The first 10-15 seconds of the video are my giant our door Red Hot Cookies, neemed today for white fly. Second plant up under lights is my Red Mimosa XL Auto SIP - that is def not XL and looks like she's flipped but really she just thrown in there and left alone, not attention given, 'cause the other plants!

The balcony plant looks great! Much better than your last attempt at balcony growing. You must be gaining some skills! or maybe just paying better attention. :laughtwo:
This little Dozi Zookies auto is looking like heat/ light stress..
It started 2 days ago when I put water in the SIP res.
She's growing in homemade Bokashi soil and has had nothing but water.
I raised the light to 32 inches above and turned it down to 25% and it just keeps getting worse and I have no idea what to do.
Room temp is a constant 76°F at 60% humidity.
Today is the end of week 2 above the surface..
Everything was on point with her right up until I added water to the res.
I'm not sure what is going on but if anyone can point the compass in the right direction for me I would surely appreciate it.
Thank you in advance for any advice you can offer.
Hmmm. Since it was coincident with adding water I'd start looking there. You're using a non-standard soil mix so my guess is that the water liquefied some nutes that are proving too hot for the young plant.

Can you drain the water from the res and let it get a bit stronger before stepping on the gas?

I know you've had good luck with your mix in prior rounds. Any thing different in the mix this time?
Hmmm. Since it was coincident with adding water I'd start looking there. You're using a non-standard soil mix so my guess is that the water liquefied some nutes that are proving too hot for the young plant.

Can you drain the water from the res and let it get a bit stronger before stepping on the gas?

I know you've had good luck with your mix in prior rounds. Any thing different in the mix this time?
Nothing different with the soil and I did drain the res.
When I set the SIP up I made the bottom probably 4 or 5 inches of soil pretty damp and let the above layers spong up the moisture.
I put a long prob thermometer in the soil this morning too get a root zone temp and that's 78°F according to the thermometer.
The only thing that I've changed from all my other grows is the water I use.. I used to use tap but changed to rain water for this run and the auto run I have growing on, and the autos in 5gal pots are doing fine.
The organic soil should love the rain water unless there was something funky in there like maybe your gutters were stopped up and an anaerobic sludge of roof matter like leaves and bird shit etc., built up and offed the pH or something.
The organic soil should love the rain water unless there was something funky in there like maybe your gutters were stopped up and an anaerobic sludge of roof matter like leaves and bird shit etc., built up and offed the pH or something.
The water was collected from a rain trap I made with a sheet of plastic and a plastic barrel. The barrel has never been used for anything other than catching maple sap and I cleaned it up good before I used it for water.
Maple sap is mostly water as the sap from the best trees is 3-3.5% sugar at most. I didn't sugar this year but it is a super pleasant way to spend an early spring day. Fire up the reducer and plop a beach chair out to catch some early spring sunshine on your face!
Maple sap is mostly water as the sap from the best trees is 3-3.5% sugar at best. I didn't sugar this year but it is a super pleasant way to spend an early spring day. Fire up the reducer and plop a beach chair out to catch some early spring sunshine on your face!
Sounds blissful - hope you got a second chair one day for my lazy old bones - just no temperature below like 28c please!

Sorry - I wasn’t clear. That plant has an excess of something. Maybe the previous sap in the tank contributed something? Its not the stupidest idea I’ve come up with? 😅

(EDIT / the last poor sap in this job ruined it for everyone - sounds like something Homer J Simpson would say😆)
Sounds blissful - hope you got a second chair one day for my lazy old bones - just no temperature below like 28c please!

Sorry - I wasn’t clear. That plant has an excess of something. Maybe the previous sap in the tank contributed something? Its not the stupidest idea I’ve come up with? 😅

(EDIT / the last poor sap in this job ruined it for everyone 😆)
Sugaring is best done in late winter/early spring when the snow is getting a bit crunchy, but before it gets melty/slushy. You're 28c is probably perfect.

The sap water should be like an extremely weak BSM tea if that, a bit of sugar water. If you taste fresh sap right out of the tree it tastes like water with just a hint of sweetness, but maybe it freed up some other nutes in the bokashi that overwhelmed the young plant.

I haven't made bokashi in a while but I'd image that no two batches are the same? Maybe there's something odd in this soil batch?

Dunno, but there's something in there it doesn't like.
The water was collected from a rain trap I made with a sheet of plastic and a plastic barrel. The barrel has never been used for anything other than catching maple sap and I cleaned it up good before I used it for water.
Just made we wonder where a potential source of plant excess came from.

Sorry no idea on sugaring! “Maple” and “Sap” just equate to:


For my addled brain 😂

Edit - you ever spilt a can of coke its impossible to rid yourself of it.
Yep, that's the stuff! That looks like the early season run, lighter in both density and taste. Class A stuff. Personally I prefer the heavier, darker, later season version. I have no idea why the lighter stuff is the premium. :hmmmm:

Other way round for me. 🍁

Basically you collect it for a few days and then boil off 98% of what you collected. :eek: Great way to spend a bright spring day outside after being cooped up indoors for months.

Maple sugar is just maple syrup that you've boiled on past the syrup stage into candyland.
I myself have never cooked it down. There's a Almash fella over in the valley that buys everything we collect..
I've been thinking about giving it a try but I don't know if I have the patience for it.
If you do do it, make sure it's outdoors. The steam carries sugar with it and that's not something you want to try to clean off every surface of your home. Plus, that amount of water vapor in the air will peel the wallpaper right off your walls!
Good morning SIPers I hope today finds you well and the ladies green.
I want to start with saying that I truly don't like asking questions unless I'm truly stuck, well this is one of those times that I have to ask.
This little Dozi Zookies auto is looking like heat/ light stress..
It started 2 days ago when I put water in the SIP res.
She's growing in homemade Bokashi soil and has had nothing but water.
I raised the light to 32 inches above and turned it down to 25% and it just keeps getting worse and I have no idea what to do.
Room temp is a constant 76°F at 60% humidity.
Today is the end of week 2 above the surface..
Everything was on point with her right up until I added water to the res.
I'm not sure what is going on but if anyone can point the compass in the right direction for me I would surely appreciate it.
Thank you in advance for any advice you can offer.

I have seen this before. I sprout in 10gal bags and this is easy to accomplish.

When I first fully saturate the pots the soil gets a huge rush of nutrients. Nitrogen claw and curled leaves and eventually the sprout outgrows it or dies. Most of the taco curl dries up and breaks off.

I got around it by filling the pot and burying a solo cup at the surface.

Then fully water the pot, or fill your res, and once its fully saturated you pull the solo, fill the hole it left with a starter mix, and plant in that.

I use used soil from the previous grow, its a good innoculant for the current grow, bringing successful myco and microbes.

The tap root won't poke into the hotter mix until it's ready to do so.

If this is the 1st time it's happened either your soil mix is too hot or too young, or that plant is a light feeder.

My limited exposure to autos also tells me that with auto's, expect gimps. It could be the plant if nothing else has changed.

Pluck it and plant another seed, see if it happens again?
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