Second Grow - Michigan Medical Marijuana - 2009

All of your ladies are Looking good GMT!!! Man you have a buch of things going on up there. Congrats on the new grow room being a sucess. Keep doing what you do Bro..


Tell MDVL I said hello

Thank you bro. We have a lot going on so far. About half of the clones are gone now. I will clone some more in a day or so. We have a Blue Haze that I haven't cloned yet. We have quite a few card holders who are just getting started and needed a little head start on their grows. Our new room is better equiped to handle the additional clones. It is good to see you are still doing your thing bro. Keep em green.;)
Just some new pics of the current grow.

The home made cloner

The clones, or whats left.


The flower room


More of the flower room

Young buds, 5 weeks to go.
Verry nice! nice looking 4th week!
if you throw Co2 in you will NOT be disapointed! @1250ppm of Co2 you will just about Double your weight just by adding it! no joke!
God i cant wait to buy our house!
finish wedding.... honeymoon.... look for house... thats where we are at lol
busy summer lol
Verry nice! nice looking 4th week!
if you throw Co2 in you will NOT be disapointed! @1250ppm of Co2 you will just about Double your weight just by adding it! no joke!
God i cant wait to buy our house!
finish wedding.... honeymoon.... look for house... thats where we are at lol
busy summer lol

We just had a friend over who said the same thing bro, can't go wrong with CO2. I will look into bottles though, see if I can't get a good enough deal for a trial run. Having our own house has given us much more flexibility in our grow setup. Although living in it at the same time we are reconstructing it can be a pain. We finished completely rebuilding 3 exterior walls last fall, in time for winter. We will do the last exterior wall in a few weeks, as it has more work involved with it. Hope you have as good of luck with yours as we have. We have been diligent in our purchases, never paying full price for anything we need. We bought all new Pella windows for half price, because they were last years model. The same for our grow, we get at least 10% discount for having our cards. Keep up the great work brother, hope all goes well in your "adventure".
Just what GM does,:adore::bravo: produce perfect ladies!

Spike, you are to kind. We get a lot of help from fellow growers both on here and outside. I have heard that over 70% of a plants growth is due to CO2. So that is a very significant factor in growing. So much so, that maybe we should be putting more time towards improving the availability of CO2. I try to spend at least an hour or more per day in the room, increasing the CO2 available to the plants. Given that it is the only room in the entire house that has a/c, it makes it much easier to "tolerate" with all the heat and humidity outside. Our temps are around 77 degrees during lights out, and range up to 84 degrees with lights on. Our RH stays around 56% sometimes dropping to 52%. If you get the chance, try the new nutrients we are using. All vegan, easy to use, and the plants, well, you see how the plants are responding to it. No need to ph balance, as the nutrients are readily available to the plants. You being from MN are on the largest natural aquifer in the US. We are also on a very good aquifer and have well water, so no chlorine to deal with anymore. If you go to these nutes, you will love the results. No more nute burn! Just follow the chart, tweak for your genetics, and you can't go wrong. Keep em green bro.:goodluck:
Great Job on the Critical and Kitchen Bro!!!!!

I found this article and I thought you should check it out!!

Its copied and pasted..


Legislation to end Federal Marijuana Prohibtion

​The first bill ever introduced in Congress to end federal marijuana prohibition is coming on Thursday, June 23. Historic, bipartisan legislation which would end the United States' war on marijuana -- and allow states to legalize, tax regulate and control cannabis commerce without federal interference -- will be introduced by Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) and Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas).

Co-sponsors of the bill include Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich.), Rep. Steve Cohen (D-Tenn.), Rep. Jared Polis (D-Colo.), and Rep. Barbara Lee (D-Calif.)

The legislation would limit the federal government's role in marijuana enforcement to cross-border or interstate smuggling, allowing people to legally grow, use or sell marijuana in states where it is legal.

Leading critics of the war on marijuana will explain the legislation's significance for state and national marijuana policy at a national press teleconference on Thursday.

A group of police and judges who fought on the front lines of the failed War On Drugs is announcing its support for the legislation, which is called the Ending Federal Marijuana Prohibition Act of 2011.

"Clearly the 'war on drugs' has failed, and nowhere is that more clear than with respect to marijuana," said Neill Franklin, a former Baltimore narcotics cop and executive director of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition (LEAP). "It baffles me that we arrest nearly 800,000 people on marijuana charges in this country each and every year at taxpayer expense when we could instead be taking in new tax revenue from legal and regulated marijuana sales.

"Making marijuana illegal hasn't prevented anyone from using it, but it has created a huge funding source that funnels billions of dollars in tax-free profits to violent drug cartels and gangs," Franklin said. "More and more cops now agree: Legalizing marijuana will improve public safety."

Photo: Jimmy Carter Library & Museum
Former President Jimmy Carter: "Maybe the increased tax burden on wealthy citizens necessary to pay for the war on drugs will help bring about a reform of America's drug policies"
​Last week marked the 40th anniversary of President Richard Nixon's declaring war on marijuana and other drugs. In an op-ed in the New York Times last week, timed for the 40th anniversary, former President Jimmy Carter called for reforming marijuana laws.

The legislation also comes on the heels of the Global Commission on Drug Policy, which released a report on June 2 calling for a major paradigm shift in how our society deals with drugs, including calling for legal regulation of marijuana. The report sent a jolt around the world, generating thousands of international media stories.

The Commission is comprised of international dignitaries including Kofi Annan, former Secretary General of the United Nations; Richard Branson, entrepreneur, founder of the Virgin Group; and the former presidents of Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, and Switzerland. Representing the United States on the Commission are George P. Shultz, Paul Volcker and John Whitehead.

More than 46 percent of Californians voted last year to legalize marijuana in their state, and voters in Colorado, Washington and possibly other states are expected to vote on the issue next year. In the past year, five state legislatures have considered legalizing marijuana, including California, Maine, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Washington state.

Sixteen states and the District of Columbia have legalized marijuana for medical use, but the federal Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) continues to arrest people under federal law, and U.S. Attorneys have in recent months sent threatening letters to state policymakers in an apparent attempt to meddle in state decision-making.

Rep. Frank's legislation would end state/federal conflicts over marijuana policy, reprioritize federal resources, and provide more room for states to do what is best for their own citizens, according to the Washington, D.C.-based Marijuana Policy Project (MPP).

You can write to your Representatives by using this handy form; just enter your state and zip code, and mention that you support the Ending Federal Marijuana Prohibition Act of 2011:

Or, if you'd prefer, you can use MPP's pre-written letter, which will automatically go to your representative when you fill out the form, by clicking here.

What: Tele-Press Conference on the Ending Federal Marijuana Prohibition Act of 2011

When: Thursday, June 23, 2 p.m. EST/11 a.m. PST

Call-In Info: 1-800-311-9404; Passcode: Marijuana

- Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.)
- Rob Kampia, executive director of Marijuana Policy Project (MPP)
- Aaron Houston, executive director of Students for Sensible Drug Policy (SSDP)
- Allen St. Pierre, executive director of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML)
- Bill Piper, director of national affairs for the Drug Policy Alliance (DPA)

Please call or email your person in Congress to support this Bill!!!!!!!!!
Hi You Two ! :)

Your did a great job on that Kitchen. Beautiful. :love:

She may be drooping, but she a big beautiful Girl. Nice work! :adore::adore:

Thank you brother. We put a lot of work into it. It required lifting the whole wall up to replace the foundation, then lifting the roof up to replace the floor and exterior walls. Floor and ceiling joist were dry rotted, and needed replacing as well. All new plumbing and electrical, as well as insultaion, counters, cupboards, black acrylic sink, pella windows, recessed lighting, etc. We are finishing up on the 20' x 20' living room now, and almost completed the tiling in the bathroom. Little bit of trim work and it should be complete, or as complete as it can Getting it ready for a big party the end of July or beginning of August. Have a nice 10' x 10' cabana outside, and getting ready to build the new firepit, with patio stone surround. I wish that the stream ran yearround. It would be nice to incorporate that into the landscaping. The yard is 1.25 acres and takes a bit of time to mow with a push mower. Overall, we have progressed quite nicely so far. As the song goes, "with a little help from our friends". I am anxious to see how your indoor grow comes out. Hoping the best for you brother.
well now im jelouse! i want our house NOW!
kitchen looks very nice, as im sure the rest of the house is!
i want to get some accerage... if possible... if we dont its not a big deal though... the wifes family owns over 700 Acers in the mountains... (ill have an outdoor grow there next year!) the family cabin.... or should i say the 5 family cabins....
kinda a mad house up there and the family is growing so fast we need to build a bunk house for all the kids! at least we will when we have kids lol.

as for co2 botles... its a good way to try it our for sure... remember though that you will end up paying double the price in the long run.
70 % is fairly accurate.... i cant even explain the difference almost over night!

keep up the good work on the house and the ladys brother! and as i am sure you will !
Keep us posted !:cheer:
I'm jealous. Now that I have a new GF who is pro-Meds, I'm starting to kick around the idea of finding a house to buy. At my age, I should ALREADY own one!

Awesome job on the grows, the house and being awesome people, both of you. Maybe someday the web of trust will be built strong enough that I can visit the north part of my adopted state and meet you guys :Namaste:

In the meantime, get back to work while I watch! :popcorn:

Thank you brother. We put a lot of work into it. It required lifting the whole wall up to replace the foundation, then lifting the roof up to replace the floor and exterior walls. Floor and ceiling joist were dry rotted, and needed replacing as well. All new plumbing and electrical, as well as insultaion, counters, cupboards, black acrylic sink, pella windows, recessed lighting, etc. We are finishing up on the 20' x 20' living room now, and almost completed the tiling in the bathroom. Little bit of trim work and it should be complete, or as complete as it can Getting it ready for a big party the end of July or beginning of August. Have a nice 10' x 10' cabana outside, and getting ready to build the new firepit, with patio stone surround. I wish that the stream ran yearround. It would be nice to incorporate that into the landscaping. The yard is 1.25 acres and takes a bit of time to mow with a push mower. Overall, we have progressed quite nicely so far. As the song goes, "with a little help from our friends". I am anxious to see how your indoor grow comes out. Hoping the best for you brother.

Hi GMT :)

You built a new house, Buddy. I didn't realized how much work you put into it, not to mention money. Thank goodness you and DMVL have skills and friends that helped you out. I am really impressed by all you've done. We bought a house that was gutted and did the same thing, so I understand all the work involved. The fire pit sounds like it will be beautiful when finished.
Have a good "House Warming" party, you two deserve it. Cabana sounds great too. I know your really proud of it...I would be too. And your growing through it all. Amazing. :bravo:
well now im jelouse! i want our house NOW!
kitchen looks very nice, as im sure the rest of the house is!
i want to get some accerage... if possible... if we dont its not a big deal though... the wifes family owns over 700 Acers in the mountains... (ill have an outdoor grow there next year!) the family cabin.... or should i say the 5 family cabins....
kinda a mad house up there and the family is growing so fast we need to build a bunk house for all the kids! at least we will when we have kids lol.

as for co2 botles... its a good way to try it our for sure... remember though that you will end up paying double the price in the long run.
70 % is fairly accurate.... i cant even explain the difference almost over night!

keep up the good work on the house and the ladys brother! and as i am sure you will !
Keep us posted !:cheer:

Thank you for the compiments brother. I have a friend in CO who I had served with in the service, who invited me out to visit. Wish I had the time and money to do so. Beautiful country to be sure. I am awed by your grow as well. You are doing very well with them, and should reap a nice harvest. Keep em green. CO2 will be in order soon.
I'm jealous. Now that I have a new GF who is pro-Meds, I'm starting to kick around the idea of finding a house to buy. At my age, I should ALREADY own one!

Awesome job on the grows, the house and being awesome people, both of you. Maybe someday the web of trust will be built strong enough that I can visit the north part of my adopted state and meet you guys :Namaste:

In the meantime, get back to work while I watch! :popcorn:


You need to travel north to appreciate the "real" Michigan. It is much more laid back and enjoyable. We are north of GR, about 45 minutes. Up near the hardy/croton area. Lots of fishing, hunting and camping. Check out the site for housing. We looked for a few months before we found this one, but there are many more like this available. You are welcome to visit anytime. We are kicking around the idea of having a medical marijuana cardholder party latter this summer. We have plenty of backyard space to set up tents. We also are on the mmma site, and meet with other cardholders to exchange ideas, and such. We will continue to work on the house, as we have a large project ahead with the rebuilding of the west side of the house. It is the last exterior wall that has to be rebuilt. Need to pour a 14' x 48' slab for the back patio, and rebuild the deck to be larger, around 12' x 20'. That should give us enough space to mingle!
Hi GMT :)

You built a new house, Buddy. I didn't realized how much work you put into it, not to mention money. Thank goodness you and DMVL have skills and friends that helped you out. I am really impressed by all you've done. We bought a house that was gutted and did the same thing, so I understand all the work involved. The fire pit sounds like it will be beautiful when finished.
Have a good "House Warming" party, you two deserve it. Cabana sounds great too. I know your really proud of it...I would be too. And your growing through it all. Amazing. :bravo:

Brother, you are to kind. We have worked hard, and it hasn't been easy, but it is a pleasure to do that for our own house. It is MDVL's first house she has ever owned, so it means even more. She has good reason to be proud, she did very good with her investment. I will make sure it is the best it can be. Thank you again for stopping by and your kind words. It is always good to see you around. You have done a wonderful job on your own grow, have come a long way. Looking forward to seeing your ladies repay you for your hard efforts. Keep em green friend.
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