Scorpio's Cavalcade Of Horrors With Hempy, Genetics, Perpetual & Much Much More

Prepping my 6 water jugs for Water Day....

Gunna Pollinate Cannatonic as well and check the Candida branches for signs of seed growth. From just the tent Opening I can see 4 branches of Kilimanjaro that have seed growth:cheer:

May pull the DDA into dark time and swap the GDP into that tent for Force Flower/Gender but may wait a bit since Ill be going backpacking soon, may wait till I get back, not sure yet

Fun Fun Fun
Re: Scorpio's Cavalcade Of Horrors With Hempy, Genetics, Perpetual & Much Much More

Good day today

Checked both Candida girls, good bunch of seeds in both. Pulled one in the bigger girl, still pretty undeveloped but big... couple weeks I think. May clip a few branches this week since they are looking pretty close to done
Seeded bud on right, no seeds on left

Nice purty Candy bud

Skunk Candy is looking great

Dinachem is real frosty, week or so more

Malawi is close to...frosty as well

The re-organized tent

Gunna wait a few days on Cannatonic, let the buds grow a bit more

Fun fun fun
Looks like it's up potting day tomorrow

ACDC is looking great, topping went FANTASTIC....


My f'd up fim on the GDP has produced some interesting growth for sure

Hope to get motivated tomorrow, cleaning today, girls tomorrow
Re: Scorpio's Cavalcade Of Horrors With Hempy, Genetics, Perpetual & Much Much More

Realized I have 5 babies needing new homes soon


My 1st perlite wash and re-use

5gal of RO water and, Hmmmm, bout 3cups or so of h202
No Osmo+ in this perlite just some vermiculite mixed in

Letting it sit, stirring on occasion

Was Gunna try and drain it but may just scoop my 1.5gal buckets into it and let them rest for a day or so

Didn't want to use bleach in case I didn't get it rinsed off... The h202 won't hurt the babies

This is a soon to be empty tent, 1st time in 10 months

The two DDA have been in time out since yesterday, hope to trim and send em to the fridge today.
Then I'll move the ACDC and Carnival to this tent to veg for awhile and switch the GDP to flower

Grilling...pico de guilo, giblets for some stuffing and my dog

Fun fun fun
Sounds like a great day!!! It's supposed to get to 30° today so it's t shirt weather! Probably take a nice family walk. Think we're going to do some burgers tonight...

Excited to see the acdc and carnival those are 2 winners for sure
Sounds like a great day!!! It's supposed to get to 30° today so it's t shirt weather! Probably take a nice family walk. Think we're going to do some burgers tonight...

Excited to see the acdc and carnival those are 2 winners for sure

WoW Dabber... be sure and hit that SunScreen... a good SPF 50 for that kinda Heat:thumb:

Funny the Carnivl has almost caught upto the later 2 ACDC, she is a trooper for sure

I soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Hope I get a ACDC and GDP Male, Ill be making some EPIC strains with those two:cheer:
Good Morning Bud Heads


Its Officially Cannatonic Breeding Day:thumb:

So couple thoughts. Ive had some over spray/pollination of some plants, nothing to big, but its happened. Worst is a branch or two of my Skunk Candy, some Kili spunk must have gotten on it.

So today ill be pollinating Cannatonic and putting her in the Veg tent which is currently empty. No chance of over SPUNKING this way.

For future orgies of spunk Ill be ordering a 2x2x5'6 tent for personal Orgy space. See even at my ADVANCED age I can learn:rofl:

This way when GDP and ACDC are ready for pollination I can move them to that Tent and still have the Male Room avaiable

So lots to do today, need to see if they need water ass wellll
Re: Scorpio's Cavalcade Of Horrors With Hempy, Genetics, Perpetual & Much Much More

Good morning Bud Heads

Got a lot done yesterday...

My assistant wasn't much help... spoiled

Got the Cannatonic pollinated and moved to the empty tent. I'm going to try and get the ACDC and Carnival transplanted today then move into the tent with Cannatonic

Once that's done I'll see about changing GDP to flower

Now some pics

Some huge seeds ,and fast growing on all the kilamanjaro buds, think I over have a TON of seeds

Small Candy looking pretty good, can still see the struggle from Osmo+ and a smaller pot

Bigger Candy is looking great, very dense buds, wonder if she may have some indica characteristics like @Hobby420 had

C99xBLUEBERRY looks to be done streatching and starting to pack in the buds..... Yes she is smelling like Blueberry...mmmmmm

Skunk Candy with some seeds, hope not all of them do, seems like 2 cola's got some kilamanjaro over spray

Candy bud... reallyyyyyyyyy close to harvest...just letting the seeds grow a but more

Dinachem is reallyyyyyyyyy close, not much Amber yet so I'll check her in a week or a but sooner

Malawi is close too. Both recovering great from mid flower transplant away from Osmo+. Still a few lingering burnt leaves but the tops look fantastic

Of course all the kilamanjaro girls, 3, streatching all over the tent

Fun fun fun
Yeah that Kilimanjaro.... I would kill-a-man-for-a-jar-yo!

Those Kilimanjaro seeds look fantastic!!
They are getting huge for sure...hope they germ better than the ones I purchased and these came from
Took me like 16 ta get 5 to grow...

I'll be testing 5 or so of mine when I harvest them
So got the ACDC and Carnival transplanted today


Cannatonic is resting after her day off fornication the other day

Moving Cannatonic back to flower tent tomorrow then the ACDC and Carnival will move to the veg tent

May move the smaller GDP to veg then switch the two bigger to 12/12 well 11/13.... Been doing that in the big tent...seems to work well

A nice look at my retarded FIMd great but a leaves

Sooooooo hope I have a male in these GDP and ACDC
It's the Relocation Reclamation project day

Pulled the sacks off Cannatonic , misted her with water, and will move her back into the general population today

Pollenated bud

Fresh fresh bud

The ACDC kids and Carnival will move to the veg tent...

And the GDP will stay here and flip soon to 12/12

Prep starts tomorrow for 4 days of camping......

Fun fun fun
Nice work on the cannatonic. Hopefully you will get a good number of seeds from her. I have 3 beans of cannatonic from Resin Seeds. I know Ms Stank is looking forward to growing one out along with her Harlequin BX4
All switched and watered today.... prepping for 5 days of camping

GDP all switched to 12/12

ACDC all set up in veg tent

Now to finish packing and prepping

Fun fun fun
Have a wonderful adventure Chris ✌

Enjoy the packing and camping.
Thanks guys

Always epic to be by a campfire, grilling and chilling

Few toys also

Some day hikes and fun

Was Gunna Backpack for 5 days but it hasn't rained in 3 months, so takes the fun out of it with no watet

Internal thinking and relaxing...can't wait
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