower so that would certainly be what I'd do for a chunk of it at least. But the acidic forms target different receptor sites in many cases so spreading out the targets seems like a good strategy. So, some decarbed, some not.

Once you have the dust prepared it can go on almost anything; smoothies, with milk on cereal, with olive oil on your salad or dinner, baked in brownies, etc. Extremely flexible.

The one thing I'd say which doesn't help your dankruptcy issue is that it tastes much better after curing so you'd have to factor that time in. Also, the plant material can be a little hard on the stomach, at least at first, but wouldn't take long to acclimate your system to it.

And, like RSO, this form is an edible so comes with the associated latent onset and much longer impact timeline. A good mix'n'match for a smoking routine I'd imagine.
I mean yeah, curing is mostly just killing off the overbearing bitter chlorophyll taste, loosing off the last the Co2 the plant has accumulated in its lifetime.

The THC, CBD, CBG all that during curing does nothing after say 24-48 hours you killed it, right? Only that because there’s gonna be some slow end. Photosynthesis is not very efficient, brilliant though it is.

You’re gonna make oil where taste isn’t the main driver then what does it matter?
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