Scorpio's Cavalcade Of Horrors With Hempy, Genetics, Perpetual & Much Much More

Hey Van, Dutch Passion keeps coming up a lot lately...I am going to have to check out their website

You can get most of their stuff from either Seedsman or Attitude Seedbank if you are interested. Not sure where you are located or if you can order directly from Dutch Passion based on where you live.
The girls are looking good today, not really any worse, so that's better in my book

Dropped my water down to 5.4-5.8ph and no Calmag for a bit, Gunna start nutes on the one Candida soon.

I may try the last two Solo cup kilamanjaro in soil. Maybe toss em in a 1gal for a bit....still tossing it around

Blueberry us really close, not much Purple, if it's supposed to be, but it is blue

Fun fun fun
The girls are looking good today, not really any worse, so that's better in my book.

Caught me off guard. :rofl:

Chris Scorpio said:
Blueberry us really close, not much Purple, if it's supposed to be, but it is blue

Fun fun fun

Gosh, that's a pretty plant. :dreamy:

I pH to 5.5. Seems to work well. Don't need it anymore with these nutes.
It's incredible the fun of new babies switched to 12/12

Kinda a blahhh day yesterday, so I just opened up the tent and BAM!, Can see the huge new growth of the girls..
Dinachem has grown off the shelf, she needs dropped down. I may try a little LST on her 1st. She is in a 2L Hempy and over 2' tall, she has two nice tops and 4 secondary, like to get them more light.

The Candy girls look great this am, so much bright new growth on them

Malawi is starting to stretch more, she is small than Dinachem for sure but looks nice

Took a peek at the veg tent, think Skunk Candy is outgrown her room. She is really taking off now and pulling on her LST every day, she may go into the big tent soon

Water day and football..... Fun fun fun
Re: Scorpio's Cavalcade Of Horrors With Hempy, Genetics, Perpetual & Much Much More

Oh ya...Jack herrer, Blueberry, WW and a new one

Big bud XXL
Re: Scorpio's Cavalcade Of Horrors With Hempy, Genetics, Perpetual & Much Much More

Oh ya...Jack herrer, Blueberry, WW and a new one

Big bud XXL

Really??? 2 of them? Replace the Amnesia OG I guess huh?
We should get our ACDC soon, week or two

Yeah I know....was talking with Ms Stank about that last night. I am also waiting on my decarb machine (Nova) to come in as well. I am all about making my work easier.
Let me know on the Nova... debating on one myself

U haven't done oils have u

I made some about a week ago. I had the wrong lecithin (had powdered, not liquid) so I added lecithin Saturday and cooked for about 10-15 mins to add the lecithin and put it in the fridge for 24 hours. Took it out this afternoon. Did one batch with coconut oil and Durban Poison trim, and did one batch with Blue Kush trim in olive oil. Haven't tried it yet.
I made some about a week ago. I had the wrong lecithin (had powdered, not liquid) so I added lecithin Saturday and cooked for about 10-15 mins to add the lecithin and put it in the fridge for 24 hours. Took it out this afternoon. Did one batch with coconut oil and Durban Poison trim, and did one batch with Blue Kush trim in olive oil. Haven't tried it yet.

We'll try it.......I like the oil buzz much better than smoking
We'll try it.......I like the oil buzz much better than smoking

Well I wanted to get the lecithin in there first. I will try it later tonight. And I did get a new package in the mail today....all stealthy like! I bought 24 seeds total, and received 26 freebies.....gotta love seedsman!!!
Well I wanted to get the lecithin in there first. I will try it later tonight. And I did get a new package in the mail today....all stealthy like! I bought 24 seeds total, and received 26 freebies.....gotta love seedsman!!!
Anything fun??
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