Scorpio's Cavalcade Of Horrors With Hempy, Genetics, Perpetual & Much Much More

Wow.....water day....

When all are in Hempy it takes a bit
Think I started with 8 gal, 3 flower nutes, 3 veg nutes, 2 dbl CalMag water

Skunky mcSkunky getting pulled tomorrow, and checking Siberian Haze for Amber's

Looks like King kili will have spunk any day now. Hopes are high I can still impregnate Candida, I'll try either way

All 4 ACDC are rocking...long leaves... different indeed

GDP getting topped tomorrow, later than normal but the transplant slowed em a bit and forgot to do it before

The kilamanjaro girls are insane, bent one top over this AM and have about 6 more that may need it... It's a good thing when ya get yer girls all bent over for ya...ohhhhh yaaaaaa

Oh and the Carnival Girl got planted today, hope to see her tomorrow

Maybe pics later....never think of it as I'm
That's a killer line up there. Can't wait for the pics! Acdc and carnival are both on my hit list
That's a killer line up there. Can't wait for the pics! Acdc and carnival are both on my hit list
SuperSue talked me into Carnival...

Funny, I'm a indica guy but most of my Strains are sativa

I love the sativa in infused oils

Ya favorite smoke is ACDC, so I have high high hopes for it, and.... Crossed with kilamanjaro

Fun fun fun
Quicky pics

The ACDC babies, long skinny leaves, burnt ends think from the dome on too long
two are about 4 days older than the other two

The GDP are perking up nicely. Transplant slowed em a but, one on left is about 4 days behind the other two
Really excited for these

Candida is doing great.....

The kilamanjaro branch I bent is already reaching to the sky

The full tent.....and all the lanky kili girls
Dude that one has the coolest leaves like pencils! Gonna be sweet to watch grow for sure
Awesome journal Chris! I love the variety u have in your garden and just from reading your journal I can tell your having as much fun as I do growing It's therapeutic! I have tried a dark devil auto grown by sweet sue and it was amazing. I hope yours all give u the effects you are looking for. I'll be here watching if u don't mind!
Awesome journal Chris! I love the variety u have in your garden and just from reading your journal I can tell your having as much fun as I do growing It's therapeutic! I have tried a dark devil auto grown by sweet sue and it was amazing. I hope yours all give u the effects you are looking for. I'll be here watching if u don't mind!

Ya it's a blast...and now with Scorpioenstiens genetics it's even more fun

I'm super excited to finally have a DDA that's Purple, even if I neglected them....but I should get a solid OZ from the two, can't wait to try it

And welcome to my rambling...I do have fun
Your Kilimanjaro look to be way more on the sativa side then the one I had going. I ordered some more seeds so will be giving them a go again in a future grow.

If you plan on getting any more lights check out the quantum boards. Mine will be here for ever.
Your Kilimanjaro look to be way more on the sativa side then the one I had going. I ordered some more seeds so will be giving them a go again in a future grow.

If you plan on getting any more lights check out the quantum boards. Mine will be here for ever.
Mine where tame till flower...then they went bonkers, streatching to the sky

I'll be supercropping more soon, insane plants....

Only the Elephant King is tame...well so far
Re: Scorpio's Cavalcade Of Horrors With Hempy, Genetics, Perpetual & Much Much More

So...was thinking today when I went and looked at the Elephant King....saw the branches of Blueberry hanging brain said OIL!!!!!

8gr of popcorn buds, and then weighed all my drying buds, right at 3oz....saweeet

Pulled about 15gr more and popped it in the oven in a roasting bag

Gunna do 200deg for about 75min ish

Then MB2 With coconut oil at 4hrs, and lecithin...

So some new oil to try tomorrow

Fun fun fun
Definitely want to see how that blueberry oil turns out. I think I will use most of my blueberry to make oil from this one plant I have going. I bet it will be some awesome oil.
Do you make the oil for edible? Or for vaping? I want to make some for both once curing is over with but looks tricky!
Oil for pills or edibles.its easy

Vaping is much different, not a vaper really, but it us a different process for sure but dosent seem to hard, you should investigate it
Oil for pills or edibles.its easy

Vaping is much different, not a vaper really, but it us a different process for sure but dosent seem to hard, you should investigate it

I have, easiest way I've found so far involves pure alcohol+cooking and then mixing oil with PG, then VG. Etc

Will give it a go when I'm at that stage and see how it turns out. I vape anyway as ex smoker, so it's it's my preferred method, although tempted to just buy a dry herb vape pen and skip the whole oil thing lol
Good morning Bud Heads

Some water for The King today, his streatching is in full force

Tried the Blueberry oil yesterday, for sure an indica oil but not like taking two hits, I'll try another one today I think

Gunna pull Skunky mcSkunky today, she looks toast...hope she smokes good

Gunna get pics of Cannatonic and c99x blueberry before they go to the flower tent with the last kili girl

Need too look at Osmo Candy, she looks ruff...good flush today I think

Fun fun fun
Lots done yesterday...let's recap shall we

The Elephant King is showing his spunk


So I gave him a play toy

Pulled a bit of pollen this AM, not enough yet, Gunna use the 1st of it on some Candida probably tomorrow

Cannatonic when into the big tent

So did c99x blueberry

Malawi is looking good, not a huge yield I bet, but smells heavinly

Dinachem is really looking great as well

Little tent is almost empty, just DDA and Siberian Haze, both will be harvested in about a week or so

Big tent is rocking it, skunk got pulled, so we have many stages of flower here

The ACDC kids and the new little Carnival, all looking great

The GDP roots have found the resevour and started to take off and reach for the Stars
I topped em about 3 days ago, they are really moving now


DDA bud porn

Siberian Haze Auto porn
Lots done yesterday...let's recap shall we

The Elephant King is showing his spunk


So I gave him a play toy

Pulled a bit of pollen this AM, not enough yet, Gunna use the 1st of it on some Candida probably tomorrow

Cannatonic when into the big tent

So did c99x blueberry

Malawi is looking good, not a huge yield I bet, but smells heavinly

Dinachem is really looking great as well

Little tent is almost empty, just DDA and Siberian Haze, both will be harvested in about a week or so

Big tent is rocking it, skunk got pulled, so we have many stages of flower here

The ACDC kids and the new little Carnival, all looking great

The GDP roots have found the resevour and started to take off and reach for the Stars
I topped em about 3 days ago, they are really moving now


DDA bud porn

Siberian Haze Auto porn

Look awesome!!! *drooling over those buds .
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