Second Grow - Michigan Medical Marijuana - 2009

Way cool dude. House looking fine. I know I haven't dropped bye in awhile, I haven't been replying to many as of late. Lot's of work and monies go into a house. I hope you included the extra 200 square foot you going to need for a garden. Critical looks good. Best hopes for ya. I all to well understand the problems with mites. Here in Oregon we have ALOT of that plus the Powdery Mildew's running around. Humidity is a killer here.
Bout them Mites,,,,,,,, only thing I can stress is keep it clean air flow and a regiment of sprays. I like Azamax with Turbo Spreader. It works 10 times better than dish soap.
I think I can post this companies product. Hey Brother Keep em Green.
Way cool dude. House looking fine. I know I haven't dropped bye in awhile, I haven't been replying to many as of late. Lot's of work and monies go into a house. I hope you included the extra 200 square foot you going to need for a garden. Critical looks good. Best hopes for ya. I all to well understand the problems with mites. Here in Oregon we have ALOT of that plus the Powdery Mildew's running around. Humidity is a killer here.
Bout them Mites,,,,,,,, only thing I can stress is keep it clean air flow and a regiment of sprays. I like Azamax with Turbo Spreader. It works 10 times better than dish soap.
I think I can post this companies product. Hey Brother Keep em Green.

Norcaliwood, thank you friend. It is always good to see you stop in when you get time. I have Azamax and Dr. Doom in spray and fogger. We have managed to keep the buggers at bay this time around. I will take seperate pics of the ladies in the flower room. I am anxious to see how the Land races original Thailand comes out. I have had to supercrop every other day to keep certain plants out of the lights. I want to see how your grow turns out as well. Thanks again brother, hope all is well.
GMT Thank You! :)

First, I just realized how lucky you are to have MDVL. We would all love to have our partners share in our hobby. :love:

The video was a eye opener for me. What a great garden you have. I would love to walk around in there looking at the labels. I label mine to, but you have to! You have such a variety. To a plant they are all healthy and beautiful.

When I grow up, I want to do the same thing. :Namaste:
GMT Thank You! :)

First, I just realized how lucky you are to have MDVL. We would all love to have our partners share in our hobby. :love:

The video was a eye opener for me. What a great garden you have. I would love to walk around in there looking at the labels. I label mine to, but you have to! You have such a variety. To a plant they are all healthy and beautiful.

When I grow up, I want to do the same thing. :Namaste:

Thank you friend. We are still learning and apllying what we learn. It is nice to have a room somewhat geared towards growing. I would love to build a grow space from the ground up, one with multiple veg areas and 2-3 flower rooms. Ahhh well, maybe that will be a future grow. You are welcome anytime my friend, to wander the grow room. I will in the meantime give you a virtual tour every week or so. I cannot take the credit for the plants health, as the new nutrient line makes this possible. It is so simple and straight forward, no guessing. Maybe in the future you will give it a shot, you will love the results. What ever you are doing for your ladies is working as well. Very impressive for a first time indoor grow. Keep up the great job my friend.
Hi GM,yaa I looked around big rapids,mt.pleasent,sand lake and sparta.I have
found alot of apts.But I need a house to rent.I will keep plugging away.I
like the seasons too,and the big thing closer to my grandchild here in mn.
Hi GM,yaa I looked around big rapids,mt.pleasent,sand lake and sparta.I have
found alot of apts.But I need a house to rent.I will keep plugging away.I
like the seasons too,and the big thing closer to my grandchild here in mn.

if ya need any help just let us know we can help as much as possible.:cheer:
Thank-you MDVL,when the time gets closer and final decisions are made I
may need some help.Its Cal.or Mi. maybe Colorado.:Namaste:
If it wasn't for the Grandchild this would be alot easier.Heck alaska would
be a thought,Oregon would too.
grow room is looking great brother, you ever try running a SOG setup and flower straight from clone? Judging by your monster plants, I think you would yield a lot with that kind of setup, you always seem to grow the biggest monsters indoors and pull it off like it's nothing. Keep it up man, looking great as always!
Hi GMT. :)

I'll be looking for the virtual walk throughs.

I would love to see you build that dream grow room. :Namaste:

OMM, I have drawn up plans, several times, but need to concentrate on getting the house finished first. Jeez, to think the VA paid me to go to college to get my degree in architectural design, and now I am designing grow rooms!...LOL. At least I am getting some use out of my edumacation. I will do another video in a week or less, to show new growth. Thank you again my friend.
Hi GM,yaa I looked around big rapids,mt.pleasent,sand lake and sparta.I have
found alot of apts.But I need a house to rent.I will keep plugging away.I
like the seasons too,and the big thing closer to my grandchild here in mn.

Spike, as MDVL said, we are here to help if you need. I lived in Big Rapids for a few years, nice place. We tend to do most of our shopping there, for the house materials. There are houses for sale all around here, see many signs on the roads. If ya need us, just drop a line brother.
grow room is looking great brother, you ever try running a SOG setup and flower straight from clone? Judging by your monster plants, I think you would yield a lot with that kind of setup, you always seem to grow the biggest monsters indoors and pull it off like it's nothing. Keep it up man, looking great as always!

TheCrimsonK20, brother, we have joked around about the SOG. When you look in the room, it is nearly all green, like a jungle. That's it!, it is a JOG, Jungle of Green. Thank you for the grow compliments brother. We can only take partial credit, as the new nutrient line is working wonders. Now we shall see how it works as it gets closer to harvest time, in about 4 - 4 1/2 weeks. Keep em green brother.:goodluck:
DROOOOOL.... got i love rooms like yours! i need to see if i can get pics of my work.... dont know if i can with the new laws that came in to effect in Co with dispensers.

that Thai! look at that golf ball sized knuckle! damn!
thought id share a tip we figured out at work with most landrace...
being mainly Hybrid Ruderalis strains they eather grow short...or MASSIVE! they respond FANTASTICALLY to topping and even better to LST, they really like to bush if helped along and it seemed like they almost double weight as well.
of course we had a few Phenos that didnt like it , but they weren't the healthiest pheno out of the bunch
your last rhino you showed is a wonderful specimen by looks of it wish i was close enough to grab a clone from ya lol the rhinos ive seen here just havent meet my standards.... i guess i just miss alot of the "OLD" genetics.....
keep it up brother
oh and spike Colorado is wonderful just make sure you like snow! lol its different than MI or MN (lived in MN for a year Mi for 8months and Jamaica for 2!) the snow here is dry.
other than that you would be right at home!
DROOOOOL.... got i love rooms like yours! i need to see if i can get pics of my work.... dont know if i can with the new laws that came in to effect in Co with dispensers.

that Thai! look at that golf ball sized knuckle! damn!
thought id share a tip we figured out at work with most landrace...
being mainly Hybrid Ruderalis strains they eather grow short...or MASSIVE! they respond FANTASTICALLY to topping and even better to LST, they really like to bush if helped along and it seemed like they almost double weight as well.
of course we had a few Phenos that didnt like it , but they weren't the healthiest pheno out of the bunch
your last rhino you showed is a wonderful specimen by looks of it wish i was close enough to grab a clone from ya lol the rhinos ive seen here just havent meet my standards.... i guess i just miss alot of the "OLD" genetics.....
keep it up brother
oh and spike Colorado is wonderful just make sure you like snow! lol its different than MI or MN (lived in MN for a year Mi for 8months and Jamaica for 2!) the snow here is dry.
other than that you would be right at home!

Shaggie, hey bro, we did an LST on our first AF's, which were AK47. They did quite well for AutoFlowers, and the yeild was nice, around 4.5 each. Of course, we were newbies and did most things MG soil, over feeding, cfl's and high temps held us back from doing better. If I had those same plants again, think we could double our yield. Now that we are closer to getting our room correct, we should do a bit better. Just need to get some additional CO2 involved, cheaply. We sold our 400 watt to a friend, so he can increase his yields. He bought a 1000 watter already, but needed some flexibility with his veg room, so the 400 watt came in handy for him. I am anxious to ee how this Thailand original strain turns out. Another friend has 50 of an exclusive strain coming, called White Fire? Only 200 seeds available, and he bought 50. Hope I can talk him out of a clone. I guess these guys are associated with Motarebel. I will know more in the future. Keep up the great work on your grow brother.:peacetwo:
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