Greetings SIP fraternity, I'd like to show you my Hulkberry girl who is eight weeks in veg and today on her fifth day in flower is already starting to reach for the @ViparSpectra XS1500 PRO. Otherwise, she's a huge girl and I don't think I'll have a problem filling a 2.5x2.5 tent, but judge for yourself😉

have a nice Friday everyone and let it grow 🖖
Well I don't remember a bean ever taking this long to show up for me but I'll give it time and see what happens.
It's been in the soil since Sunday and I know it popped the shell before it went down but still a no show yet.
On a good note, the Mycelium sure is having a good time.

I agree with @Fenderbender . If you know it cracked and haven't seen it yet in nearly a week it could've gotten twisted around. I've saved some by going digging (lightly and gently) to help reorientate the seedling.
Supermarket reusable bags make for a good sun deflector if you can't get hold of a heshion bag , just chop the bottom out and chop handles off .


Great idea @Absorber ! And I like how they change color when they get installed. :laughtwo:

Are they a loose fit? In other words is there a bit of an air gap to help with insulation?
Great idea @Absorber ! And I like how they change color when they get installed. :laughtwo:

Are they a loose fit? In other words is there a bit of an air gap to help with insulation?
Yea there's an air gap👍 , 🤣🤣 I was waiting for someone to mention the colour 🤣🤣
Supermarket reusable bags make for a good sun deflector if you can't get hold of a heshion bag , just chop the bottom out and chop handles off .


I like colours!
My travel bag 🤣 well handed over to my 4 year old daughter now but bought a Phnom Penh airport yesterday 😂

The bag I reckon could go a 200g plant!

Did anyone experience anything bad down there at the roots in the SIP?
As I continue to be amazed as certainly with my system where the roots have a little area where they can actually grow straight in water & hydroton and those haven't turned brown or slimy either.
No, all perfect far as I could see Fender.
Day 63 just switched over to 12/12 and gave her a defol hope i did ok :nervous-guy:before
how much do you think a noob like me can get with a trunk like this?!?
A full net = a lot!

This is an early sign of a male ,it doesn't have to be pollen sacks if your plant is showing this its going to be a male or a maphrodite .
I can pick this in mid summer on an outdoor grow before flowering sets in .
Just thought I'd pop it in here for anyone unsure.
Happy safe growing everyone
Day 68

So much for breeders guestimate of 70 days ;)
Sometimes the difference is where you and the breeder start counting from, flip or the actual beginning of flower which is often 14-21 days after flip.

I know this is SIP club not a soil club.
It's about all things SIP, so your soil mix in combination with the SIP is right at home here. :thumb:
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