Second Grow - Michigan Medical Marijuana - 2009


Congratz on the house and everything else as well.

Your ladies look outstanding GMT...

Have a good Memorial Day my friend..
Man how could I miss the new house. :yahoo: Congrats to you both. And so close to family. You two are truly blessed. And the forest so close..OH man oh man is that going to be tempting :yummy:

Butcher, thank you my friend. I would venture a guess that the National Forest is probably holding tons of grows already, literally. I know of folks who have been growing there for years. I have hunted in the Manistee National Forest for many years and haven't even begun to explorer the northern half. Maybe next year, as we will be quite busy with the expanded grow and fixing up the new house to our liking.
Let the fun begin!!! lol. To put things in perspective, the area we are moving to has one of the largest state/national hunting and recreation areas in michigan. Manistee National Forest, and it is right outside our door. Lots of lakes, camping, hunting, canoeing, etc. We are 3 miles from the highway, secluded, with a lake just a block away. My sister and brother-in-law live about 6 miles away. Friends of ours are about 8 miles away, and my parents are about 45 mins north. Almost halfway between MDVL's parents and mine. This should prove to be interesting!

dang, you're moving that far up north? Unless I'm mistaking myself, isn't the MNF along and north of M10? At any rate... I'm sure you'll find much time for some outdoor guerrilla growing :p
Big congrats on the new house!!!!

I just bought my first house 5 years ago and its been a ride! Well worth the investment I think. Great feeling to know anything you do to make your house better for yourself only increases the value in the long term as well.

:bravo: WTG on new house you two....hope all goes as you the 5/22 update....buds are so heavy in flower they can't hold them selfs up right...that is a beautiful site :welldone:

Hey bro, thank you! We have since cut the Moby Dick's, and soon will be cutting a white widow. The White Widow is getting heavy as well. We are planning a much bigger and better grow setup for the new place. I will document with pics as we proceed.:thanks:
Big congrats on the new house!!!!

I just bought my first house 5 years ago and its been a ride! Well worth the investment I think. Great feeling to know anything you do to make your house better for yourself only increases the value in the long term as well.


^420, Exactly bro. We have done things around here, but limited because it is my brothers house. The new house is a gem in the rough, 39 years old, and needs some cosmetic work is all. Lots we can and will do to make it much nicer. We are even talking about building a grow room from scratch in the near future. For now, we will use an existing room and renovate it for a grow.:thanks:
Update time. We plan to harvest the White Widow tomorrow, friday. We have to take her a week or so early, as we need the room to move A Moby Dick, Jack47, and the Strawberry Blue into the flower room. We have five clones in styrofoam cups the need to be transplanted into their final homes, and we are running out of room rather quickly. In addition, MDVL's LED lights arrived today. 8 panels, about 12" square each. We plugged one in to see how it looked. Not disappointed so far. I plan to mount them into a 2' x 4' box and add (4) 12vdc cooling fans. I also did another video update.

YouTube - Grow Update 6-4-10.mpg
As stated, it is harvest day for the White Widow, so here are a couple of pics.

Before we harvested


And preharvest fan leaf removal.

Nice video GMT, your ladies are looking outstanding my friend.

That WW looks so good.

Enjoy your harvest buddy..

:bravo: & :nicethread:
Very nice all the plants look amazing. Your WW looks like it has some amazing buds. Very nice job once again.....
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