Scorpio's Cavalcade Of Horrors With Hempy, Genetics, Perpetual & Much Much More

Prep Prep and More Prep

Get water jugs ready for last minute Top off in am
Grocery shopping, lots to buy
Pack the Truck with Non-Perishable stuffs, Tents etc
Organize Day Hiking crud

Always Nice going on an adventure alone. Brings you closer to yourself and Nature for sure. Times like this I miss the tag along Old Dog. She is retired and will hang at home and protect her bed

Will be a busy time when I get home, a few plants look ready to Harvest:cheer:

The Bigger Candida, need ta check the seeds 1st before harvest
Skunk Candy may be ready by then

This will clear up lots of room. The Kilimanjaro is progressing REALLLLLLLLLL slow, can see this will be a long flowering process. Buds dont show much change last few days, so maybe me leaving for 5 will mak them BUST out

Fun Fun Fun
Packed, stacked and racked

Final load tomorrow AM

Some gormet camp food, campfire, sun and fun

Can't wait

Watch my girls while I'm out everyone
All packed and ready with an Hr to spare

Now to wait for traffic to die down

Have a GREAT week everyone, but im sure ill be popping on occasionally
Good morning bud heads

Re: Scorpio's Cavalcade Of Horrors With Hempy, Genetics, Perpetual & Much Much More

Survived the trip....had a hurricane that destroyed my And a monsoon last times

Tomorrow is a big day. Man it's incredible when yer gone for 5 days how much the girls grow. GDP is filling in the room, they grew soooo much, no sex yet, maybe tomorrow

ACDC are looking great, grew to the T5 lights, time for LST

Malawi, Dinochem, Skunk Candy, and the bigger Candida should all be harvested tomorrow

The kilamanjaro's just looks kinda sad. No real tightening of the buds at all, but a million seeds. May check some seeds tomorrow and maybe pop a few to test them if any look ready

I'll be starting a few new Strains this week also, not sure what ones, my crosses for sure, but maybe two others

Oh...and the Cannatonic is pregnant...nice seeds already forming, and the C99XBLUEBERRY is looking epic.....

Fun fun fun
Nice man glad you had a good time, but sorry to hear about the weather....

Looking forward to seeing the plants. The cannatonic is on my list to cross also. Gotta live those medicinal benefits
Nice man glad you had a good time, but sorry to hear about the weather....

Looking forward to seeing the plants. The cannatonic is on my list to cross also. Gotta live those medicinal benefits
Ya excited about the Cannatonic as well, she is looking great, and she too the pollen like a champ

Lots of pics tomorrow, need to see how far along the kilamanjaro is, maybe they are late bloomers
Glad you survived the camping trip. Now, survive non-stop harvesting. :laughtwo:
Re: Scorpio's Cavalcade Of Horrors With Hempy, Genetics, Perpetual & Much Much More

Glad you survived the camping trip. Now, survive non-stop harvesting. :laughtwo:

Be an interesting day indeed....

Couple quick pics

GDP, 7days since flip. I'll dive into them today, no obvious sex sighns yet, and the are little shrubs. They filled up the room in 5 days I was gone. So some thinning a bit and maybe LST

This is the GDP on the 11th, flip day, they really like it I think

ACDC and Carnival, Carnival far right, look great. For sure it's training day, Carney is stretching and needs bent over, and the ACDC have split nicely from topping and I may top again on a couple of the tall ones
Today's pic

The 11th pic, big growth in those days for sure

The BIG tent will look a LOT different I think after today

Fun fun fun
I just realized, since I went all Hempy my grow log, nothing is noted when any of my newer plants started, just sticky notes

Need to update that today....

Oh crap...and empty the camping crud outa Big Reds Canopy, or as it turned out, my
Sounds like a busy day Chris! the plants are all looking happy, so good signs. Gonna be another great lineup here
Sounds like a busy day Chris! the plants are all looking happy, so good signs. Gonna be another great lineup here
Thanks my friend

Can't wait to pull out Cannatonic for a photo op, and check her seeds

Almost done with coffee, Gunna start it all soon
Thanks my friend

Can't wait to pull out Cannatonic for a photo op, and check her seeds

Almost done with coffee, Gunna start it all soon
Nice! Fingers crossed for some nice tiger stripped winners
Ok, went thru my seeds just now for some NEW strains to try
The 3 candidates are

California Orange....

I'll pop them in water today

Debating on a seed to 12/12 grow. Can pop em straight into closet with the GDP under the GROWant light

Have a few days to decide
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