Scorpio's Cavalcade Of Horrors With Hempy, Genetics, Perpetual & Much Much More

Re: Scorpio's Cavalcade Of Horrors With Hempy, Genetics, Perpetual & Much Much More

Went and tucked the big girls to the side of the tent today

Don't see any more stretch after the re-flowering, but they are packing on the buds now

CBD Critical Cure is rocking it big time

The auto tent is thinning out a bit and the Siberian Haze Hempy had to get a little LST today, she is really stretching, at day 28 she just started tossing out hairs a few days ago. This is a favorite strain of my Autos, why I'm growing another one

The Devil Cream and Black Devil will probably come down in a week or so

Transplanted Dinachem into dirt yesterday, she looks better, I'll do Malawi tomorrow

The Candida girls and Skunky are doing great, may leave those in solos for a bit yet

My security guard out back... keeping things in line

So all 10 of my Kilimanjaro seeds didn't germ. They seem real strange.
Seedsman is giving me free replacement seeds, not kilamanjaro but there strains. I also contacted the breeder of kilamanjaro about all 10 bad seeds. These are the 1st outa about 25 , not including these 10, that didn't germ for me, so I'm sure it's the seeds.
Gunna do
C99 x Blueberry fast seeds
Girls scout crack
Cali orange

Also ordered more Kilimanjaro as well as Cannatonic

I figure the BIG tent will start thinning out in about a month and will open up space for some test runs..speed
The Purple Kush (middle top pic) I vegged for 15 days, I think I'll run the next ones about 21-28 get them a bit bushier before I drop em into 12/12

Also will be checking Candida and Green Docs seeds from the Original Skunk#1 I crossed with them on my next water, some looked pretty good last time I checked

Fun fun fun
I love your security guard. By the way, you know what Candida is? Its a yeast infection LOL, not sure I would have named my strain after a bloody yeast infection though.
I love your security guard. By the way, you know what Candida is? Its a yeast infection LOL, not sure I would have named my strain after a bloody yeast infection though.
I know... Google it and it brings up some nasty
I love your security guard. By the way, you know what Candida is? Its a yeast infection LOL, not sure I would have named my strain after a bloody yeast infection though.
Oh and no Mama Thai...only in batches of 10

And check yer PM @VanStank
Good morning BudHeads

Time to water, check seed production on Candida and Doc
Check the new DDAs germination, maybe transplant my Candida seedlings, but will probably wait a bit longer, they may get topped today, we shall see

Security is still on point
Good help is tough to find. Give that guy a raise!!!
Oh....he has lots to me...lots of spiders and buggies trying to hide on my patio
I'm curious as to what about the Kilimanjaro you find so appealing that you'd bother trying again after ten straight duds?
I'm curious as to what about the Kilimanjaro you find so appealing that you'd bother trying again after ten straight duds?
It's an incredible strain. Great for stress, depression, very energetic and a high THC at around 20%, and it's the GF

It's my favorite in pill form

Seedsman is giving me replacement seeds, so that helped, but 10reg seeds is only $24, so I figured the odds of more duds is pretty slim

This pure Sativa x with Candida could be a fantastic strain

So I gotta try again
I have heard fabulous things about that strain as well. And based on how much I love the Durban Poison, seems that it would be a natural fit into the seed collection. I am definitely a Sativa man by choice except for the night time medicine. Though I smoked my ATF at 1am last night and had no problem falling to sleep so the ATF isn't a bad Sativa for late night smokes. I generally prefer indicas for late night smoke.
and...... Here We GO!!!!!!:slide::adore::roorrip:

My 1st FrankenScorpio Genetics

I Give you......

Skunk Candy:party:


@VanStank I checked the Girls for babbies... Candida is looking great....

On this Top, hard to see in the Pic, but the above 2 seeds came from it, Id say easy 20 Seeds in it

I took those 2 and dropped em in water, lets just see what happens, shall we
and...... Here We GO!!!!!!:slide::adore::roorrip:

My 1st FrankenScorpio Genetics

I Give you......

Skunk Candy:party:


@VanStank I checked the Girls for babbies... Candida is looking great....

On this Top, hard to see in the Pic, but the above 2 seeds came from it, Id say easy 20 Seeds in it

I took those 2 and dropped em in water, lets just see what happens, shall we

They say that many seeds will be ready to plant as soon as they crack open, but they also recommend putting them in a cool dry place for a month or two and the percentage of seeds that will be viable goes up greatly. And thanks for the information brother! Congrats on the seeds!!
They say that many seeds will be ready to plant as soon as they crack open, but they also recommend putting them in a cool dry place for a month or two and the percentage of seeds that will be viable goes up greatly. And thanks for the information brother! Congrats on the seeds!!
Figured I'd try these...the one looks sweet

Wish me luck
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