Scorpio's Cavalcade Of Horrors With Hempy, Genetics, Perpetual & Much Much More

Mine came yesterday but I wasn't home....

Most all look good...Gunna do my normal 3 germ....but may do 5

Pulled Blueberry today and Skunk looks close... But 2 more kilamanjaro ready for flower...

Too many test cases

Re: Scorpio's Cavalcade Of Horrors With Hempy, Genetics, Perpetual & Much Much More

Best thing about leaving for 4 days us the growth of the girls in that time

Kilamanjaro has over taken everyone. Still no sex sign of this or the smaller one. Smaller one has always had a few issues, was a bit deformed at the start

Big one

Little one

Big Candy is doing great...nice bud growth

Smaller Candy is showing more Osmo+ nute issues but not too bad

Malawi and Dinachem showing nute issues too...flushed em all, and little Candy when I watered, hope it helps

Skunk Candy is doing great....with the crappy CKS Purple Kush in the background


Skunk is still looking goofy, maybe a week or so more

The GDP triplets grew nice, big one was a BIG seed and it's showing by the size..the critters seem to be gone too...yeeeee haaaaa

ACDC is in the cup......

Fun fun fun
Good to hear you guys got your seeds. Makes me nervous as hell waiting for a shipment. :laughtwo:

Good luck with the germination Chris. :high-five:
I see two cracked seeds, maybe 4:party:

Clipped Blueberry, GODS she smells divine, gunna start trimming her up soon and drop some into the Dehydrator and some Low-N-Slo...

I may up Pot Malawi and Dinachem today, see if that helps the burning of the leaves

Im finding some Like Osmo+, some Dont. But thinking the mixing of the Osmo+ is key to eliminate HOT spots. But pretty sure Im done with it for a bit, If I do Transplant those girls it will be to Plain Perlite for regular Nutes
Morning bud heads

Popped one ACDC into soil just now, another probably later today. Other 3 I dropped back into water, 2 looked cracked but wanted to make sure

Due to my excessive addiction I ordered another LED light and it lands today

@GROWant G3HiPAR-Series 240Watt closet needs more light and the T5 4bulb just gets too hot in there even with 2 fans going

I'll try and do the GDP and ACDC thru veg in here.

I'll have Siberian Haze Auto coming down soon and will REALLY open up the veg tent, which is good the 3 kilamanjaro are starting to take off....

Need a trip to Wally world soon for more cheap buckets. I'm done with 2L ones, they are just too small, so it's 10L or bigger only

Busy day today, I'll try and get some pics up, keep forgetting about the C99XBLUEBERRY and my Cannatonic I have growing

New water schedule is needed to, based on pot size not tent, keep forgetting some need it every couple days and others more like 4 days...

Fun fun fun
What do you think of the light? :battingeyelashes:
What do you think of the light? :battingeyelashes:
Not set up yet..

It will pair with a cheap viporspectra light, so I know this one will be much better

May do it today, for sure tomorrow
We have really moved into the Red light district


@GROWant is set up...dang it's small half the size of the viporspectra light.
Viporspectra is much more white light, not an LED guy but the GROWant does seem brighter and can see the multiple color LED underneath

We shall see how it goes, viper is off now and I'll see how fast the ACDC pop out. Plan on running the GDP and ACDC here till they go to flower tent, but all plans seem to

Only issue is the distance with the LED in the closet or if I put em in my veg tent. So I'm sure my veg tent will stay T5 for awhile but it seems to work well.
It's tomorrow. :battingeyelashes:
Didn't ya's up silly Sue

We posted at the same time and I got called away by a plant I'm harvesting. :kisstwo:

You're gonna like this light Chris. I'm mighty impressed. Now that I'll have two I'm thinking it's time to see how acceptable the daughter'd be about me setting up the 4x4 again with those two lights in it. Her ECS has been incredibly responsive to the cannabinoid therapy she's been on for over a year now, and it might not cause the same anxiety issues, now that she has a better understanding of cannabis and it's true benefits. I could make this work. :laughtwo:

I see tremendous vigor under the lights. I see growth in my entire garden, but in this pink world created by the GROWant GR240 they seem to thrive in a different way, a happier way. It's just so hard to have to wear glasses to work in there. That's the chief thing I like about the COBs, that they don't hurt the eyes, although glasses are strongly recommended if you're spending time under them.

Back to my harvest. I keep getting distracted. :laughtwo: Sticky baby, this Ultra Dawg.

We posted at the same time and I got called away by a plant I'm harvesting. :kisstwo:

You're gonna like this light Chris. I'm mighty impressed. Now that I'll have two I'm thinking it's time to see how acceptable the daughter'd be about me setting up the 4x4 again with those two lights in it. Her ECS has been incredibly responsive to the cannabinoid therapy she's been on for over a year now, and it might not cause the same anxiety issues, now that she has a better understanding of cannabis and it's true benefits. I could make this work. :laughtwo:

I see tremendous vigor under the lights. I see growth in my entire garden, but in this pink world created by the GROWant GR240 they seem to thrive in a different way, a happier way. It's just so hard to have to wear glasses to work in there. That's the chief thing I like about the COBs, that they don't hurt the eyes, although glasses are strongly recommended if you're spending time under them.

Back to my harvest. I keep getting distracted. :laughtwo: Sticky baby, this Ultra Dawg.


You have two???? Oh from the Nug O the Month????

I'm usually not in there too long, just water and gaze at em. I have some HPS glasses I'll maybe use if i spend longer in there

Funny I walk by the hallway and see this glowing RED
Re: Scorpio's Cavalcade Of Horrors With Hempy, Genetics, Perpetual & Much Much More

For working/gazing with LED grow, I turn on a fixture with 4 CFL bulbs I turn on first. Then I turn off the LED light. Do my stuff. The do the reverse steps when done. Been doing that for about 4 grows now. much did your CBD Critical Cure stretch?

Re: Scorpio's Cavalcade Of Horrors With Hempy, Genetics, Perpetual & Much Much Mo

For working/gazing with LED grow, I turn on a fixture with 4 CFL bulbs I turn on first. Then I turn off the LED light. Do my stuff. The do the reverse steps when done. Been doing that for about 4 grows now. much did your CBD Critical Cure stretch?


Great Idea Doom... I have a few Single CFL's I used in past grows, Ill hook one Up...:thumb:

My CBD Critical Cure was part of my F'd up experiment...LOL... Light Timer got hosed up so she re-veged a bit

She didnt streatch a Huge amount prior to that, Not like my Candida and Kilimanjaro are and did, but id say it easily Doubled in size. Its on my Smoke List to evaluate soon, its curing now, couple weeks it should be ready to Test

Fun Fun Fun
It's a relocation day again....

Kilimanjaro is going bonkers, actually both are.


Smaller Kilimanjaro in the back is even taller than the Candida

Candida buds are streatching and filling in great

Dinachem is looking to be recovering, as well as Malawi

Gunna redo the big tent..drop kili girls to the floor and move at least 1 kili from veg to bug tent

I'll get some C99 x Blueberry and Cannatonic pics today soon when I start the shuffle

Fun fun fun

The hallway into the Red light
It's a relocation day again....

Kilimanjaro is going bonkers, actually both are.


Smaller Kilimanjaro in the back is even taller than the Candida

Candida buds are streatching and filling in great

Dinachem is looking to be recovering, as well as Malawi

Gunna redo the big tent..drop kili girls to the floor and move at least 1 kili from veg to bug tent

I'll get some C99 x Blueberry and Cannatonic pics today soon when I start the shuffle

Fun fun fun

The hallway into the Red light

Ooo....I like the looks of your Candida. :high-five:

For spindly branches that refuse to behave and stretch waaaayyyyy beyond control, think bonsai wire. I'm just starting to play with the idea myself, but it's had some promising moments.
Ooo....I like the looks of your Candida. :high-five:

For spindly branches that refuse to behave and stretch waaaayyyyy beyond control, think bonsai wire. I'm just starting to play with the idea myself, but it's had some promising moments.

As long as they are pretty level Im Good, as in all the top Branches, I have had great success with Super Cropping, But dont think the Killy will need it

Still battling the water... keep forgetting to PH my Nute water...LOL... so doing that now
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