Scorpio's Cavalcade Of Horrors With Hempy, Genetics, Perpetual & Much Much More

Re: Scorpio's Cavalcade Of Horrors With Hempy, Genetics, Perpetual & Much Much More

Life is a challenge..sorry Gunna does that to ya sometimes

I spent 15yrs taking care of my mom, she had dementia....gave up my life, kinda, paid off her house and gave it to my sister, well she pissed it thing was the last years of my mom's life she thought I was her boyfriend, so was real hard on me but I did what I had to do......good thing my sis is doing great now..this was 15yrs ago

Current wife is Korean...her dad had a stroke today....78.. her little brother, ok he is 47, lives 10min away....
Why won't people do what's right instead if expecting people to up root and move 2000 miles...worse why won't these people talk about these things ..Asians and their families kill me

I don't get it.....think I'll go Backpacking
I just don't get how some people are when situations like that arise. Sorry to hear about your mom and what you went through. My mom had dementia before she passed and she thought I was her high school teacher. She would tell me stories about myself and show pictures of myself to me but she just couldn't grasp that I was actually her son. That shit was so hard to deal with
Quick update

GDP babies look ready to top soon. Smaller one is about 2 days behind the others

And...we have 2 ACDC babies

Had to perform surgery on both seed shells
Very hard shells, looks like possible germination issues like kilamanjaro

I have 5 seeds still in germ stage. Just dropped 2 into paper towels this AM, one looked cracked and the other did but not as much
Other 3 I scuffed a bit this AM and placed back into towels

4 of 5 Kilimanjaro are in flower tent and no signs of boys yet. Two most recent not showing sex yet, so fingers crossed for a man child..

Fun fun fun
Re: Scorpio's Cavalcade Of Horrors With Hempy, Genetics, Perpetual & Much Much More

Another ACDC has a tap looks like I'm 3/7 so far.

Gunna give em till tomorrow...then let em dry, scruff the crap out of them, and try it again. That seemed to help the kilamanjaro seeds soften up. May contact the breeder to just ask about the seeds and their findings on germination

Up pot day for two of the three GDP. Planning on keeping them under the GROWant light thru veg, they seem to be doing well under the light so far

Fun fun fun
GDP all transplanted...


Big tent is being taken over by kilamanjaro

The smaller one is now taller than the bigger one is.
Still no males but two recent ones haven't decided for sure what they are

Looks like I'll start with 3 ACDC...last one is a slow tap root... probably plant it tomorrow

Fun fun fun
How can I resist a thread by a fellow Scorpio also growing in hempy??? Answer... I can't!!!

I brought all the goodies poofs Doritos blunts brownies.... yum.

I'm really digging your forest in there Chris! Fuzzing up beautifully
How can I resist a thread by a fellow Scorpio also growing in hempy??? Answer... I can't!!!

I brought all the goodies poofs Doritos blunts brownies.... yum.

I'm really digging your forest in there Chris! Fuzzing up beautifully

Oh geese....not brownies.....hope ya don't mind me eating em all

Thanks's fun playing with the Genetics...just hoping I get a Kilimanjaro, GDP and ACDC male to really have some fun

The Hempy is going great...tried the Osmo+ but just couldn't be consistent on the nutes, so back to Fox Farm

May cook a roast be sure and stop by for lunch
Alright! Love a great roast! And a strong male plant. Time I look into some regular seeds I suppose. Dude I don't osmo+ either hadn't heard of it until I found sue. Just good ol fashioned chelated nutes and a coco perlite mix above the res
Well A New stage in my Grow starts Saturday

I ordered Adv Nutrients Ph Perfect Sensi grow & bloom

Think most my issues in the Hempy has been water/PH related so sounds like this will work great.

Still have bit of the Fox Farm left but not sure im completely done with soil, so not a big deal

Fun Fun Fun
Looks like I'll have 4 ACDC babies by tomorrow, planted #3 today and another has cracked a tap root

Contacted breeder and got a great reply and a new way to germ. Difference is placing the paper towels in a ziplock and keeping them warm,like on a heating pad at 80-85 deg or so

It made 1 more crack so hopes are high, may try so.e of the old kilamanjaro seeds like this

Speaking of kilamanjaro, so far all 4 in flower are bitches....dang the luck, one more in veg tent...we shall see

Two of the GDP didn't like the transplant, all Droopy, like over watered, I'll let em chill a few days

Fun fun fun
ACDC #4 going in soil in a few, last three look no different but Gunna keep em germing for a nother couple days

Tossing in some kilamanjaro seeds in towels tomorrow, see if I can get a couple more to pop and find me a man child

New nutes land today... excited to see how they respond with the new food

Fun fun fun
Sweet! Happy Birthday to you!!! :yahoo::happy-birthday::yahoo::party::party::circle-of-love::party::party:

Join me? :roorrip:
Big day in the Scorpioenstien lab
We have a Man child Kilimanjaro

This is epic, was the 4th one put in flower, denser than the girls, not too lanky yet. Still one in veg to flip
Decided I'll move King kili to my hanging/drying bathroom to live. Toss my other LED in there for him...oo I need a timer
Probably too late to pollinate the candy girls, maybe next run, but for sure will cross it with ACDC

Keep forgetting updates on c99x blueberry and Cannatonic
C99 is looking great, got some LST yesterday...

Cannatonic is a bush, trimmed her some yesterday, that the last kilamanjaro behind Cannatonic

Siberian Haze and the DDAs

DDAs are nice and Purple. Kinda neglected them at 1st but will be planting another one since I now have the Purple pheno

Candy is budding nicely. Starting to show nice frost

Dinachem is recovering from her nute issues in Osmo+
Nice and frosty

Skunk Candy is doing great....all seem to be recovering from the nute issues

And all the big girls

The GDP babies...little bushes they are

And finally the goofy little ACDC babies
Long skinny leaves, little droopy, the look pretty wet from the dome dripping so removed them today

Today is MB2 oil. Had company yesterday so never started it

30gr of Nightengale and 2c of coconut oil... Bud is decarbed and in freezer now. Gonna run it 4hrs, cool in fridge, and run another 4hrs

Fun fun fun
Mmmmm...... Bet the house smells wonderful, at least in that busy blooming tent. :battingeyelashes:

Why are you cooling the oil in the fridge halfway through the process? I'm planning an FHO run with the pressure cooker and frozen popcorn buds. Just getting my courage up to play with something new.
Mmmmm...... Bet the house smells wonderful, at least in that busy blooming tent. :battingeyelashes:

Why are you cooling the oil in the fridge halfway through the process? I'm planning an FHO run with the pressure cooker and frozen popcorn buds. Just getting my courage up to play with something new.

I wanna try something different, read a few things, figured I do a test run this way

we shall see how it turns out
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