Scorpio's Cavalcade Of Horrors With Hempy, Genetics, Perpetual & Much Much More

Need to get motivated today. Had some tummy issues over the weekend, should be Backpacking right now but just didn't work out

Lots of reading and edumacation ta do today

Water and flush the girls, Osmo+ is causing some issues with the new girls in flower, so need to look into it a bit more

The 4 baby kilamanjaro need up potted... One is looking indica ish, kinda strange... Gunna top 3 today also

Fun fun fun
Scorpio's Cavalcade Of Horrors With Hempy, Genetics, Perpetual & Much Much More

Hey Scorpio, not sure if I've piped up here before - been lurking .. So hi! .. I'm enjoying your garden. The CBD CC buds are awesome! I'm getting ready to run one outdoors - got some aspirations for it now inspired by yours!!

I'm curious to hear more about the osmo+ issues you think are going on. I am thinking of some osmo+ hempy adventures for my next indoor grow. Won't be till after the outdoor season (which is just getting started here), but I'll never find my way back to this then unless I bookmark it now...

Re: Scorpio's Cavalcade Of Horrors With Hempy, Genetics, Perpetual & Much Much More

Hey Scorpio, not sure if I've piped up here before - been lurking .. So hi! ..

I'm curious to hear more about the osmo+ issues you think are going on. I am thinking of some osmo+ hempy adventures for my next indoor grow. Won't be till after the outdoor season (which is just getting started here), but I'll never find my way back to this then unless I bookmark it now...

Getting more and more leaf issues. Not normal for my past grows

I'm Gunna just run plain RO water, no Calmag, for awhile, have been for a week

I'm not sold that the issue is water, since I've always used the RO water at about a 6.2ph

I'm up potting some kilamanjaro today or tomorrow, I'll do 1 Osmo+ and rest FF nutes.

It is possible the issues are pot size or root related, but I'm seen Teads monsters and the root balls he had and just don't see that as the issue. When I repotted Candida a couple days ago her roots where very bright.

Anyways, thanks for popping in
Need to get motivated today. Had some tummy issues over the weekend, should be Backpacking right now but just didn't work out

Lots of reading and edumacation ta do today

Water and flush the girls, Osmo+ is causing some issues with the new girls in flower, so need to look into it a bit more

The 4 baby kilamanjaro need up potted... One is looking indica ish, kinda strange... Gunna top 3 today also

Fun fun fun

Pictures of the problems would be beneficial to those of us watching and wondering what advice we could offer. :battingeyelashes: :love:

My mom voice said "cut back on the ingestion of meat a bit." :laughtwo: At least until the tummy settles down. Have you tried any capsules? Sorry to hear your mini vacation was put on hold. :hug: Reschedule.
Pictures of the problems would be beneficial to those of us watching and wondering what advice we could offer. :battingeyelashes: :love:

My mom voice said "cut back on the ingestion of meat a bit." :laughtwo: At least until the tummy settles down. Have you tried any capsules? Sorry to hear your mini vacation was put on hold. :hug: Reschedule.
I'll pull some pics again...can't find the post on em I did....

Got a new pH pen to be sure my water is good , seems good still at 6.1ph

Someone mentioned maybe too much Calmag since it's RO water was adding it. So I stopped that completely, flushed the reasivors, a d crossing my fingers

Oooo found the


As far as meat..... pretty sure it's a beer Gunna start working on that..dang football season
Got a bit done today

Got 3 of the kilamanjaro transplanted
Weird, two have wider indica leaves, 3 for sure look Sativa. But I've seen this with Candida where wide leaves turn into narrow ones.

Two white buckets are kilamanjaro, one is nutes, other is Osmo+. I mixed the Osmo evenly this time not in levels like before

Fun fun fun
Hydro dried a blueberry bud, finished today

Gunna test her out

Wish me luck

Ooo.... I wanna hear how it went. I think you have the tolerance level to handle it. :laughtwo:
Ooo.... I wanna hear how it went. I think you have the tolerance level to handle it. :laughtwo:
Van says it's one of his favorite night smokes

I need a powerful THC Strain, crossing my fingers on it since my CKS Purple Kush was an epic fail
I'll pull some pics again...can't find the post on em I did....

Got a new pH pen to be sure my water is good , seems good still at 6.1ph

Someone mentioned maybe too much Calmag since it's RO water was adding it. So I stopped that completely, flushed the reasivors, a d crossing my fingers

Oooo found the


As far as meat..... pretty sure it's a beer �� Gunna start working on that..dang football season

The meat consumption, as much as you enjoy it, stresses the gut flora, which leads to systemic inflammation, including your personality expression. Worth considering as you slip into the years where you'll wish you'd paid closer attention to that community of organisms.

The wisdom of years. :laughtwo:

All of the effected leaves are near the bottom? If that's the case I'd think it's nutrient splash. Other than that, it looks similar to what I expect to happen with my hempies. I lose a few leaves in the bottom tier like these are looking, and the sativas in particular will drop leaves coming up on harvest. Tead mentions this frequently in his journal too.

Your upper growth looks good.
The meat consumption, as much as you enjoy it, stresses the gut flora, which leads to systemic inflammation, including your personality expression. Worth considering as you slip into the years where you'll wish you'd paid closer attention to that community of organisms.

The wisdom of years. :laughtwo:

All of the effected leaves are near the bottom? If that's the case I'd think it's nutrient splash. Other than that, it looks similar to what I expect to happen with my hempies. I lose a few leaves in the bottom tier like these are looking, and the sativas in particular will drop leaves coming up on harvest. Tead mentions this frequently in his journal too.

Your upper growth looks good.

Some leaves are only mid plant like on the Candida

I'm watching it close

No read meat'll die
Van says it's one of his favorite night smokes

I need a powerful THC Strain, crossing my fingers on it since my CKS Purple Kush was an epic fail

The blueberry is very nice. It isn't a ball kicker like some indicas can be, it a very relaxing strain. It doesn't zombify me, lets my mind stay clear while medicated (I can still play my video games well or follow along TV shows and remember them). If you take a hit or two too many, it will let you know that it can kick you in the nuts if you fuck with it. A very enjoyable nighttime strain that works well for pain and good sleep (but won't put you to sleep unless you are ready for it). I think you will like it.
Re: Scorpio's Cavalcade Of Horrors With Hempy, Genetics, Perpetual & Much Much More

So big flush day today

Hit the Candy girls, Malawi and Dinachem
They look better, bit of nute tips now but could be the lights so dropped em all down a bit

Dinachem is streatching like a champ

Skunky mcSkunky is insane, lots of orange hairs now, not really very snowy, but dense as hell

Blueberry, oh my Blueberry, God I love the smell.
Oh the smoke was great, I could actually taste the Blueberry, which I don't usually taste smoke much. The buzz is great, not a total ass kicking, only took 1 hit like 2x, very nice buzz...I need more

The veg tent is going great. The kilamanjaro triplets are looking great

Skunk Candy got some LST today, she is really stretching, and has 4 tops from my FIM

On a very positive note, @SweetSue, my 3 DDAs are all showing purple, deep purple inside, not hairs but I'm assuming leaves
So my trials of Dark Devil may not be over

Fun fun fun
One thing that may work with Hempy Osmo+ is regularly flushing
Siberian Haze Auto was looking pretty ruff, but after two weeks she is looking better

I'll do more flush watering than I was now to be sure the resevour is really changed over
Thanks Scorpio, will keep following along. Looking forward to seeing how it all pans out.
Also, what is the blueberry you're referring to? As in, which particular blueberry strain are you referring to?
I've read a lot about strains recently and the combination of what I like and what I need (not always the same thing .) keeps coming up with blueberry strains, so I'm curious which one it is (and have either missed it earlier in your journal or forgotten).

And I really sympathise with gut issues. I know what it's like when they 'change' your plans! It totally sucks. You've probably had this checked already but might you be cealiac? (Maybe you are & I just don't know). Even if not, my life changed a lot when I went gluten free, and especially wheat free. I don't eat meat myself but I have friends who do that have dealt with gut issues by eliminating gluten as well - and they still happily eat red meat! Haven't eliminated the gut probs completely, but more than 60-70% reduced - which ain't nothin'!

Thanks Scorpio, will keep following along. Looking forward to seeing how it all pans out.
Also, what is the blueberry you're referring to? As in, which particular blueberry strain are you referring to?
I've read a lot about strains recently and the combination of what I like and what I need (not always the same thing .) keeps coming up with blueberry strains, so I'm curious which one it is (and have either missed it earlier in your journal or forgotten).

And I really sympathise with gut issues. I know what it's like when they 'change' your plans! It totally sucks. You've probably had this checked already but might you be cealiac? (Maybe you are & I just don't know). Even if not, my life changed a lot when I went gluten free, and especially wheat free. I don't eat meat myself but I have friends who do that have dealt with gut issues by eliminating gluten as well - and they still happily eat red meat! Haven't eliminated the gut probs completely, but more than 60-70% reduced - which ain't nothin'!


I believe he is referring the Seedsman Blueberry strain that they often give away as freebies. I grew it out and it is my favorite indica. Love the smell, the color, the high. Growing out a clone in my scrog right now.
Thanks Scorpio, will keep following along. Looking forward to seeing how it all pans out.
Also, what is the blueberry you're referring to? As in, which particular blueberry strain are you referring to?
I've read a lot about strains recently and the combination of what I like and what I need (not always the same thing .) keeps coming up with blueberry strains, so I'm curious which one it is (and have either missed it earlier in your journal or forgotten).

And I really sympathise with gut issues. I know what it's like when they 'change' your plans! It totally sucks. You've probably had this checked already but might you be cealiac? (Maybe you are & I just don't know). Even if not, my life changed a lot when I went gluten free, and especially wheat free. I don't eat meat myself but I have friends who do that have dealt with gut issues by eliminating gluten as well - and they still happily eat red meat! Haven't eliminated the gut probs completely, but more than 60-70% reduced - which ain't nothin'!


I believe he is referring the Seedsman Blueberry strain that they often give away as freebies. I grew it out and it is my favorite indica. Love the smell, the color, the high. Growing out a clone in my scrog right now.
Correct... seedsman Blueberry, .y test bud was fantastic so far, Gunna test some more soon

The gut issue I'm pretty sure is beer or stress related. The women in my life are driving me my dog, she is fantastic

I'm hoping Candida perks back up in a few days, I know they havent reached the Hempy resevour yet so any day now they should rocket skyward line Dinachem is

Fun fun fun
I have some Durban Poison from my last grow and I freaking love it. None of the mind trip that Malawi is known for though. Its a great daytime med, lots of energy if you don't over do it and puts you in a great mood
Sadly ive had so many strains with Durban heritage but have never been able to get straight Durban Poison. I'll keep my eye out.

I've seen it grown indoors, I bet a side by side with Malawi would be awesome... Granted not sure the flowering time on Durban Poison but even if staggered I would love to compare a couple of classic sativas...
Sometimes in life there are trials and tribulations ups and downs advancements and setbacks... LOL
Today isn't one of those

I got a new surround sound receiver which I'll be setting up today. Nothing too special mainly for the Bluetooth but it does have a phone app which is kind of cool. It's a 5.2 system I have a 7.1 now but my house has built-in speakers so no way to use the back two.

Big girl water day check on the hempies also maybe transplant the final two Kilimanjaro

Fun fun fun
Sadly ive had so many strains with Durban heritage but have never been able to get straight Durban Poison. I'll keep my eye out.

I've seen it grown indoors, I bet a side by side with Malawi would be awesome... Granted not sure the flowering time on Durban Poison but even if staggered I would love to compare a couple of classic sativas...

Dutch Passion (the Breeder) had the Durban Poison I grew out. It definitely didn't grow as tall as most sativas grow. But the smell and the high are great (at least the pheno I got). I do best with about 2 or 3 hits from the bong, but best to not go over that or it can kind of lose the energetic high and can feel a bit overpowering. I do have to take another hit or two about 2-3 hours later to keep that uplifting and energetic high going. I am going to try and get my hands on different breeders versions of Durban and give them a try. I want to find regular Durban Poison seeds and start looking for a good male.
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