Second Grow - Michigan Medical Marijuana - 2009

Dang, you know I see some shity workmanship in the N.E. I thought it was just Florida! lol well, it should be a safe and sound, oh and dry place once you button her up. Sorry about the hermi man, I wished I had gotten that far with my last batch. Oh, well back to the growing room. Tell MDVL I said great idea with the Temp. flower room and stay away from the nail gun!:)

We harvested the Church today, well, this evening. Not sure how much there will be. Waiting for it to dry some first. Transfered another White Ice into flower to take her place. I am anxious to see how this one smokes, first time for this strain. Also took 8 more clones from the cloner to soil. Still have a few left in the cloner. The EZ Cloner is phenominal, to say the very least. 7-10 days and they have 4 inch roots. Now to get the temp flower room set up so we don't have to make all the trips back and forth. Picked up 4 new windows, some more 8 inch aluminum facia, house wrap (vapor barrier) and some additional 15 and 20 amp breakers.
Hello Everyone. Hope You are all doing well.. Thank You for the wishes on the house.. Anyone spare a few set of hands?? like 20???? hahahahaha.... I didnt think this house was gonna need do much work, but as GMT said it is a diamond in the rough.. and WE have worked our butts off.. ok GMT has but for some reason mine wont go anywheres...
;) well hope everyone is doing good.. i am off to bed as my eyeballs need to be open by 7am YUCKO!!!!!!!!!!
SiscoKid GMT told me about the email you sent him.. and YES YES YES please if you can contact your relatives if they are interested we could use the help really bad.. miss being on here but to much work to do.. Have a Happy anSafe Independence Day everyone!!!!
Glad to hear all is well with the new house and you guys are moving right along. All houses are work old or not. Pretty soon you guys will be able to sit back and enjoy it. Good luck... and don't work too hard...
HIYA OldMedMan... Im always happy EXCEPT for when GMT's tools beat on me.. They dont seem to like a female handling them.. So I do the girlie things.. Like cutting down 3ft of weeds on the north side of the property.. Havent seen any critters yet but you will ALL hear me when I do... bwahahahahaha
hiya oldmedman... Im always happy except for when gmt's tools beat on me.. They dont seem to like a female handling them.. So i do the girlie things.. Like cutting down 3ft of weeds on the north side of the property.. Havent seen any critters yet but you will all hear me when i do... Bwahahahahaha

hey GMT & MDVL, long time no post... I see from comments posted that you are full-on working on the new house! I hope all is going well and that you guys are able to get the rooms set up sometime soon... I miss all your videos GMT, haha. Enjoy this humidity blanket we've been blessed with the past few weeks... ugh
just swingin by to see whats up in your garden.. I haven't had too much time to post lately, but I'm still growing strong. Transplanted 4 kushberries into their flowering homes and giving them another week till I start flowering them.

Keep it green guys, and good luck with the house!
hello everyone.. so did ya all hear me scream??? had a cery breif encounter with alvin and his two brothers playing tag in the dining room.. they have been evicted!!! the grow room is going well.. about ready to do another harvest of 2 plants/ the houes is coming along very well.. boy do u LOVE clearance shopping lol
hello everyone.. so did ya all hear me scream??? had a cery breif encounter with alvin and his two brothers playing tag in the dining room.. they have been evicted!!! the grow room is going well.. about ready to do another harvest of 2 plants/ the houes is coming along very well.. boy do u LOVE clearance shopping lol

That's so cool! The chipmunks ! Bar the door :wood:
I had a visitor today too. I feed the birds all day long and leave the doors and windows open. Hey, it is Hawaii. I heard a lot of racket behind me and there was a beautiful Orange and red bird thumping around. I finally caught her and put her back out side. She didn't fly away! She just started eating again. :)

Glad the house and all are coming together for you guys.

I've got a Moby Dick that has 4 tops. Excited about that.;)

Who doesn't love clearance sales! :peace:
Hey GMT, awesome grow :) Does the 1024 live up to the claims in its description? eg: high yield, high thc. I'd love to here your thoughts on the strain. good luck with your growing!
Hey GMT, awesome grow :) Does the 1024 live up to the claims in its description? eg: high yield, high thc. I'd love to here your thoughts on the strain. good luck with your growing!

Sorry about the late response, we have been rather busy with house repairs. Thank you brother. Yes, we have had good luck with the Medical 1024 with exception to the last plant which hermied on us. The yields are decent and the strain seems tolerate some abuse. Not to finicky for first time growers. Given a good cure of 3 months or so, she is definately couch-lock weed.
hey GMT & MDVL, long time no post... I see from comments posted that you are full-on working on the new house! I hope all is going well and that you guys are able to get the rooms set up sometime soon... I miss all your videos GMT, haha. Enjoy this humidity blanket we've been blessed with the past few weeks... ugh

Hey brother, good to hear from you. Yes, we have been very busy with repairs. The south and front walls are rebuilt and the north wall is half disassembled. We have to first raise the floor joist to replace the sill plate, then raise the upper wall plates to replace the lower wall plate. while we have the upper wall plates up, we are going to install the new subfloor in the kitchen...ugggh. We have dry walled one bedroom and rewired the front and south walls, including prewiring for cable, internet and phones, oh, and secuirity cameras. :)
Wow bro, looks like everything is moving along quite nicely. I always love to watch GMT T.V.:popcorn:

You have some really beautiful ladies there, they look extremely healthy and awesome to say the least.

:bravo: my friend...
Great to see you back in action GMT, looking forward to seeing your veg/flower rooms completed. By the way I hear the oil slicks like hitting around your neck of the woods too! I guess it'll be swept under the carpet with some dispersant's and that'll be that.

Your plants are looking great as always! Grow on brother!
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