Second Grow - Michigan Medical Marijuana - 2009

That is one beautiful lady you have there. Sounds like you got a great harvest off those two plants 1 to 1 and a 1/2, wow, great job as usual.
hey that white widow looks good.

Ive been growing a BB/NL strain for a bit now and I have to say Im not completely impressed with the genetics of this one... Too many phenotypes, some sativa dom ones go full hermie if you look at them wrong. and even the indica Dom one Ive got throws nanners with little stress. Stone is pretty good though waiting for the full cure to get a better idea. Toward the end it was just nannerville but the smell is very very light through most growth a good stealth plant even into flower its not as strong as most plants in veg...

I tried to get a "great" Phenotype but unusually high male counts means Im out of seeds and for some reason the seeds on what I harvested are all dead inside... Anyone know what causes that? Humidity was on the low end whole grow so I figure it cant be mold or blight?
AWW MAN! She looks like she'll be needing a bra soon. :yummy: Thanks for keeping a spot in your yacht reserved for me.

You never know, I might strap on a parachute and launch off toward ya'!

Great to hear you and MDVL are growing, see this country can explode in jobs if we just kicked the old farts in congress out! I just went and registered last week to vote. I'm calling and writing to my State representatives... It's primary elections in August here and I want to have my vote go to someone who is a innovative thinker.

So to all of ya' who are legal here keep voting, cause what happens in your states can have a positive effect on surrounding states that are watching and learning too.

UHH, ya... I get all puffy sometimes. lol

Great job GMT and MDVL! A great example of commitment and dedication.
ok quick question: I noticed your plants stay, for the most part, quite green throughout the entire flowering process... leaves and all. Mine always seem to yellow & fall off, though the bud always continues to grow. Is that a thing based on the strain, or do you still use a good amount of nitrogen?
That is one beautiful lady you have there. Sounds like you got a great harvest off those two plants 1 to 1 and a 1/2, wow, great job as usual.

Sonzor, thank you my friend. We work pretty diligently to keep em healthy. Happy plant-happy toker. MDVL bought a house today....well, she signed the papers and will be signing for the house and handing over a check next week thurs or fri. 2560 SF, 4 large bedrooms, two full baths. Sits on 1.11 acres of land north or here about 1 hour. We will be renovating a bedroom for growing as soon as we can get possesion. It needs a bit of cosmetic work, but not to much. It is up near where we wanted to be as well. We will post pics of the new grow facilities as soon as we complete work on them.:thanks::rollit:
hey that white widow looks good.

Ive been growing a BB/NL strain for a bit now and I have to say Im not completely impressed with the genetics of this one... Too many phenotypes, some sativa dom ones go full hermie if you look at them wrong. and even the indica Dom one Ive got throws nanners with little stress. Stone is pretty good though waiting for the full cure to get a better idea. Toward the end it was just nannerville but the smell is very very light through most growth a good stealth plant even into flower its not as strong as most plants in veg...

I tried to get a "great" Phenotype but unusually high male counts means Im out of seeds and for some reason the seeds on what I harvested are all dead inside... Anyone know what causes that? Humidity was on the low end whole grow so I figure it cant be mold or blight?

I have 1 BB/NL seed left. I will hold off on it until we get set up in the new grow room. Then we can see what she will do. I haven't run into that situation with seeds. We did however, get 6 smaller seeds off the stem of one of the Moby Dicks. The plant did not hermie, just produced 6 small seeds in sacks located on the main stem. Not a single seed to be found in any of the buds.
AWW MAN! She looks like she'll be needing a bra soon. :yummy: Thanks for keeping a spot in your yacht reserved for me.

You never know, I might strap on a parachute and launch off toward ya'!

Great to hear you and MDVL are growing, see this country can explode in jobs if we just kicked the old farts in congress out! I just went and registered last week to vote. I'm calling and writing to my State representatives... It's primary elections in August here and I want to have my vote go to someone who is a innovative thinker.

So to all of ya' who are legal here keep voting, cause what happens in your states can have a positive effect on surrounding states that are watching and learning too.

UHH, ya... I get all puffy sometimes. lol

Great job GMT and MDVL! A great example of commitment and dedication.

Hey brother, I haven't missed a voting season in 15 years or more. Always felt I couldn't complain if I didn't participate. We are geeked out about the new house. Has a lot of potential for the future. If you ever find time, check out the Michigan Medical Marijuana Laws. They are exceptionally written for the patient/caregiver. I can't wait, 20 days and counting until I get my caregiver/patient card. We should be able to really rock the perpetual grow then.:thanks::bongrip:
ok quick question: I noticed your plants stay, for the most part, quite green throughout the entire flowering process... leaves and all. Mine always seem to yellow & fall off, though the bud always continues to grow. Is that a thing based on the strain, or do you still use a good amount of nitrogen?

Brother, we use 5 gallon buckets, 1/4 Fox Farms Ocean Forest, 3/4 Sunshine Mix or Promix, 5 ozs Organicare Pure. We start with 1 to 1-1/2 inches of hydroton (expanded clay pellets) in the bottom of the bucket, covered with a layer of landscape fabric, then fill with soil mix. Water as neccesary, and nutes once a week. We also mist the plants once a day with ph balanced water with a couple of drops of Superthrive in it. We continue with grow nutes until the 2nd week of harvest, then gradually switch over to bloom nutes. Our nutes are Dyna Grow - grow & bloom, H&G soil (A) and (B). Just started adding Bud Candy into the mix as well. To early to tell the difference yet with the Bud Candy. Temps vary from daytime lows around 73-75 and nighttime temps near 80-84. RH is around 42% unless I mist, then it shoots up to 60% temporarily. Hope that helps brother.:thanks:
Brother, we use 5 gallon buckets, 1/4 Fox Farms Ocean Forest, 3/4 Sunshine Mix or Promix, 5 ozs Organicare Pure. We start with 1 to 1-1/2 inches of hydroton (expanded clay pellets) in the bottom of the bucket, covered with a layer of landscape fabric, then fill with soil mix. Water as necessary, and nutes once a week. We also mist the plants once a day with ph balanced water with a couple of drops of Superthrive in it. We continue with grow nutes until the 2nd week of harvest, then gradually switch over to bloom nutes. Our nutes are Dyna Grow - grow & bloom, H&G soil (A) and (B). Just started adding Bud Candy into the mix as well. To early to tell the difference yet with the Bud Candy. Temps vary from daytime lows around 73-75 and nighttime temps near 80-84. RH is around 42% unless I mist, then it shoots up to 60% temporarily. Hope that helps brother.:thanks:

all T's crossed and the i's are doted. Perfect how-to the GMT way of getting things done the right way. :bravo: +rep
Sonzor, thank you my friend. We work pretty diligently to keep em healthy. Happy plant-happy toker. MDVL bought a house today....well, she signed the papers and will be signing for the house and handing over a check next week thurs or fri. 2560 SF, 4 large bedrooms, two full baths. Sits on 1.11 acres of land north or here about 1 hour. We will be renovating a bedroom for growing as soon as we can get possesion. It needs a bit of cosmetic work, but not to much. It is up near where we wanted to be as well. We will post pics of the new grow facilities as soon as we complete work on them.:thanks::rollit:

That's a good size house, Congrats to you MDVL and GMT!

Hey brother, I haven't missed a voting season in 15 years or more. Always felt I couldn't complain if I didn't participate. We are geeked out about the new house. Has a lot of potential for the future. If you ever find time, check out the Michigan Medical Marijuana Laws. They are exceptionally written for the patient/caregiver. I can't wait, 20 days and counting until I get my caregiver/patient card. We should be able to really rock the perpetual grow then.:thanks::bongrip:

That's great, you guys are growing and GROWING:cool:

Take care bud, and you have a great weekend:)
all T's crossed and the i's are doted. Perfect how-to the GMT way of getting things done the right way. :bravo: +rep

Thank you my friend. Just tryin to help a buddy out. However, I did forget one item. We also use 5 ozs. of Organicare Bloom when they go into flower. Mix it into the top 2 inches of soil, then water and nutes as stated. Thanks again friend.:smokin:
Congrats on the house you two Sounds like it's all falling place for you.
I'll be a while, but I can't wait to see the place and the new grow room. :cheer:

Thank you bro. I know MDVL is excited, even if she says she isn't. It is her first house and her name will be on the title. We figure a month of cleaning and repairs and we will be moving in permanently. Then one project at a time. We will be able to double the grow space, and just in time, as we will be able to double the number of plants, legally!
That's a good size house, Congrats to you MDVL and GMT!

That's great, you guys are growing and GROWING:cool:

Take care bud, and you have a great weekend:)

Hey bro, thanks again. MDVL ordered two 1000 watt equivilent LED grow lights. They should arrive next week sometime. I want to do a side-by-side to see how they work. One flower room with HPS, one room with LED's. A seperate room for vegging with a 400 watt MH, and an area for clones and seedlings.
Thank you bro. I know MDVL is excited, even if she says she isn't. It is her first house and her name will be on the title. We figure a month of cleaning and repairs and we will be moving in permanently. Then one project at a time. We will be able to double the grow space, and just in time, as we will be able to double the number of plants, legally!

Fantastic news bro!!! Congrats to you and MDVL on the new pad.

Hopefully you'll get to try that hydro project you mentioned...

Have a great holiday man!

Very nice, congrats on finding a house. Sounds like you will have plenty of room. Good luck and can not wait too see what you do with it....

Haha:popcorn: Ha

Let the fun begin!!! lol. To put things in perspective, the area we are moving to has one of the largest state/national hunting and recreation areas in michigan. Manistee National Forest, and it is right outside our door. Lots of lakes, camping, hunting, canoeing, etc. We are 3 miles from the highway, secluded, with a lake just a block away. My sister and brother-in-law live about 6 miles away. Friends of ours are about 8 miles away, and my parents are about 45 mins north. Almost halfway between MDVL's parents and mine. This should prove to be interesting!
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