Shottafire's Manic Organic 2kw Perpetual With Supersoil & Teas

You should acquaint yourself with teas, Jeff - they'd be perfect for your grow. I don't know enough about them, but I'm sure if you ask, you'll get all the recipes you could ever want, heheh!

I love the effect mineralization has had on my grow. Even the FFOF with OC+ responded to a top-dressing of 6-5-3 and azomite.
Can you really do organics on a couple plants? All these teas and mixtures I see are geared for 30-60 gallons of soil. I would never have need or room for so much.

What would I need in addition to FFOF soil to keep it organic? I haven't used any nutes yet, so I consider it an organic grow at this point.

Tons of choices, just depending on how far you wanna take it. From dr earth fertilizers like I'm using this run, to making your own with recipes. It makes it fun too, you get to make teas and stuff!, and the weed is DIFFERENT!!!!!
My Mom and several other members of my family are die hard into astrology and numerology and I have to admit it's pretty damn accurate for me better than half of the time,there's something to it,so many people fit the description of their sign IM like some double Gemini I guess my rising was in Gemini at the time of my birth so IM as Gemini as they come except the Taurus influence makes me not flighty,and promiscuous, and I stay faithful in a relationship, but there are defo 2 of me! We both agree, lol
I love the organic high brix method it fits my life and beliefs to a T, I love playing with my worms all 80 thousand of them have a name, and I like to take them on walks & play in the park ,my Lil'buddies making me killer plant food 24/7, we have 2 compost bins,chickens,geese, go green country life! ,it's the best way hands down,and the best meds possible,I have a high brix blue dream that will blow your head off! I can barely handle 1 puff and IM high and busy for hours 2 puffs and I think IM gonna float into space,it was not that good in reg ferts :thumb:
I'm just stuck with that same old problem, having to think ahead and order supplies. If my NL#5 X Haze grows I want to train out like a scrog without a net and get a decent diameter out of her. Though I know realise I am at the mercy of the tent!
My Mom and several other members of my family are die hard into astrology and numerology and I have to admit it's pretty damn accurate for me better than half of the time,there's something to it,so many people fit the description of their sign IM like some double Gemini I guess my rising was in Gemini at the time of my birth so IM as Gemini as they come except the Taurus influence makes me not flighty,and promiscuous, and I stay faithful in a relationship, but there are defo 2 of me! We both agree, lol
I love the organic high brix method it fits my life and beliefs to a T, I love playing with my worms all 80 thousand of them have a name, and I like to take them on walks & play in the park ,my Lil'buddies making me killer plant food 24/7, we have 2 compost bins,chickens,geese, go green country life! ,it's the best way hands down,and the best meds possible,I have a high brix blue dream that will blow your head off! I can barely handle 1 puff and IM high and busy for hours 2 puffs and I think IM gonna float into space,it was not that good in reg ferts :thumb:

It's good to have space! Unfortunately, I lack in that category. I'm lucky I got a tent in, now I'm adding a cloning dome. That's my limit.
I'm please don't stop this journal,IM just now getting into it,I have tons of ideas,and gobs of stuff I can add from my research and experience ,I would love to learn and contribute to it, sometimes it takes a but for a journal to take off but if you keep posting and do lots of pics ppl will come,my first few journals were slow to get going,but my newest hit 5 pages in 24hrs so just stay the course ,and the data you add stays so ppl will find it and go back in time and read it , hang in there, I will send ppl here looking for this type of info I get many pm's everyday lots of organic/hi-brix questions, and breeding, lol so I'll refer some to you:thumb:
Sounds like a fun business!

I've been doing a LOT Of research into permaculture and other natural growing ideas for a couple years now. I was thinking more about food then cannabis though. I had read a lot of articles about the lack of minerals in our food due to depletion in the soil. That research got stalled when I got back into growing cannabis last year. I decided to go with the methods that worked for me before, ie hydro and sterile res. When I started reading up on the latest ideas in growing cannabis, I noticed all the talk about High Brix, so I started reading about that a bit. It made sense since it seems to be related to all the stuff I read about improving vegetable nutritional quality.

Jon's adventure into SS has me reconsidering how I grow cannabis, so I'm planning a test run with soil after this batch finishes. I have my concerns about it, but I'm confident I'll do OK. I'm hoping to combine things I've learned from Subcool's Super Soil and the High Brix stuff. My plan is to basically try both. Plant them with the SS boost layer, but also use the High Brix foliar sprays and drenches. I might just dilute the drenches a bit. We'll see. I'm trying to get the ingredients for some soil together now, so it can 'cook' for at least 4 weeks. I've got a few more weeks to keep studying. :nomo:

Hehe I'm on the cusp of Aries and Taurus (4/20) and I think I was feeling a little of that too! Early in the week was super productive, then Wednesday, everything seemed to fall apart and I felt like I was just spinning my wheels and nothing was making progress (talking about the day job here). I normally don't pay attention to astrology, but that does sound like how I felt. :blalol:

Hope you're feeling better bro! When does Mrs Shotta get back?

Thank you Hiker you are welcomed here. And I like your posts they are so well thought out and thorough. Sorry if I come across cloudy at times. Typing or writing was never a strong point for me but math on the other hand yes please. haha.

I am excited about my business but from the astrology standpoint I just needed to slow my roll I guess. I really need to bite my tongue more often too. Since having a little girl I have been more assertive and take offense to people more easily not sure if thats an instinctual trait or what but I can go from 0 to mother f'r in seconds. So lets just cruise I am about to run out of herb o no guess its just hash

My business will be mostly on the side potentially turning into something more in the future. Working on a business plan now and it is so cool to have started growing herb. I have found a new passion and I can vision 10 years from now owning a business that revolves around soil health/plant health on various levels. Food is becoming more and more desirable for me to grow since I can actually produce something in my depleted soils whereas my neighbors can barely get a single tomato. I showed a few people in the neighborhood what to get and they now have some food crops. Really would like to start workshops for kids at a community garden around my area and that is from the heart. We have a garden locally that needs so much help since the master gardener there passed a few years ago now its overgrown blackberry vines rosemary bushes like trees and too much work for my poor back to nurse back.

With the organics and the super soil I am confident you would never go back. It is amazing what you will see in your buds that you did not see or smell before. I know you would kill it too.

Try the brix too. I am cooking a batch of it now to use soon.

mrs.shotta is back and I am back on daddy duty on sunday yeah. tons of fun.

have a great day my friend thank you again
My Internet is acting up. I quoted hiker and bam my Internet got zapped. Not sure what happened.
Sorry for not responding to everyone. I apologize and hope to give a thorough update and reply to all who posted. Cheers until tomorrow hopefully
Hey shotta, my first grows were organic, I did a coupla synthetic grows...I had to try it out, now I'm back with organics, things hav got to be simpler than all the muss and fuss. I like your style and enjoy your work, I hope I can continue to learn from your work!

My goal is to make it as simple as possible. With a new daughter at home I cant spare the extra time it takes to mix nutrients. I dont want to confuse anyone or lead them a stray. Just basically experimenting with various measurements and learning what the plant is asking for. I purposely went lighter on my amendments than say a super soil but the stuff is definitely supercharged. I did this for the reason being I wanted to use more tea drenches and top dress some super soil along the course of the plants life. Thank you mcloadie you are the man.
Right there with you, I've been studying permaculture for a couple years as well, looking towards food production as well as general gardening, but went with hydro on the first try inside to "keep the inside clean", lol... I want to give the supersoil a try as well. I'm watching our supersoil journals here as they progress to see them go, but I think I'll be trying it for ease of maintanence and less potention failure points and less brutal expense wise as well, but the end result will be decided by yield... I'll run the same clones side by side in SS and in Hempy style hydro or maybe smartpots with coco/perlite to see how close they are yield wise, and of course, quality of yield ;) :Namaste:

I am loving all the people into the permaculture this is exactly what I am talking about. Anyone want to start a new commune somewhere in the world?
Thanks for cruising by rune! I need to get by your journal to see whats cooking. Hopefully a batch of nice fluffy organic growing mix.
The yields will impress you especially if you use bigger pots and let the plants get robust and full before flip. The quality is out of control. Plus I will say it once and I will say it again this is the easy way to go and less anxiety hands down.
I envy you Shott, and I'm glad someone found themselves a purpose. It's vitally important for your confidence and self esteem to have a purpose in life. I myself get no satisfaction trying to ride the coattails of what I have done, the lives of Daddy's, husbands, Mommy's, wives, son's and daughters, that I have saved. Also the lives that I have terminated. It's funny, I thought that would be enough, I did my bit, took my hit's and lived through it after 17 years of switching from one combat zone to another.

I find now that it isn't enough to be remembered for what you did, but what you are doing now. So I applaud you for taking those steps and having the courage to do so my friend. Good Luck.

Wow that is humbling coming from a guy like yourself jeff. Thank you and i am honored.

It took me quite along time to get to the point i am now. With numerous screw ups throughout my 20's mostly from the drink.
Once I discovered that I loved to cultivate this sacred herb, is when my wheels started turning. Funny thing is it was always in my blood just never touched on that. I gardened with my grandma when I was younger and it is suprising how much of what she taught me stuck with me. That was the passion.

Now my grandma eats my veggies and is soo happy all the time when she eats from my garden. awesome feeling to go full circle like that. now my daughter is next.
Can you really do organics on a couple plants? All these teas and mixtures I see are geared for 30-60 gallons of soil. I would never have need or room for so much.

What would I need in addition to FFOF soil to keep it organic? I haven't used any nutes yet, so I consider it an organic grow at this point.

Depending on light size, pot size, and plant size you may need to give it a lot or a little. my guess would be very little since you will be growing smaller plants inside of a tent. When your using small lights the plants food requirements are very little when your using thouies the plant needs more.
wormcastings are a great addition to any organic regimen
research the teas and just make small batches. the stuff is amazing
Tons of choices, just depending on how far you wanna take it. From dr earth fertilizers like I'm using this run, to making your own with recipes. It makes it fun too, you get to make teas and stuff!, and the weed is DIFFERENT!!!!!

The choices are endless really and the fun part is the experimentation that goes along with it. I like the starter food for my teas for veg and early flower. Really is different isn't it mcloadie?
My Mom and several other members of my family are die hard into astrology and numerology and I have to admit it's pretty damn accurate for me better than half of the time,there's something to it,so many people fit the description of their sign IM like some double Gemini I guess my rising was in Gemini at the time of my birth so IM as Gemini as they come except the Taurus influence makes me not flighty,and promiscuous, and I stay faithful in a relationship, but there are defo 2 of me! We both agree, lol
I love the organic high brix method it fits my life and beliefs to a T, I love playing with my worms all 80 thousand of them have a name, and I like to take them on walks & play in the park ,my Lil'buddies making me killer plant food 24/7, we have 2 compost bins,chickens,geese, go green country life! ,it's the best way hands down,and the best meds possible,I have a high brix blue dream that will blow your head off! I can barely handle 1 puff and IM high and busy for hours 2 puffs and I think IM gonna float into space,it was not that good in reg ferts :thumb:

Thats a trip how accurate those thing are sometimes it makes me wonder. I have noticed you had a new wind when changing to brix style. I hope i can take what you learn and apply it when I am ready. Thanks for stopping in Bid and add anything you like here pertaining to organics in any form. I know you are just as passionate about this plant as I am so lets do something great.
Yeah, permaculture makes sense on so many levels and it's good to see more and more people discovering it and coming to understand it's necessity.

It'll be a month or 2 until I can get some super soil together, but right now, coco/perlite hempies with organic nutes...
Very nice Journal Shottafire, I have read most of the journal and it's a pleasure reading an organic grow. I will learn alot from this. I grow my veggies organically and I will be going organic with our beloved herb. I'm close but not there yet. :popcorn::popcorn::popcorn:
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