Second Grow - Michigan Medical Marijuana - 2009

Looking great man, glad to see you're still at it. How much light do you have iin flower now?

Thanks bro. We are running 3 of the 1000 watt Canadian CoolStar fixtures. They are vented inline with one exhaust fan and one supply fan. I need to purchase a multiple outlet unit so I can plug in 4 lights and control it with one timer. We have also switched to a vegan grow for nutrients. We are using the General Organics line of nutrients which we aren't required to ph balance the water prior to feeding. I can't say enough about this nutrient line. You could spill this nutrient full strength into a plant bucket, and it wouldn't injure the plant. I think the video and pics speak worlds for the nutrient line. The real truth however will be in the end product, but the plants are very healthy.:thumb:
Thought I would update as to the seeds we have available for planting. We have planted almost half of the strains available so far.


So it seems we will be busy with the garden for the forseeable future...weeee. We also bought a pair of 19 gallon totes and made an EZ Cloner that has worked phenominal so far. I have had a single loss out of nearly 80 clones so far. We had a total of $34.00 into the cloner. It only holds 20 clones at a time, but produces roots in as little as 7 days! I have had to put it into another larger tote though as I haven't found a suitable sealant for the top that works. I have used silicon sealant, which worked for about a week, before it started leaking. Then I went to a contact cement type of sealant which was supposed to be waterproof. Nada. I still started leaking after a week. I need to perhaps try a cement that will bond the top to the half wall like a model cement does.
:popcorn: So much for this grow being from 2009! I'm in for all you are doing, GMT, and hope to learn what I can from your work.

dont know why its taken me so long to find this wonderful thread!
love the land race genetics!
and the perfect example of super cropping
do you do any skirting on those baby's?
big mammas!
wish i had a place like that at my home.... at least i got my work :)
great set up
:popcorn: So much for this grow being from 2009! I'm in for all you are doing, GMT, and hope to learn what I can from your work.


Munki, thank you bro, but we came here to learn, and thanks belong to those here and elsewhere who have taken the time to teach us what we know. I have learned as much from you, if not more, than you have learned from us. It is always a pleasure to see you here.:peacetwo:
dont know why its taken me so long to find this wonderful thread!
love the land race genetics!
and the perfect example of super cropping
do you do any skirting on those baby's?
big mammas!
wish i had a place like that at my home.... at least i got my work :)
great set up

Shaggie, welcome to our humble grow. We have tried many genetics over the past 2 years, and have gradually adjusted our grows to our accumulated knowledge. A few of the strains we are currently growing we have tried before, and the majority are new to us. It will we interesting to note the difference in taste and quality between what we grew before and what we have now with the change in nutes. I have sampled what these nutes can do in the right hands, and we were impressed with the taste and power of the smoke. We will dial this in with this first grow. We have to super crop at times as the plants tend to get a bit stretchy at times. And yes, we do trim the bottoms, using the cuttings for cloning. We pulled the 10' countertop out of the veg room as it was just being stored there. But in doing so, we dropped one end and it sliced off 5 branched from the Northern Lights mother. I managed to salvage 3 of the 5 so far. So even as careful as one can try to be, accidents happen. The mother seems to be recovering just fine. The homemade EZ Cloner works as advertised, producing roots in 7-10 days, consistantly. The house is a work in progress, which can make it difficult at times. Our last grow room ended up with a nasty little spider mite problem which is what prompted us to start fresh with a new room. We are working diligently to keep this one cleaner, hopefully eliminating the pest problems. Once a week we spray with Dr. Doom to stay on top. It is a pleasure to have you visit and want you to feel welcome to comment at anytime. Thank you for stopping in.:thumb:
remember to change up what your battling the spider mites with every once in a while... they can become resistant to it after a while if you dont... and even than you can still create "super mites" we had a bad infestation at the warehouse and had to wipe the whole place lost over 300 plants.... had never seen anything like it.... they were cralling all over each other truing yo protect each other... after a few weeks of Pyrithium, azamax, Dr doom and good ol neem with nothing working (seemed like it made them populate faster at the end it was crazy) we gave in... they took everything even the moms.....
it was a nightmare.....
hope you NEVER have to see anything like it... should have gotten a video lol

the new G.O line is fantastic! its one of the only lines that has a organic calmag!
from what i have been told from my buddy that uses is you can run it a little hotter that what it says, but definitly dial it in for your grow :)

on the Co2 issue... check out if you havent already the Co2 burners the two we use at the shop are Sunlight Supply 703755 MiniGen CO2 Generator and the C.A.P. CAGEN2LP CO2 Generator ( the 8 burner @22,400btu)
they are a much more afordable that co2 tanks for a grow your size...... the CAP would be overkill for you... you could go with the smaller sunlight...
have a green week brother
remember to change up what your battling the spider mites with every once in a while... they can become resistant to it after a while if you dont... and even than you can still create "super mites" we had a bad infestation at the warehouse and had to wipe the whole place lost over 300 plants.... had never seen anything like it.... they were cralling all over each other truing yo protect each other... after a few weeks of Pyrithium, azamax, Dr doom and good ol neem with nothing working (seemed like it made them populate faster at the end it was crazy) we gave in... they took everything even the moms.....
it was a nightmare.....
hope you NEVER have to see anything like it... should have gotten a video lol

the new G.O line is fantastic! its one of the only lines that has a organic calmag!
from what i have been told from my buddy that uses is you can run it a little hotter that what it says, but definitly dial it in for your grow :)

on the Co2 issue... check out if you havent already the Co2 burners the two we use at the shop are Sunlight Supply 703755 MiniGen CO2 Generator and the C.A.P. CAGEN2LP CO2 Generator ( the 8 burner @22,400btu)
they are a much more afordable that co2 tanks for a grow your size...... the CAP would be overkill for you... you could go with the smaller sunlight...
have a green week brother

Thanks brother. We threw up our hands on the last room, and started our grow over in the new room. We couldn't get the floor completely sealed and the mites would keep coming back. The new room is slab on grade(concrete) and the walls are all rebuilt, so they are hermetically sealed. We haven't had a reoccurance since. I like the idea of the propane generators as well, but I am worried about heat.:thumb:
GM I hope its not a stupid ?,,will New York D grow outdoors I have a friend growing some outside and he would like a few of my plants(6 in. 4 nodes)
but I don't want to give them up if they will die.
the amount of heat they put out is minimal.... especially if you get a burner that has an electronic spark instead of a pilot light (these are scary any ways)
with the way it sounds you have your room set it would be a extremely easy adjustment of 1-2 degrees that your room could increase. even than when you ad Co2 your plants can deal with heat better!

Spike i cant imagine that NYCD wouldnt do well outdoors as long as the conditions are right.... hope you dont mind me answering :)
the amount of heat they put out is minimal.... especially if you get a burner that has an electronic spark instead of a pilot light (these are scary any ways)
with the way it sounds you have your room set it would be a extremely easy adjustment of 1-2 degrees that your room could increase. even than when you ad Co2 your plants can deal with heat better!

Spike i cant imagine that NYCD wouldnt do well outdoors as long as the conditions are right.... hope you dont mind me answering :)

I think we could handle the heat issues by adjusting our a/c unit. Now I need to convince MDVL to add the extra cost. No problem with answering here bro. The more input the better.:thumb:
GM I hope its not a stupid ?,,will New York D grow outdoors I have a friend growing some outside and he would like a few of my plants(6 in. 4 nodes)
but I don't want to give them up if they will die.

Spike, I don't seee a problem with putting them outside. You might want to acclimate them a bit over a few days to "harden" them off a bit. Bro, I was told years ago the the only stupid question is the one that was never asked.:peacetwo:
All of your ladies are Looking good GMT!!! Man you have a buch of things going on up there. Congrats on the new grow room being a sucess. Keep doing what you do Bro..


Tell MDVL I said hello
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