Shiggity Goes Mad Scientist: Paving The Yellowbrix Road With DIY Adventures!

If I made a commercial light I would make arms that swing outward with hinges at the frame corners to put spread on the lights. I think the major reason commercial lights are smaller is material cost and shipping cost for large boxes. Locking swingarms would solve that issue. Could put a 100W vero cob on the arms and a few boards in the middle area.

When I did my diy this is similar to what I wanted to do. I just dont have the tools anymore, so I went with the straight linear frame, fine for my tiny grow. I feel like I am shining light on the walls but if I had a hinge I could direct it inward even if just a couple of degrees. Maybe my tent walls like the light better not mess with it now.

To battle the heat, I moved the driver outside the tent, the driver gets pretty warm. Still the COBs put heat out. The heat sinks are cool but put your hand under the light it is warm.

i wish i had seen Q boards earlier, the 135 hlg would overkill my space.

Looking at the SIPs, makes me scared to try them, total overgrow. nonetheless I got my eye on an earthbox jr for about 20 bucks before shippin. Should be good to try see if i like, just got to pick the color. You are a bad influence on me Shiggity. ; - )
Smoking on some 1.5yr old Huckleberry Kush this morning. Gonna be an epic shiggityflip at the end!

Man, that was some catching up to do! Took me two evenings. You were gone a while, caught you on IG here and there, then I was gone a while and here you are forging ahead with SIPs and quantum boards. Definitely mad scientist, that's a title that has been earned. Glad to see you back and doing well.
Okay so they showed a nice uptick in growth and health when I raised the lights. The other plants under the CMH were not affected and are still green. But I couldn't wait for them to fully recover. My schedule and the seedlings coming up behind wouldn't let me lmao. So it's onwards and forwards. Here we are at day 2 post flip.
Huck kush and sour bubble up front and PF x 2 in back. Maybe the recovery will make for less stretch whom knows?

Huck Kush/sour bub

2x Pineapple Fields roadkill pheno. These plants got the worst of the light overdose.

Here are the bamboo scrogs
Gorilladosha up front and Sour bubble in back. They never got the excessive light.

Here are the megafauna gals Meg1 and Meg10

Still gotta hook up better exhaust, the propane gen is on its way. Need to finish the last two lights and get them in there. And then hook up my far red spots. So much to do!!!
Hey shiggs, what do you think of the cleanleaf portable air filtration system. Thinking of getting 2 of them. I have a decent light, now I'm wanting to work on environment. Just want everything to be ideal.

Bucky to be honest I was thinking of making a cheap version myself. Imagine just taking a hard plastic tub like the ones I am using for SIPs. Cut about twenty 2" round holes in the yellow lid and tape down a household hepa filter to the lid to cover the holes. You can take some prefilter and tape it to the outside of the lid on the other side of the hepa. Then cut a big hole in the side of the tub and put a baffle sized for a 4-6" fan. Run some tape along the lid/tub seam to seal it. Boom instant growroom filter on the cheap.
How can this not kill a 4x4? Boards are 2 feet center to center so equal distance to center and sides. HLG 240h c2100b. Driver not attached because it will be remote on the floor above the grow to eliminate heat.

3 sets of 2boards in series then run in parallel. This one is going in tonight so 3 of 4 done. Last one finished by the weekend.
I normally let the light correct the exposure but this is what it feels like to turn on.
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