Scorpio's Cavalcade Of Horrors With Hempy, Genetics, Perpetual & Much Much More

Yeah they look like very healthy and mature seeds. I was going through my seed box and I came across some freebies that I got from seedsman....the barney farms promotion where they were giving 1 liberty haze for every barney farm that you purchased. Well as I looked at them I couldn't help but see how light colored they were. Definitely looked like they were harvested prematurely. Wonder if thats what they do....give the early harvest away as freebies. Wouldn't be my way to go.....seems that if you gave people immature seeds of a strain, its not going to turn out well and would impact future potential buys. Seems like you would want to give away really nice and mature seeds. Then if they grow well, that person would be inclined to buy some! But thats just my view of the world brother....and how I would run a promotion.
Scorpio said:
I took those 2 and dropped em in water, lets just see what happens, shall we

Skunk Candy, huh? Nice name Scorpio. :high-five:

I had the same thought Van had about letting them dry in a cool, dry place for a time before planting, but in real life those seeds would drop straight to the soil and go to the business of growing. May they sprout and grow some of the darkest cannabis you've ever tasted. :battingeyelashes:
Skunk Candy, huh? Nice name Scorpio. :high-five:

I had the same thought Van had about letting them dry in a cool, dry place for a time before planting, but in real life those seeds would drop straight to the soil and go to the business of growing. May they sprout and grow some of the darkest cannabis you've ever tasted. :battingeyelashes:
I figure I'll try em and see. It looks like I'll get a lot of seeds, these where two on the outside I could see where ripe, I'd say easy on that one bud area is another 20 or so

I do like Skunk Candy, nice ring to it

Fun fun fun
Re: Scorpio's Cavalcade Of Horrors With Hempy, Genetics, Perpetual & Much Much More


so was checking the germination on 2 DDA seeds this AM

I've had the Kilimanjaro seeds, all 10, in water in two cups for like 6 days....ish, figured what the hell what could it hurt

Guess what I cracked

So I pulled her and placed her in paper towels. Hopes are at a all time HIGH for this seed, and possibly more. Another kinda, maybe, looks promising

Side note:

My replacement order has shipped from seedsman. Perfect timing I'll be harvesting my last DDA, another NO PURPLE, and my Devil Cream, DC was also impregnated by Skunky so she will be interesting

So lots of room soon. I'm Gunna give big Candida a week or so more to see if she packs in more, but doesn't look good. I smoked some I dehydrated yesterday and was impressed, very much like ACDC. I may pull her tomorrow for a photo shoot, see if she is getting close, she has a lot of orange hairs on the new little buds, so not sure really where she is, poor girl gas been through hell...

Fun fun fun
Hey I don't know if you have ever tried scarifying your seeds first. My brother, when growing from seed....puts the see in a little vial with a little bit of sand and shakes it up for about a minute or two. He says doing that will remove a kind of protective coating on the seeds and that will intern increase your germination success rate.

Now I didn't do that on any of the 7 seeds I did and I got 100%, but I will be trying it in the future. If you do those other Kilimanjaro seeds you bought, maybe run an half of them without shaking them and the other half without scarification and see if there is any difference in the germination success rate.
Hey I don't know if you have ever tried scarifying your seeds first. My brother, when growing from seed....puts the see in a little vial with a little bit of sand and shakes it up for about a minute or two. He says doing that will remove a kind of protective coating on the seeds and that will intern increase your germination success rate.

Now I didn't do that on any of the 7 seeds I did and I got 100%, but I will be trying it in the future. If you do those other Kilimanjaro seeds you bought, maybe run an half of them without shaking them and the other half without scarification and see if there is any difference in the germination success rate.

I actually did scarf these after none popped. Rolled up some sandpaper and shook em for a bit, Then put em in water. Not sure it helped, but I will do it with the next Kilimanjaro seeds I get

Yer kilamanjaro seeds are fem, right???
Wonder if yers will have any issues . I'm betting I just had some bad luck

Hope this one grows
I actually did scarf these after none popped. Rolled up some sandpaper and shook em for a bit, Then put em in water. Not sure it helped, but I will do it with the next Kilimanjaro seeds I get

Yer kilamanjaro seeds are fem, right???
Wonder if yers will have any issues . I'm betting I just had some bad luck

Hope this one grows

Yeah they are Feminized seeds. I hope they aren't duds....I only bought three. If I liked them, I was going to look for some regular seeds to try to find a good male for future experiments.
Hey I don't know if you have ever tried scarifying your seeds first. My brother, when growing from seed....puts the see in a little vial with a little bit of sand and shakes it up for about a minute or two. He says doing that will remove a kind of protective coating on the seeds and that will intern increase your germination success rate.

Now I didn't do that on any of the 7 seeds I did and I got 100%, but I will be trying it in the future. If you do those other Kilimanjaro seeds you bought, maybe run an half of them without shaking them and the other half without scarification and see if there is any difference in the germination success rate.

I have also sewn seeds that have to be nicked first as they are so hard...
Yeah they are Feminized seeds. I hope they aren't duds....I only bought three. If I liked them, I was going to look for some regular seeds to try to find a good male for future experiments.
If I get a male, no WHEN I do...I'll hook ya up on some pollen....
I have also sewn seeds that have to be nicked first as they are so hard...
Thinking the pure Sativa kilamanjaro is just that ...hard seeds
I hope to see more cracked seeds tonight....

I emailed World of Seeds, the breeder, 2x and no reply. Maybe they will reply, we shall see
Thinking the pure Sativa kilamanjaro is just that ...hard seeds
I hope to see more cracked seeds tonight....

I emailed World of Seeds, the breeder, 2x and no reply. Maybe they will reply, we shall see

My experience was with GARDEN seeds but it was written on package instructions to nick before trying to germinate. Size of nick would be in relation to size of seed... ..-.
My experience was with GARDEN seeds but it was written on package instructions to nick before trying to germinate. Size of nick would be in relation to size of seed... ..-.
Is nicking like scarfing????

we have tap root on kilamanjaro.....
She will go into her dirt bed in Hempy today. Off ta get some RO water since I'm dry

Still no others have noticably cracked...but optimism us HIGH

Meet kili.......
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